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St. Thome and Royapettah, in the midst of a large heathen population. An additional missionary has been appointed.

[1818.] Bombay. Missionary: John Horner. Appointed to this station, Joseph Fletcher.

A school is opened in which 50 boys are taught Mahratta. Historical and Scripture tracts in Mahratta are in contemplation. The American Missionaries will supply the Scriptures in that tongue. This station gives access to an immense multitude of pagans, and to native Portuguese, even more immoral than the heathen. The number of members in connnexion with the mission was twenty two.




The Missionaries arrived March 22, 1816. After usefully employing themselves six months at Columbo, they settled in the District of Jaffna, in the northern part of the island, where they occupy two stations.

[1816] Tillipally. Missionary: Daniel Poor.

This place is ten miles north of Jaffnapatam. Messrs. Warren and Poor preached here and in adjacent parishes, to congregations varying from 30 to 80. For a particular view of these missions, see the letters and journals published in former numbers of this work.

Batticotta. Missionary Benjamin C. Meigs. This station is six miles N. W. of Jaffnapatam. Mr Richards, who was joined with Mr. Meigs at this station, is probably not living; having left the Cape of Good Hope in a very feeble state Nov. 25, 1818.

Now on their voyage, for Ceylon, four missionaries with their wives, viz. Rev. Miron Winslow, Levi Spaulding, Henry Woodward, and Dr. John Scudder. They sailed from Boston in the Indus, Capt. Wills, June 8th.


[1814.] Amboyna; a Dutch Island 32 miles long by 10 broad, lying off the S. W. coast of the island of Ceram. Missionary: Jabez Carey. On the restoration of Amboyna to the Dutch government, Mr. Carey was allowed to retain the offices which he held under that of the English, as superintendant of Schools and member of the college of justice. His situation has, however, since become more precarious; and it is not improbable, that he may have judged it expedient to return to Bengal. He had acquired a good knowledge of the Malay language, and gained the confidence of the natives.

Two stations are occupied in Ceylon.

[1812.] Columbo. Missionaries: Chater and Seirs. The missionaries preach in Cingalese, Portuguese, and English. The congregations are small, but being in different places, preaching is frequent. Theophilus, a converted Budhist priest, died with the solemn declaration, "my trust is in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ." There were 60 boys in the school.

Galle. Missionary: Thomas Griffiths, who had but lately arrived. Java; a large island between the 6th and 9th degrees of S. Latitude extending nearly in the direction of east and west, 600 miles long by 95 average breadth. The Society has two stations in this island. Batavia and Samarang. Here is a wide field. The people are ignorant and superstitions. Great numbers are Mahomedans, who have among them many priests educated at Mecca.

Batavia, a large city, the capital of the Dutch settlements in the east-forming a parallelogram of 4200 feet by 3000. Inhabitants, included in a circuit of ten miles, about 116,000, a town of 20,000 Chinese close to its walls; proverbially unhealthy. Missionaries: Robinson, and Diering.

Mr. Robinson has labored here several years, and not without encouragement; though many obstacles have occurred. Mr.Diering, who was born at Negapatam, and had removed to Batavia some years since, has lately become an assistant in the mission.

Samarang, a fortified town on the N. E. coast of the island, ranking next in importance to Batavia. Missionaries. Gottlob Bruckner, Joseph Phillips. Mr. Phillips landed at Batavia 1816, and joined Mr. Bruckner, at this place Nov. 9,


The missionaries were also studying the Javanese, which is said to be a difficult language. Mr. Bruckner had a collection of 25,000 words, and yet found new ones in every book that he read.


CEYLON: Stations and Missionaries. Candy, Samuel Lambrick; Galle, Robert Mayo; Manar, Benjamin Ward; Jaffnapatam, Joseph Knight. The Missiona ries left the Downs on board the Vittoria, De. 20, 1817, and reached Ceylon at the end of June, 1818. They met with a very kind reception from all ranks and classes.


[1814.] Amboyna. Missionary: Joseph Kam. Mr. Kam preaches in the church which will contain 1000 persons, both in Dutch and Malay. In 1816 he baptised 200 Mahomedans. Since his arrival, more than 1200 heathens and Mahomedans, have through his instrumentality, professed Christianity. There are said to be 20,000 Christians in Amboyna, and 20,000 Mahomedans, with Chinese and others. The inhabitants have contributed about 1000 to the Bible Society. In the autumn of 1816, Mr. Kam visited the Moluccas. His ministry was joyfully received. In some of the islands the natives destroyed all their idols and a number of houses erected for the worship of the Devil. The people were so eager for instruction, that, on his return to Amboyna, he was obliged to send them manuscript sermons and tracts, not having the means of printing. [1815.] Ceylon. Missionaries: J. D. Palm, W. Reade. Mr. Palm preaches at the Dutch church in Columbo. Mr. Reade superintends a school.


[1814.] Ceylon. Stations and Missionaries. Columbo-W. M. Harvard and Benjamin Clough; Caltura, W. B. Fox; Galle, John M'c Kenny; Matura, and Bellingham, John Calaway; W. A. Lalmon assistant missionary. Negombo, Robert Newstead; Jaffna, T. H. Squance; Point Pedro, Robert Carver; Trincomalee and Batticaloe, George Erskine and Thomas Osborne.

Appointed for this Mission, Alexander Hume, Joseph Roberts, Abraham Stead, Joseph Bott and Samuel Allen. By the returns from 29 schools belonging to these stations it appears that they contain 1558 scholars.


The exertions of Christians to benefit the inhabitants of the South Seas have been greatly impeded by the violent and unprincipled conduct of many European traders towards the natives.


[1815.] Parramatta, a town of New South Wales, about 25 miles W. of Sidney. The Seminary at this place, which is the residence of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, for the instruction of young natives of New Zealand, is likely to subserve in an eminent degree, the plans of the Society with respect to these great islands. January, 1817, there were eleven New Zealanders under instruction, all either chiefs or the sons of chiefs. In 1818, there were 12 under Mr. Marsden's care, some of whom were learning the mechanical arts.

[1816] New Zealand, two large islands in the Great Pacific Ocean, lying E. of New South Wales; the northern island being about 600 miles long, by an average breadth of 150, and the southern not much smaller. John Butler, Missionary. Thomas Kendall, William Carlisle, schoolmasters. William Hall, John King, Charles Gordon, Lay Settlers. On their voyage, Francis Hall, and Samuel Butler, Schoolmasters; James Kemp, Lay Settler.

The Society's settlement is formed at Ranghee-Hoo, in the bay on the north east coast of the two islands. By the last returns there were 70 children in the schools at Ranghee-Hoo, more than 30 of whom had learned to write. The natives begin to discover the value of the establishment, and some of them have visited it from a distance of more than 200 miles.



[1797.] Otaheite, Eimeo, &c. Missionaries: Henry Bicknell, William P. Crook, William Henry, Henry Nott, sailed in the ship Duff, Capt. Jas. Wilson, 1796. John Davies, James Hayward, Samuel Tessier, Charles Wilson, in the Royal Admiral, Capt. W. Wilson, 1800:-William Ellis, L. E. Threlkeld, in the Atlas, Capt. Meriton, Jan. 1816.—Charles Barff, J. M. Orsmond, in the Surrey, Capt. Raine, July 1816.-Robert Bourne, David Darling, George Platt, John Williams, in the Harriet, Capt. Jones, Nov. 1816. John Gyles, cultivator, in the Friendship, Capt. Amet, June 1817.

Remarkable success has attended this mission. Idolatry is abolished in nine islands: viz. Otaheite, Eimeo, Tetaroa, and Tapuamanu; and the four Society Islands, Huaheine, Raiatea, Tahe, and Bora-bora, with Marna. The neighboring islands are beginning to inquire.

There are 67 places of worship at Otaheite, and 20 at Eimeo; and there are now 5000 people reading in their own tongue the wonderful works of God. The profession of Christianity is not partial, but there is a general acknowledgment of Jehovah as the only true God, and of Jesus Christ as the only Savior. Very frequently public worship commences before the usual time, as the people are assembled and waiting.



Dutch Guiana. The Society has four stations in this province; one in the colony of Berbice, and three in that of Demarara. The restoration of these colonies to the Dutch, has in this, as in other parts of the world, thrown many difficulties in the way of missionary labor, on which the British had entered in them.

[1814.] Berbice, a colony on the river of the same name, between Surrinam and Demarara river.

Missionary: John Wray. Mr. Wray having visited England, for the removal of some difficulties, retured to Berbice on the 17th of July. The slaves cordially welcomed him. A chapel is about to be erected.

Demarara, a colony on the river of the same name, which falls into the Essequibo near its mouth, north of the Berbice river.

[1808.] Le Resouvenir. Missionary: John Smith. Mr. Smith succeeded Mr. Wray in 1816, and success has crowned his labors also among the negroes. He has baptised 150 adults. A large chapel is required, toward which object the negroes have contributed 190/.

[1809.] George town. The negroes here have subscribed 60%. and other inhabitants 600/. for building a chapel. Many free colored people, and several hundred slaves attend worship. Many slaves have learned to read the Bible. An Auxiliary Missionary Society has been formed.

West Coast. Missionary: Richard Elliot. Mr. Elliot has had much success. More than 1000 persons have been baptised since he preached here, most of whom were strongly recommended for good behavior.

Two more missionaries are to be sent to this mission, one of whom is to be placed at Mahaica, about 20 miles to windward of George-town.


Dutch Guiana. Missionaries: Blitt, Bueckner, Buettner, Buck, Genth, Graff, Hafa, Langballe, Lutzke, Richter, and Swartz.

At the last returns, the brethren had four stations in this province; viz. Parimaribo, formed in 1735; Somelsdyk in the same year, Good Intent, and one on the river Copename. The two last were established by the brethren, Genth and Hafa.


Demarara. Missionaries: George Bellamy, Matthew M. Thackray.

The congregations are large, and attentive. Many of the negroes cannot obtain permission from their owners to attend. Prejudices are strong, and a vexatious opposition still continues. The slaves are forced into the field on the Lord's day, to prevent them from coming to worship.


Various Societies are taking their share in laboring for the good of the negroes in this Division of the Survey. The United Brethren and Wesleyan Methodists first entered the field, and have made the most extensive exertions. The Brethren have now upwards of 23,000 negroes in their society, and the Wesleyan Methodists more than 19,000. Much opposition has been made in the various islands, to the instruction of the slaves; but the conviction of its advantage, even to the temporal interests of their owners, appears to be increasing.

In surveying the stations under each Society, we proceed from Trinidad northward.


Jamaica. Missionaries: James Coultart, Christopher Kitching, Thomas Godden. The death of Mr. Rowe, the removal of Mr. Compeer, and the illness of Mr. Coultart have retarded the progress of this mission.


Tobago. A Sunday school has been established in this Island, by Lieut. Robert Lugger, who was furnished with school books by the Society.

Barbadoes. Lieut. Robert Lugger, R. A. Correspondent of the Society. This gentleman has greatly exerted himself in the establishment of schools. A "National Charity School" has been opened under the patronage of the Right Hon. Lord Combermere for the education of the free black and colored people, and slaves. It is under the direction of a Committee of 20 free black and colored people; and under the patronage of five clergymen of the island. It is expected that there will soon be 200 or 300 children in the school.

Dominica. Lieut. Lugger furnished a pious officer, going to this island, with some of the school books which had been entrusted to him by the society. A school has since been established on the National system.

Antigua. Four stations: Bethesda. Hope, English Harbor, and Falmouth. Charles Thwaite, superintendant of schools. William Anderson, resident teacher at Bethesda.

There are now five schools containing 841 children, chiefly supported by the Society.


Antigua. Missionary: James Cuttin. Schoolmaster: Thomas Croote.
Nevis. D. G. Davis, Missionary.

Jamaica. Missionaries: James Dawn, John Mac Intire, John Stainsby. The General Assembly of the island allows from 100l. to 2001. currency per ann. to the support of clergymen sent out by the Society.


Trinidad. Thomas Adam, James Mercer. In a journey into the interior Mr. Adam visited a number of negroes, formerly slaves in America, but taken prisoners by the British in the last war. They are emancipated, and have formed ten or twelve villages, where they live happily, and associate for their religious improvement, having received some knowledge of the Gospel in America. The instructions of Mr. Adam were received by them gladly.


[1765.] Barbadoes. Missionaries: J. Nicholas Gansen, J. A. Kaltofen. The brethren's settlement is at Sharon, near Bridgetown. From 1765 to 1817 they baptised 330 adults and 150 children, and admitted 158 to the sacrament. The congregation of Christian negroes amounts to 214, of whom 68 are commu


[1756.] Antigua. Missionaries: Richter, Stobwasser, Newby, Taylor and Ellis. The settlements are four; St. John's, Gracebay, Gracehill, and Newfield. The Assembly of the island have granted the brethren very considerable pecuniary aid. The work is advancing. There has lately been a greater increase of numbers than for several years.

[1774.] St. Christopher's. Missionaries: J. G. Procoft, J. Johansen. The settlement is at Basse Terre, on Cayenne estate. About 2000 negroes

are under the brethren's care.

[1732.] Danish Islands. Missionaries: Glockner, Hohe, Hoyer, Huenerbein, Jessen, Jung, Luhmann, Maehr, Peterson, Sharmeyer, Shaefer, Schaerf, Sievers, and Wied.

In these Islands the Brethren have seven stations. In St. Thomas, NewHernnhut and Nisky. In St. Croix, Friedensberg, and Friedensthal, and Friedensfield. In Jaw, Bethany and Emmaus. In these islands more than 12,000 negroes are under the Brethren's care.

[1754.] Jamaica. Missionaries: John Becker, James Light, Thomas Ward. The Brethren have two settlements in Elizabeth parish, one in Westmoreland parish, and one at Irvine near Montego bay. The congregations increase. The brethren bear an affectionate testimony to their fellow laborers of other denominations.


[1788.] Trinidad. Missionary: Samuel P. Wooley. Restrictions are here laid on the labors of the missionary. Members: Whites 7, Blacks, 241.

Tobago. Missionary: Jonathan Raynar. The Chapel is generally filled. The instruction of the slaves is freely admitted on some estates. Members: Whites 10, Blacks 140.

[1788] Grenada. Missionaries: William Shrewsbury, William Goy.

Six estates are under the care of the missionaries, besides the society in town. The negroes being very ignorant, the most serious of them are formed into classes of Catechumens, 60 in number. There are more than 100 children under instruction. Members: 1 White, Blacks, 195.

[1817] St. Vincents. Missionaries: John Mortier, Samuel Brown, William Ames.

Que gentleman having requested that the negroes on his estate might be instructed, his example has been followed by others. This is regarded as an important opening to the future prosperity of the mission. Members; Whites 10, Blacks, 2585.

Barbadoes. Missionary: Moses Raynar. A new chapel is about to be erected in Bridgetown, to which several gentlemen and ladies have very liberally contributed. A Sunday school of 100 children is established. Members; Whites 10, Blacks, 12.

[1788.] Dominica. Missionary: David Jones. Members: Whites 4, Blacks, 633. [1786.] Antigua. Missionaries: William White, Joseph Maddock. Appointed to this station, Thomas Pennock.

The congregations are generally large and attentive. In St. John's Sunday school, there are about 300 children. Members: Whites, 24; Blacks 3501. [1788] Nevis. Missionary: John Dace. Appointed to this station John Marshall. Members: Whites 18; Blacks, 977.

[1774.] St. Christopher's. Missionaries: William Gilgrass, Joseph Chapman. Appointed to this station: John Hirst.

This mission prospers in some places abundantly; in others, owing in a great measure to the want of more laborers, it is otherwise. Members: Whites 30; Blacks 2179.

St. Eustatia. Missionary: Patrick French. Members: Whites 8, Blacks 274.

(Continued from p. 379.)

Sept. 7. Yesterday preached in Tamul at Batticotta, and united with brother Meigs and the sisters there, in celebrating the ordinance of the Lord's supper. We are earnestly desirous, that the time may come, when churches will be formed at our stations, that this ordinance may be regularly attended to at stated


9. To excite among the people attention to the school, I have this day held a public examination of the boys in the church. The effect appears to have been good, both on the parents and children.

14. On Wednesday last, a boy, whom we have supported a short time on trial, took leave to go and call his parents to attend the examination of the school. VOL. XV.


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