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He did not return, till I sent the schoolmaster to fetch him. It appears that he was detained by his parents, who intended to keep the cloth we had given him. On my threatening to send them to the magistrate, the cloth was returned. This is the second instance of the kind, that has happened since we began to take Doys to be supported by us.

16. Preached in Tamul at Milette. A boy, the son of the principal head man of Milette, who for some time attended the school in that place, received a slight injury from a well pole, when drawing water. On consulting a witch, that is, a woman in whom they say the devil dwells, concerning the cause of the injury, he was told, that it was in consequence of his having learned the Christian catechism at school. The boy has not attended school since.

17. Our infant has been sick several days past. Last night we almost despaired of his life. We are laid under renewed obligations of gratitude to God, as the violence of his disorder has abated, and we have a good hope of his recovery. 20. The meetings at the rest house, which I have constantly attended on the Sabbath, for more than a year past, continue to be interesting. Though the number of the people who attend there at any one time, is not so great as at the morning service in this place; yet, more men have heard the Gospel at the resthouse, than at the church. I have reason to think, that the head men, who have obtained some knowledge of the Christian religion, are more active in supporting heathenism than formerly. They hate the light. Many persons with whom I converse, who are convinced of the superior excellence of Christianity, appear to be sincere in the belief, that if they should adhere to the morality of the Gospel, they should sustain great injury in their temporal affairs. They ask with much confidence, believing that no proper answer can be given to the question, How can we gain a subsistence if we cease to lie, cheat, and deceive, since this is the custom of all? So little do they know, that godliness is profitable for the life that now is, as well as that which is to come.

25. It is reported, that the vessel in which our brethren sailed has arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.

27. For several weeks past more persons than usual have attended our church. But it is a source of grief to us, that we have no good evidence that the word preached is made effectual to the saving conversion of the heathen.

Oct. 7. We have been favored a few weeks past with the company of the Rev. Mr. Knight, missionary from the Church Missionary Society. He is to be stationed at Nillore, about two miles from Jaffnapatam. We have much reason to esteem Mr. Knight as a very valuable acquisition to the missionary cause in this district. He has rendered me some important assistance in my schools, as he is well acquainted with the theory and practice of the Lancasterian system of education. Mr. K. is setting other missionaries a good example; viz. that of acquiring a knowledge of the native language, before his mind is distracted by other concerns.

Sabbath, 11. Brother and sister Meigs spent the Sabbath with us. He preached in Tamul. After sermon we dedicated our infant son, Daniel Warren, to God in baptism. We then attended to the ordinance of the Lord's supper. About 300 natives were present, of whom 30 were females. This is the largest congregation we have seen at the church. The presence of so many idolaters, to witness such ceremonies, and to hear them explained, was truly animating to our souls. It encouraged us to hope, that as God has given us so much favor in the sight of this heathen people, he will, ere long, bless his word which we preach among them, to the saving conversion of some souls.

Oct. 15. The second anniversary of my coming to live at Tillipally. This day received a letter from the Jordan Lodge of Free Masons, Danvers, containing the pleasing intelligence that the members of that fraternity have agreed to furnish me with $30 annually for the support of a heathen boy, to be named Jordan Lodge. Such tokens of friendship and co-operation from my masonic brethren, are most gratefully received, and acknowledged as the genuine fruits of the principles of our fraternity.

16. Received, by a letter from sister Nichols, Bombay, the affecting intelligence, that brother Nichols has been brought to the borders of the grave, by a dangerous sickness. We earnestly hope that it may please God not to diminish our little number at present, while the call for missionaries is so urgent.

Sabbath, 18. This morning preached in Tamul at Mallagum, and at the same time my interpreter read a sermon, and attended to the other parts of the worship at the church here.

20. Sent a letter to the principal bramhun of the celebrated heathen temple in this place. In this letter I explained briefly the object of my coming here, and addressed him on the supposition, that at the day of judgment it will appear that he has exerted his influence in the support of a false religion, while the means of correcting his error were within his reach, and of becoming acquainted with the true and only method which God has revealed to men for obtaining pardon and salvation. Whatever might be his views of the two religions, I urged him to read the New Testament and two small tracts, which accompanied the letter. When my interpreter carried the letter, and told him it was from me; he seemed to be somewhat agitated, and declined receiving either the letter or the books. He at length consented to hear the letter read. He then observed, that he knew his was a vain religion, but as it was the religion of his ancestors, and as he obtained his subsistence by supporting it, he did not wish to examine any other religion. He returned the letter and the books.

21. The Rev. Christian David visited us. In the forenoon he preached at the church. This evening, being our weekly season for prayer, he preached in our verandah.

22. This morning Mr. David preached in my school house at Milette, and in the afternoon at the school house at Mallagum. His visits are always pleasing and profitable to us. He brought his daughter to reside with us, to assist Mrs. Poor in instructing a female school, which for some months past she has been endeavoring to establish.

23. Learn from brother Chater, that two boxes have arrived at Columbo for the "American Missionaries." We trust letters are at hand, which will give us further information on the subject.

Nov. 2. Near our house is a heathen school, which has been taught many years by a man now considerably advanced in age. He has in his school about thirty boys, the children of stout heathens, who would not send them to this place. I have lately several times visited the school, and become acquainted with the master and boys. This evening the master came to make proposals for putting the school under my superintendence. I agreed to give him four rix dollars a month, on condition, that he should instruct 30 boys, and that I should have the direction of their studies. He is doubtless influenced to do this by the hope of obtaining one dollar a month; and the parents consent to it, on condition that they shall make him no compensation for his services. These boys have proceeded further in their studies, than those who have hitherto been received into my schools. This is the eighth school connected with this station. As these schools are in six different parishes, it would be impossible for me properly to superintend them, had I not the assistance of Malleappa, who is at Mallagum, and of my interpreter.

9. Preached at Batticotta, and attended the ordinance of the Lord's supper. We rejoice to learn, that the principal men concerned in the Candyan rebellion have been taken prisoners, and that the war has terminated.

16. This morning ten or twelve persons, from a distant part of the parish of Milette, came to request me to open a school in that part of the parish, saying, that there are many boys there, who have never had any opportunity for receiving instruction. Of late I have had several formal applications from different places to establish schools; but have been unable to attend to them without neglecting other duties. The people appear to be more and more convinced of the sincerity of our professions, and to begin to see the advantages of our schools.

20. This day my interpreter left me, to take up his residence at the schoolhouse at Panditeripo, which I have lately enlarged and prepared for this purpose. At this time my schools are well attended. The whole number of boys in the & schools is nearly four hundred. As the rains have commenced, it is difficult for me to travel any considerable distance. Nicholas, my interpreter, will attend to the school at Panditeripo, and also to one established in an adjacent village. These two schools are the most remote from my station.

Another, and a more important, reason for sending Nicholas to Panditeripo is, that the children in those schools, and the people in that vicinity, may have a better opportunity, especially on the Sabbath, to receive religious instruction.

• One rix-dollar is worth from 25 to 33 cents, according to the rate of exchange.

Nicholas is a native Malabar, belonging to Jaffna. Formerly, he was a reader of songs in a heathen temple. Afterwards, he was about two years in the government school at Jaffnapatam, under the care of the Rev. Christian David. There his attention was seriously turned to the concerns of his soul, and he gives some evidence of real piety. He has continued his studies at this place 15 months, and has served me as an interpreter nearly a year. He appears to have a sincere desire to be useful to the souls of his countrymen. He dresses in the native style, and receives 15 rix dollars a month. Though he is of much service to me here, the welfare of the mission appears to require him to go from me. I hope, by the occasional assistance of him and of Malieappa, to do without an interpreter. I have practised for several months past to read in Tamul on the Sabbath, different parts of the book of Common Prayer. I shall continue to do this, very frequently, and instead of sermons, shall read short formularies of doctrines and duties, and select parts of Scriptures, accompanied with very short explanations. Long texts and short comments appear best adapted to the state of this people. There are many advantages resulting from reading to them the same forms, accompanied with occasional remarks.

Eight girls usually attend our female school during the week, and on the Sabbath about a dozen girls attend, and recite the catechism. About the same number of women attend the church.

This day we have been comforted by the receipt of a letter from Dr. Worcester, dated Jan. 26, 1818. This letter was taken from one of the two boxes, that have recently arrived for us at Columbo. We have cause to think that one package of our letters was lost, viz. that containing the first copy of the annual account of expenditures at this station, and also, a paper specifying the medicines which are wanted at our stations.

We remind our dear sisters and fellow helpers, who contribute to the support of heathen children, that we have nineteen boys connected with our family, who acknowledge us their guardians; yet we see many more of both sexes around us, who have equal claims upon our charity, and to whom we should gladly extend our guardian care, and whose hearts would be rejoiced to hear the tale concerning their benefactors, who reside in a far distant country.

Nov. 26. We are yet in a state of anxiety and suspense, concerning our absent brethren. Seven months have elapsed since their departure, and we have received no intelligence from them.




"THE Swift though silent lapse of Time has brought to its crisis the fifth year of the existence of the Leeds Church Missionary Association, and on this your fifth annual meeting you are again assembled to require of your Committee the result of their labors and of your liberality.

"It seems but as yesterday that we met on our last anniversary occasion.—The year whose termination we commemorate has glided almost unperceived away.But, it should sink deep into the heart of every one of us, that not with the same responsibilities under which we hailed its commencement, are we spared to behold its conclusion-a year with its means of improvement, with its opportunities of usefulness, is gone for ever, and at our hands will a just and righteous God require them.

"Nor has this year passed over us altogether unmarked by event, or unvaried by circumstance, even in the comparatively contracted sphere of your Society's influence. The iron pen of Death has for ever erased from its records the names of some of its supporters, and we may fear that upon others, who wrought not whilst it was day, the night has come suddenly in which no man can work. "But when we look abroad into the heathen world, and behold the multitudes who in this period have been summoned to the bar of an offended God, and who never knew Him, without whom no man cometh unto the Father; we shudder at the reflection that a time may come in which they shall rise as swift witnesses against us-that at the great day of account some of that multitude may trace with loud upbraidings the till then inexplicable maze of providence, to show us

that had our exertions been more sincere, and our devotion to the missionary cause more simple, they had not perished.

"From our prayers and our endeavors these are for ever removed; the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and they are not saved.-But let it be remembered that the coming year will afford renewed opportunities, and will pass with the same swiftness: "Whatsoever, then, thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no work, or device, or knowledge, or wisdom in the grave whither thou goest."

"However, that indolence or inactivity has characterized the proceedings ofthe Church Missionary Society, or its auxiliaries, during the past year, your Committee is far from insinuating."

[After glancing at the important operations of the Society in the Mediterranean, in the North and Southern districts of the British empire in India, in Ceylon, and in Au stralasia,-the Committee in speaking of Western Africa thus cursorily mention the frightful evils of the Slave trade.]

"In West Africa your Society has again to contend with all the horrors of the Slave Trade. The wave which the recent countenance of some of the European Powers to this traffic first excited, has at length broken with dreadful violence upon these devoted shores, and the Banks of the Rio Pongas and the Gambia again re-echo to the yell of intestine war, the curse of the slave driver, and the shriek of the victim. Amid these tumults the feeble voice of the Missionary is soon overpowered; nevertheless, though the good tidings they had to communicate were unheard or disregarded-their characters calumniated their property destroyed-and their lives endangered-long did your self-denying and devoted servants endure patiently, returning prayer for injury, and blessing for cursing. But between mild expostulation and brutal violence the conflict must quickly terminate. Canoffee, a station which had been formed at the expense of many valuable lives and of much sacred property, has in the course of the present year been abandoned. From Sierra Leone, however, from Free town, and from other stations of the Institution in this quarter, accounts of a favorable and encouraging nature continue to be received.

"Having thus discharged their painful duty in communicating these evil tidings, your Committee would suggest to every friend of Missions, the propriety of fervent and unceasing prayer to the Supreme Disposer of events; that this bane of Africa may at length be encountered by the Sword of his Spirit, and that the bread cast upon these troubled waters may be found after many days.

"In conclusion your Committee would call your attention to the character of the times in which we live. The Lord hath indeed shaken all nations,-men are looking for the great things that shall happen upon the earth.-Prophecy after prophecy is hastening to its fulfilment, and the awful conflicts and ineffable glories of the latter day seem pressing upon us. At that blessed period, when from the uttermost parts of the earth are heard songs, even glory to the righteous, shall we sit in the dust under the consciousness that these songs of gratitude belong not to us, and cry with the unfruitful daughter of Zion, "My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me?"-And if our hands now be slack to the help of the Lord, and our labors now be tardy and reluctant for this his cause in the world, shall not we be ashamed when he shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his Ancients, gloriously?-Would that the resolution of the Prophet were engraven on every heart, were the soul of every prayer, and the nerve of every endeavor: "for Zion's sake wili I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth." "


This very important National Institution held its third annual meeting in New-York on the 15th of May last. The numerous articles which crowded upon our notice have hitherto prevented an insertion of any part of the Report of this Society in our pages. We now give a brief abstract of the most considerable facts it contains, retaining the language of the Report whenever our limits would allow.

THE Society now possesses the following sets of stereotype plates, of the descriptions specified: viz.

For the whole Bible in the English language.

Three sets of octavo size,

One set of duodecimo size in Brevier type, and
Three sets of Duodecimo size in Minion type.

For the Scriptures of the New Testament in English.

One set of duodecimo size in Bourgeois type.

One set of types for the whole Bible in the French language, which were sent out by the British and Foreign Bible Society.

One set of plates for the New Testament in Spanish; making in the whole eight sets of stereotype plates for the whole Bible, and two sets for the New Testament.

One of the sets for the whole Bible, of the duodecimo size in Minion type has been placed at Lexington, Ken. in the care of the Kentucky Bible Society, from which an edition of two thousand copies has been printed. A set of the octavo size is to be forwarded to the same Society.

During the last year, there have been printed for the Society 47,320 copies of the Bible, and 24,000 copies of the New Testament, which, together with the 29,500 copies printed in the two former years, makes a total of 100,820 copies. This number does not include the 2,000 copies printed at Lexington, nor any of the Bibles in Gaelic, German, Welsh, and French, mentioned in the last report as amounting to 2,450, and which have been sufficient to meet the demand for the Scriptures in those languages, until the present time. "The whole of the abovementioned making a total of 105,270 Bibles and Testaments, either obtained for circulation by the American Bible Society, or issued from its presses in the first three years of its existence." "The present printing establishment is sufficient to furnish an average amount of 100,000 Bibles and Testaments annually."

One thousand copies of the Gospel of John have been printed in the Mohawk language, and the same number of copies of the epistles of John in the Delaware. When approved versions can be obtained, the Board intend to furnish the whole or most of the Bible to the Indians in their native dialect.

Of the epistles in the Delaware language 140 copies were transmitted to the Rev. Mr. Leukenback, in the state of Ohio, to be distributed among the Indians of his pastoral charge, and others within his reach. Three hundred copies of the epistles of John were sent to the Rev. Mr. Dencke of New-Fairfield, Upper-Canada, for the Indians among whom he labors. In both places the gift was highly acceptable. The two gentlemen abovementioned are United Brethren, or Moravians, and have labored earnestly for several years for the conversion of the Indians.

Besides the copies sent to Auxiliaries for which they pay, 2,862 Bibles, and 680 Testaments, have been presented to Auxiliary societies in those places considered most destitute, and where the immediate call for supply was most urgent.

The number of Bibles issued from the depository in the past year is 23,870. and of New Testaments 7, 248; and the total number issued by the Society, since its formation, is, Fifty five thousand one hundred and twenty-two Bibles and Testaments.

"The only reason why more has not been done in the gratuitous distribution of the Scriptures, has arisen from the pressing calls of the Auxiliaries, whose orders for the purchase of Bibles the Board have thought it but just to answer promptly as possible; and whether the Scriptures shall come to the needy as a gift immediately from the Parent institution, or from its Auxiliaries, it amounts to the same thing in the end-"The Word of the Lord has free course, and is glorified." The Board are happy to be able to state, that wherever they have sent the Sacred Volume, whether as a donation, or in return for funds remitted to them, it has been received with thankfulness; and the Auxiliaries, far from being divided from each other or from the Parent Institution by any local jealousy, seem to vie with each other in hailing the prosperity of the American Bible Society, as a token for good to the whole land. The time has now come when they can reap every expected advantage from the relation they have so fondly cherished. The ability of the Parent Institution is such, that it can meet the demands of its present Auxiliaries promptly and fully."

"The whole number of Auxiliaries now officially known and recognized, is One Hundred and Ninety-four." Of these thirty-seven have been added within the last year,

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