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with the brethren.

I. Corinthians.

Of marriage.

why do ye not rather take wrong?|fornication sinneth against his why do ye not rather suffer your-own body.

selves to be defrauded?

19 What! know ye not that 8 Nay, ye do wrong, and de- your body is the temple of the fraud, and that your brethren. Holy Ghost which is in you, 9 Know ye not that the unright-which ye have of God, and ye are cous shall not inherit the kingdom not your own?

of God? Be not deceived: nei- 20 For ye are bought with a ther fornicators, nor idolaters, price: therefore glorify God in nor adulterers, nor effeminate, your body, and in your spirit, nor abusers of themselves with which are God's.


CHAP. VII. 13 Nor thieves, nor covetous, Exhortations to purity. nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor OW

extortioners, shall inherit the Nhe concerning the things

kingdom of God.

whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch

11 And such were some of you: a woman. but ye are washed, but ye are 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornisanctified, but ye are justified, in cation, let every man have his the name of the Lord Jesus, and own wife, and let every woman by the Spirit of our God. have her own husband.

12 All things are lawful unto 3 Let the husband render unto me, but all things are not expedi- the wife due benevolence: and ent: all things are lawful for me, likewise also the wife unto the but I will not be brought under husband.

the power of any.

4 The wife hath not power of 13 Meats for the belly, and the her own body, but the husband; belly for meats: but God shall and likewise also the husband destroy both it and them. Now, hath not power of his own body, the body is not for fornication, but the wife.

but for the Lord, and the Lord 5 Defraud ye not one the other, for the body. except it be with consent for a 14 And God hath both raised time, that ye may give yourselves. up the Lord, and will also raise to fasting and prayer; and come up us by his own power. together again, that Satan tempt

15 Know ye not that your bo-you not for your incontinency. dies are the members of Christ? 6 But I speak this by permissishall I then take the members of on, and not of commandment. Christ and make them the mem- 7 For I would that all men were bers of an hariot? God forbid. even as I myself; but every man 16 What! know ye not, that hath his proper gift of God, one he which is joined to an harlot is after this manner, and another af one body? for two (saith he) ter that.

shall be one flesh.

8 I say, therefore, to the un17 But he that is joined unto married and widows, It is good the Lord is one spirit. for them if they abide even as 1. 18 Flee fornication. Every sin 9 But if they cannot contain, that a man doeth is without the let them marry: for it is better to body; but he that committeth marry than to burn.

Of incontinency, Chap. vii. and virginity. 10 And unto the married I 21 Art thou called being a sercommand, yet not I, but the vant? care not for it: but if thou Lord, Let not the wife depart mayest be made free, use it rafrom her husband: ther.

11 But and if she depart, let 22 For he that is called in the her remain unmarried, or be re-Lord, being a servant, is the conciled to her husband; and let Lord's free man: likewise also he' not the husband put away his wife. that is called, being free, is Christ's 12 But to the rest speak I, not servant.

the Lord; If any brother hath a 23 Ye are bought with a price; wife that believeth not, and she be not ye the servants of men. be pleased to dwell with him, let 24 Brethren, let every man him not put her away. wherein he is called, therein abide

13 And the woman which hath with God. an husband that believeth not, 25 Now, concerning virgins, I and if he be pleased to dwell with have no commandment of the her, let her not leave him. Lord, yet I give my judgment, as

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14 For the unbelieving husband one that hath obtained mercy of is sanctified by the wife, and the the Lord to be faithful. unbelieving wife is sanctified by 26 I suppose, therefore, that the husband; else were your chil-this is good for the present disdren unclean; but now are they tress; I say, that it is good for a holy. man so to be.

27 Art thou bound unto a wife?

15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother seek not to be loosed. Art thou or a sister is not under bondage in loosed from a wife? seek not a such cases: but God hath called wife.

us to peace.

28 But and if thou marry, thou

16 For what knowest thou, O hast not sinned; and if a virgin wife, whether thou shalt save thy marry, she hath not sinned: nehusband? or how knowest thou, vertheless, such shall have trouble O man, whether thou shalt save in the flesh; but I spare you.

thy wife?

29 But this I say, brethren, the 17 But as God hath distributed time is short. It remaineth, that to every man, as the Lord hath both they that have wives, be as called every one, so let him though they had none; walk and so ordain I in all 30 And they that weep, as churches. though they wept not; and they 18 Is any man called being cir- that rejoice, as though they recumcised? let him not become joiced not; and they that buy, as uncircumcised; is any called in though they possessed not; uncircumcision? let him not become circumcised.

31 And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion 19 Circumcision is nothing, and of this world passeth away. uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments out carefulness. He that is unof God. married, careth for the things

32 But I would have you with

20 Let every man abide in the that belong to the Lord, how he same calling wherein he was called. may please the Lord;

Of virginity.

Chap. viii. Of meats offered to idols.

33 But he that is married, car- 2 And if any man think that he eth for the things that are of the knoweth any thing, he knoweth world, how he may please his wife. nothing yet as he ought to know.

34 There is difference also be- 3 But if any man love God, the tween a wife and a virgin. The same is known of him. unmarried woman careth for the 4 As concerning therefore the things of the Lord, that she may eating of those things that are offbe holy, both in body and in spi-ered in sacrifice unto idols, we rit: but she that is married, ca- know that an idol is nothing in the reth for the things of the world, world, and that there is none other how she may please her husband. God but one.


35 And this I speak for your 5 For though there be that are own profit; not that I may cast alcalled gods, whether in heaven or snare upon you, but for that which in earth; (as there be gods many, is comely, and that ye may attend and lords many;) upon the Lord without distracti- 6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, 36 But if any man think that he and we in him; and one Lord behaveth himself uncomely tow-Jesus Christ, by whom are all ard his virgin, if she pass the things, and we by him. flower of her age, and need so re- 7 Howbeit, there is not in every quire, let him do what he will, he man that knowledge: for some, sinneth not; let them marry. with conscience of the idol, unto

37 Nevertheless, he that stand-this hour, eat it as a thing offered eth stedfast in his heart, having unto an idol; and their conscino necessity, but hath powerlence being weak is defiled. over his own will, and hath so 8 But meat commendeth us not decreed in his heart that he will to God: for neither, if we eat, keep his virgin, doeth well. are we the better; neither, if we 38 So then, he that giveth her eat not, are we the worse. in marriage doeth well; but he 9 But take heed, lest by any that giveth ber not in marriage do-means this liberty of yours beeth better. come a stumbling-block to them

39 The wife is bound by the that are weak. law as long as her husband liveth: 10 For if any man see thee but if her husband be dead, she which hast knowledge, sit at meat is at liberty to be married to whom in the idol's temple, shall not the she will; only in the Lord.

40 But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.


Not to abuse our christian liberty.


conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;

11 And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?

12 But when ye sin so against TOW, as touching things off-the brethren, and wound their ered unto idols, we know weak conscience, ye sin against that we all have knowledge. Christ.

Knowledge puffeth up, but charity 13 Wherefore, if meat make edifieth. my brother to offend, I will eat G g

Paul sheweth his liberty. I. Corinthians. The true ministers.

no flesh while the world standeth, things, lest we should hinder hte lest I make my brother to offend. gospel of Christ.


Ministers to live by the gospel.

13 Do ye not know, that they which minister about holy things

At not an apostle, am live of the things of the temple?

not free? have I not seen and they which wait at the altar Jesus Christ our Lord? are not are partakers with the altar? ye my work in the Lord? 14 Even so hath the Lord or

2 If I be not an apostle untoldained, that they which preach others, yet doubtless I am to you: the gospel should live of the gosfor the seal of mine apostleship are pel. ye in the Lord.

15 But I have used none of

3 Mine answer to them that do these things; neither have I writexamine me is this; ten these things that it should be

4 Have we not power to eat and so done unto me: for it were betto drink? ter for me to die, than that any 3 Have we not power to lead a-man should make my glorying bout a sister, a wife, as well as void.

other apostles, and as the brethren 16 For though I preach the gosof the Lord, and Cephas? pel, I have nothing to glory of: 6 Or I only and Barnabas, have for necessity is laid upon me; yea, not we power to forbear working? woe is unto me if I preach not the 7 Who goeth a warfare any gospel.

time at his own charges? who 17 For if I do this thing willingplanteth a vineyard, and eatethly, I have a reward: but if against not of the fruit thereof? or who my will, a dispensation of the gosfeedeth a flock, and eateth not of pel is committed unto me.

the milk of the flock?

18 What is my reward then? 8 Say I these things as a man? Verily that, when I preach the or saith not the law the same also? gospel, I may make the gospel of 9 For it is written in the law of Christ without charge, that I aMoses, Thou shalt not muzzle buse not my power in the gospel. the mouth of the ox that treadeth 19 For though I be free from out the corn. Doth God take all men, yet have I made myself care for oxen? servant unto all, that I might gain

10 Or saith he it altogether for the more. our sakes? For our sakes, no 20 And unto the Jews I became doubt, this is written: that he as a Jew, that I might gain the that ploweth should plow in hope; Jews; to them that are under the and that he that thresheth in hope law, as under the law, that I should be partaker of his hope. might gain them that are under 11 If we have sown unto you the law;

spiritual things, is it a great thing 21 To them that are without if we shall reap your carnal law, as without law, (being not things? without law to God, but under

12 If others be partakers of this the law to Christ,) that I might power over you, are not we ra- gain them that are without law. ther? nevertheless we have not 22 To the weak became I as used this power; but suffer all weak, that I might gain the weak:

The Fews

Chap. x.

our examples. I am made all things to all men, were some of them; as it is writthat I might by all means save ten, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.


8 Neither let us commit forni

23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker cation as some of them committhereof with you. ted, and fell in one day three and

24 Know ye not, that they twenty thousand. which run in a race, run all, but one 9 Neither let us tempt Christ, receiveth the prize? So run that as some of them also tempted, ye may obtain. and were destroyed of serpents. 25 And every man that striveth 10 Neither murmur ye, as for the mastery is temperate in all some of them also murmured, and things. Now, they do it to obtain were destroyed of the destroyer, a corruptible crown, but we an 11 Now all these things happenincorruptible. ed unto them for ensamples; and 26 I therefore so run, not as un- they are written for our admoniticertainly; so fight I, not as one on, upon whom the ends of the that beateth the air : world are come.

27 But I keep under my body, 12 Wherefore, let him that and bring it into subjection; lest thinketh he standeth, take heed that by any means, when I have lest he fall.

preached to others, I myself 13 There hath no temptation should be a cast-away.


Of the fews' sacraments.

taken you, but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be

Mwould not that ye should be but

will with the temptation also ignorant, how that all our fathers make a way to escape, that ye were under the cloud, and all pas- may be able to bear it.

OREOVER, brethren, I tempted above that ye are able;

sed through the sea;

14 Wherefore, my dearly belo

2 And were all baptized unto ved, flee from idolatry. Moses in the cloud, and in the


3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;

15 I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say.

16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communi4 And did all drink the same on of the blood of Christ? the spiritual drink: (for they drank bread which we break, is it not of that spiritual Rock that follow-the communion of the body of ed them; and that Rock was Christ?

Christ :) 17 For we being many, are one 5 But with many of them God bread, and one body; for we are was not well pleased; for they all partakers of that one bread. were overthrown in the wilder- 18 Behold Israel after the flesh :are not they which eat of the sa


6 Now these things were our crifices partakers of the altar? examples, to the intent we should 19 What say I then? that the not lust after evil things, as they idol is any thing? or that which is also lusted. offered in sacrifice to idols is any

7 Neither be ye idolaters, as thing?

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