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at our household cares, to come to the day's close without a break of that hand-clasp, and then to sleep as beneath the shadow of His wings-what a day that would be!

And if a lifetime were spent thus in the secret of His presence, what a life that would be! The biography of Enoch is written in this brief monograph, "He walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." Up the steep paths of toil and suffering he climbed in that sweet fellowship, until he crossed the summit of the hills. His friends wept, saying, "Enoch is dead." But Enoch was not dead. He had simply gone on and passed more fully into the great secret.

Forever with the Lord!

Amen, so let it be;

Life from the dead is in that word;
'Tis immortality.

So shall we dwell with the Lord forever. We shall be in that conscious, abiding, and delectable presence, of which it is written, "In thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.' This is the blessedness of heaven; to practise, forever and forever, the presence of God.


Gold! gold! gold! gold!

Bright and yellow, hard and cold,

Molten, graven, hammered, and rolled;

Heavy to get and light to hold;

Hoarded, bartered, bought, and sold;
Stolen, borrowed, squandered, doled;

Spurned by the young, but hugged by the old
To the very verge of the church-yard mold;
Price of many a crime untold;

Gold! gold! gold! gold!

Good or bad a thousandfold;

How widely its agencies vary—

To save, to ruin, to curse, to bless—

As even its minted coins express,

Now stamp'd with the image of good Queen Bess,

And now of a Bloody Mary.

HOOD, Miss Kilmansegg, Her Moral.


Chapter XXI


In which there are Recommendations

as to Places of Safe Deposit

STOOD recently at the foot of the statue of Washington in front of the Sub-Treasury in Wall street, and watched a "run on the bank. A long line of depositors awaited their turn. Here and there a touch of humor broke the misery of the situation; but for the most part the faces were eloquent of care and anxiety. For these people had laid up their treasure in depositories which were supposedly secured by the word "Trust" over their doorways; yet distrust was in every heart.

How to get money? And how to keep it? Those are the world's great problems. For years the people have been absorbed in the getting of it. And they have got it. There is plenty of money. You may not have all you would like, but there is plenty of it. On a sudden there is a flurry in the market-place; and the question is no longer how to get it, but how to keep it.

If the Lord were to come to New York, and stand on the steps of the Sub-Treasury, where I stood the other day, I think he would answer that question in these words, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for

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