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was unnecessary; and he only put in his claim to have themeans of procuring information as to the existing regula tions, and of judging how far amendment was required, and of what nature it ought to be. He was told that one description of pilots were appointed by the lord warden,' and another by the Trinity-house; and that they were amenable to different tribunals. In what situation was he then, who did not know what provisions already existed for securing the competency of pilots, to judge of the particulars of this bill?

A conversation then took place as to the manner in which the pilots were appointed.

Mr. Tierney asked whether they were not appointed by the lord warden (who no doubt had some previous information as to their qualifications), attended by five superannuated pilots? This, of course, must be a source of patronage to the lord warden. He subsequently stated that he had no objection to the increase of the number; his objection went to the additional patronage which the lord warden would acquire. He suggested a remedy, which, he supposed, might satisfy all parties; and that was, that the additional pilots should, like revenue officers, be excluded from voting for members of parlia ment.

Mr. Jackson said that the mode of appointment was by an application to his colleague, who recommended such as be judged capable to the lord warden.

Mr. Jenkinson observed, that persons were recommended to him by the admirals on the station as fit per sons, and that he recommended them to the lord warden. But how would all this affect the votes at Dover? His honourable colleague had talked much of the independ ance of Dover; but how was the independance of a place having about 1810 voters, to be hurt by the addition of about six y?

Sir William Curtis said, that the lord warden had every disposition to accommodate the merchants, and wanted no patronage. But whether the appointment was to be in the lord warden or the Trinity house, he cared not. What he wanted was an increase of the number. He himself was in a great corporation (a laugh) that particularly felt the necessity for this increase.

Mr. Huskisson observed that the appointment was in the lord warden and other officers, forming a court con

stituted by charter, and the committee ought to take care that a strong case be made out before they altered the chartered right. The competency of those appointed was proved, from their being always preferred by the officers of king's ships. He also stated, that the election of pilots was not always from among the freemen of Dover. After some observations from Mr. Kenrick, Sir Charles Pole, and Mr. Rose, the house resumed; the report was received; the bill ordered to be printed, and the further consideration ordered for this day se'nnight.

The Speaker mentioned that there was a ballot to-mor


Sir Arthur Wellesley moved for a committee to consider certain papers respecting Holyhead harbour. Ordered.

The committal of ths Dean and New forests bill was postponed till Friday, and the bill, on the suggestion of Mr. Hibbert, ordered to be printed in the mean time.

Sir William Curtis gave notice that, on Wednesday, he would make a proposition respecting the power of the lord warden of the cinque ports in appointing pilots.

The duchess of Brunswick's annuity bill was committed. Report to-morrow.

The military commissioners bill was committed. Report to-morrow.

Mr. Huskisson was sorry that an honourable gentleman (Mr. Lushington), who was to bring forward a motion on the subject of the Etrusco, was not in his place. The gallant officer whose character was much involved in that affair, could not attend to-morrow, and he therefore wished the business to be put off to another day.

After a few words from Mr. Ponsonby, respecting the perpetual delays, it was agreed that, subject to the discretion of the honourable member who was absent, the motion should stand for Friday.

Mr. Rose gave notice that to-morrow he would move that the house should go into a committee to consider of the encouragement and regulation of the white herring fishery.

He then moved for leave to bring in a bill, to provide that ships captured by the enemy, and again becoming the property of British subjects, should not be entitled to the privilege of British ships. Leave given.

The report of the British militia services bill was fur

ther considered, and the bill ordered to be read a third

time to-morrow.

The law instrument bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed on Thursday.

The following sums were voted in a committee of supply:

Army extraordinaries from the 24th

of December 1806, to the 24th of December 1807, not made good by parliament

[ocr errors]

Army extraordinaries for 1808

Army extraordinaries for Ireland for

Repairing Henry the Seventh's chapel
Report to-morrow.

.147,179 15 0 2,850,000.00

500,000 0 0

1,000 0 0

The committal of the land-tax commissioners bill was deferred till this day se'nnight.

The Scotch hare-shooting bill was read a second time, and committed for to-morr›w.

The orders of council bills amendment bill was brought up, read a first, and ordered to be read a second time on Wednesday.

The copper duty bill was reported, and recommitted for to-morrow.

Mr. Huskisson gave notice that to-morrow he would move for leave to bring in a bill to enable the commissioners for auditing public accounts, finally to pass accounts audited by former commissioners, without a re-examination.


Mr. Coke presented a petition from the land-owners and occupiers of land in Norfolk, against the sugar dis


Colonel Bullock presented a petition from certain land owners and occupiers of land, in the neighbourhood of Colchester, against the sugar distillation.

Admiral Harvey presented a petition from the owners and occupiers of land in the neighbourhood of Rumford, in Essex, against the sugar distillation. All referred to

the committee.

Lord Binning moved, that the house should go into a committee on the report of the West Indian committee. Mr. Coke could not let slip any opportunity of oppos

ing a measure so mischievous as he considered the present to be. The object of the committee had been, to point out a mode of relief for the West Indian planters; but now the ground was shifted, and the sugar distillation was recom mended as necessary in the actual state of the country, He reflected with the highest pleasure upon the speech of the Irish chancellor of the exchequer upon this subject; a more solid, a more constitutional speech, could not have been delivered; he thanked him for it, and was convinced he deserved the thanks of his country. The ground on which the English chancellor of the exchequer argued the case for the substitution was, that the price. of corn was high, and that there were apprehensions of a scarcity. Both these propositions he denied. The present price of corn was no more than a remuneration to the farmer, considering the failure of the beans. There was no scarcity, nor any ground of apprehension of a scarcity; then why was such a proposition held out, and a needless aların created? If the landed interest were left to themselves, they would be able to supply the country, and save the money expended for foreign corn. It had been well observed, that till the interference of government with the corn laws, we had always been an exporting country; but when that interference took place, we began to import. It was the duty of the chancellor of the exchequer therefore to give every encouragement to the landed interest, instead of supporting a proposition injurious to them. The honourable men ber then referred to several parts of the evidence in the report, to shew hat, in the opinion of several of the most competent witnesses examined by the committee, the measure was not expedient with a view to the relief of the West Indian planters, or on account of any real grounds for the a; prehension of a scarcity. Mr. Chalmers, chief cl rk to the lords of the committee of privy council for the consideration of trade and colonial matters, being asked whether, exclusive of any consideration of the situation of the West Indian planters, he saw any reason why parliament should interfere to manage our resources for grain; replied, that he did not see any reason why parliament should interpose, as this might cause an alarm, and so produce the evil supposed. Mr. C. Scott said, that if the distilleries were restrained from the use of barley after the next crop, and that crop should prove abundant, there would be a

very material fall in the price. The honourable member stated, that he had letters from Norfolk, representing that there was every appearance of an abundant crop of barley. If this should be injured by the rain, there would be a great deal of black barley, which could be used in no way but in the distilleries. Mr. Kent, land-surveyor, being asked whether he thought barley necessary to the mode of cropping in Norfolk, said that he considered the cultivation of barley as almost necessary to the exist ence of Norfolk. Norfolk, the honourable member remarked, might be considered as the granary of England for barley, and could not be injured without material injury to the whole kingdom. Mr. Kent being asked, whether any substitutes for barley could be found to answer the purpose equally well, answered, "Certainly not; for oats would be the most obvious substitute, and· them I consider to be one of the most exhausting of all crops: they rob the grass seed, and ultimately injure the wheat crops." The honourable member observed, that a vast number of cattle were fed on the grains. in the distilleries, and sent to the London market, a source of sup ply which would be lost in the event of the substitution. There was another most important point, which was brought forward in the evidence of Mr. Overman; which was, that in the event of a considerable depression in the price of barley, a great part of the land in Norfolk must be left uncultivated, and fall back to its pristine state. Mr. Elwan's evidence also went to shew, that in the event of a fall in the price of barley, a smaller number of labourers would be employed by the farmer; and a or tion of his land, before allotted to grain, must be left in grass. The honourable member next adverted to the great quantities of wheat and barley brought from Norfolk to the London market; and the great injury that would arise, not only to that county, but to the whole kingdom, from any discouragement to the agriculture of Norfolk. He concluded by opposing the motion for the speaker's leaving the chair. He thought it best to oppose the measure in this stage; for if it went into a committee, almost the whole session might be occupied in discussion, and hear. ing counsel on the various petitions.

Mr. Rose would wish the house to take up this question upon a much wider ground than the honourable gentlemen who opposed it seemed to do. That the West

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