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on his death-bed nominates Polysperchon for his successor

in the regency. The latter recalls Olympias. Antigonus be-

comes very powerful

SECT. V. The Athenians condemn Phocion to die. Cassander

makes himself master of Athens, where he establishes Deme-

trius Phalereus in the government of that republic. His pru-

dent administration. Eumenes quits Nora. Various expedi

tions of Antigonus, Seleucus, Ptolemy, and other generals

against him. Olympias causes Aridæus to be slain, and is

murdered in her turn by the orders of Cassander. The war

between him and Polysperchon. The re-establishment of

Thebes. Eumenes is betrayed by his own troops, delivered

up to Antigonus, and put to death

SECT. VI. Seleucus, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Cassander, form

a confederacy against Antigonus. He deprives Ptolemy of Sy-

ria and Phoenicia, and makes himself master of Tyre, after a

long siege. Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, begins to dis-

tinguish himself in Asia Minor. He loses a first battle, and

gains a second. Seleucus takes Babylon. A treaty of peace

between the princes is immediately broken. Cassander causes

the young king Alexander, and his mother Roxana, to be put

to death. Hercules, another son of Alexander the Great, is

likewise slain, with his mother Barsina, by Polysperchon.

Antigonus causes Cleopatra, the sister of the same Alexander,

to be put to death. The revolt of Orphellas in Libya

SECT. VII. Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, besieges and takes

Athens, and establishes a democracy in that city. Demetrius

Phalereus, who commanded there, retires to Thebes. He is

condemned to suffer death, and his statues are thrown down.

He retires into Egypt. The excessive honours paid by the

Athenians to Antigonus and his son Demetrius. This latter

obtains a great naval victory over Ptolemy, takes Salamina, and

makes himself master of all the island of Cyprus. Antigonus

and Demetrius assume the title of kings after this victory, and

their example is followed by the other princes. Antigonus

forms an enterprise against Egypt, which proves unsuccessful 284

SECT. VIII. Demetrius forms the siege of Rhodes, which he raises

a year after, by concluding a treaty, much to the honour of the

city. Helepolis, a famous machine. The Colossus of Rhodes.

Protogenes, a celebrated painter, spared during the siege

SECT. IX. The expedition of Seleucus into India. Demetrius

compels Cassander to raise the siege of Athens. The exces

sive honours paid him in that city. Aleague between Ptolemy

Seleucus, Cassander, and Lysimachus, against Antigonus and

Demetrius. The battle of Ipsus, a city of Phrygia, wherein

Antigonus is slain, and Demetrius put to flight

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