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Unhappy those who turn away 31
United firmly by thy grace
Unnumber'd comforts to my.
Unseen thou art, yet we by. 854
Unspotted robes you wear 949
Until the hour shall strike at. 1205
Unto Christ's congregation in. 257

Jesus' cross I'm now retg. 145
my heart, when speech. 1200
ourselves no praise is due 886
the Lamb of God

the wives that grace disp. 1081
thee, most faithful Sav.
thee we render

thy praise my all I'll
us thy name's sweet sayr.
*Upon our Queen's anointed


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that dear majestic head. 235
the bridal pair look do. 1079
the cross he died
the cross I see him bleed 315
thy call I'm here
*Urg'd by love on every station 924
Us deliver from the world. 1075

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*Vain are all efforts of the mind 537
are all other helps beside 336 *
are our fancies, airy 311
delusive world, adieu
. 374
*Vanquish our lusts, our pride
Veil'd in flesh the Godhead see 52
Vile worm, shouldst thou refù. 289
Visit, then, this soul of mine: 245 *


. 123
it for crimes that I had. 126
there noth. but a manger 1150
Wash me & make me thus 117
Watch by the sick: enrich the 1136
'tis your Lord's commd. 873
Water and blood in streams

the body lavés



Waters of life hence may I draw 580
We adore thee evermore

all at thy throne

all have reason to rejoice
all in spirit are agreed




. 787

all know who & what we: 439
all say, Amen, deeply bow. 200
are baptiz'd into thy death 1032
are forgiv'n & reconcil'd 1012
are, if we in thee believe. 563
are redeem'd
. 140
are travelling home to God 500
bless the Lord, whose tend. 683
bow before thy throne
. 246
ean from experience trace 1097
cast ourselves into thy arms 824
covenant with hand & heart 518
dead in sins and trespasses 30
deeply bow'd can nought. 441
entreat, Lord, lift up thy. 793
for whom thou once wast. 958
hail thy day of rest, O Lord 743
have no other trust.
have nought good in us to 1001
here unite in prayer to thee 830
humbly pray, support the 7(5
humbly pray that with thy 1001
humbly take what he 'Il. 787
humbly thank thee, Lord 1158
humbly thee adore & praise 199
humbly thee adore, O Lord 1083
in every nation will boldly 508
in one covenant are join'd 495
in this world no city have 1191
join the ransom'd church 869
join together heart & hand 487
know his boundless love & 780
know that in our flesh 520
know that we're poor




329 *Welcome, blessed, heavenly
O welcome, noble
sweet day of rest 741
thou source of every 41
*Well art thou leading, Guide. 195
might the sun in darkn. 126
pleas'd those little ones 1021
pleas'd, through Jesus. 742
We're poor and needy; ne'erls. 1064
Were half the breath thus . 707
health, and strength, and 656
we but all desirous, day 362
We've no abiding city here 1108
*What affords the Christian

We know the righteousness
know the Shepherd's love 329
know thou never canst for 181
magnify thy grace, pure. 195
meet at thy command, O. 833
now no longer need remain 1057
now return each to his tent 846
now with the angels unite 1044
O Jesus, claim thy special 1075
often in our course thro'. 876
on his sacred body feast. 973
own & bless thy gracious
own our insufficiency to
own there's nothing good
perish if we cease from
praise thy name that we
pray thee, bless them all. 883
pray thee, fill us all with Js. 257
pray the e, 1 tthe heavenly 1173*
pray thee, O Being most
pray thee, wounded Lamb 345 *
reply Amen thereto




. 704



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am I, Lord, that thou so
anguish has that questn. 506
are our works but sin & 345
are the mines of shining 12
are these in bright array 1243
are we? what do we




. 667
brought us togr., what, 494
can from Christ me
can we now give to thee 421
ee 42
can we offer thee, O Ld. 868
can we, poor sinners do. 958
causeth thee to mourn, is 476
comfort, what supreme. 774
ecstatic pleasure.
for myself I thus request 713
gain'st thou by thy anxs. 192
glorious pattern for the 1056
good news the angels bg. 43
grace, what great benevo. 31
harm can I from death. 110
hast thou, Lord Jesus. 1240
hast thou not perform'd 33
heavenly consolation 102
heavenly joy & consola. 1247
heights, what depths of 58
here sickens, sighs 1198, 1246
human mind can trace 87
in thy love possess I not 440
is created by our God
is his covenant of love
is it keeps me back
is it that makes us stand 772
is my anchor, if you ask 628
joy or honour could we. 329
love can be compared wi. 502
my soul, should bow thee 639
of the Father & the Son 256
offering shall I bring to th. 37
peace divine, unutterable 362
peace divine, what perfet. 362
peace do we derive, what 714
peaceful hours I once enj. 534
praise to thee, my Sati. 1157




*What praise unto the Lamb is 423 *When gathering clouds around 642

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shall I now give to thee
shall I render unto thee
shall we pay our heav'n. 974
shall we say for this thy 181
should I do, a sinner vile 304
songs of everlasting joy 1200
sorrows may my steps at. 1020
splendid rays of truth & 470 *
strikes, O wounded Lamb 410 *
sure prophecies foretold 53 *
thanks I owe thee, & wh. 375
the fathers wish'd of old 44
thou shalt to-day provide 198
though the world foame. 463
tremblings seize the tra's. 634
true disciple e'er would c. 903
undeserved favour. 411
various hind'rances we . 707
wonder in the soul takes 439
*Whate'er I am, whate'er I do


555 *
I ask, I surely know 625*
is carnal, thro' thy g. 565
thou wilt, thou, Lord, 184
Whatever honours thee, our Ld. 563

I do

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*When a sinner in affliction

Adam fell, the frame

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18 *
all my labours o'er in
. 400*
all our labour here is o'er 906 *
all thy mercies, O my. 193
all with awe shall stand 1215
angels by transgression 1174
any turn from Zion's w. 506
brethren dwell in unity 495
by adversity I'm tried 630
children, bless'd by Jes. 1211
children honour Jesus 1030
Christ in majesty shall. 234 *
Christ once crucified. 1176
Christ, our life, shall on 316*
Christ, our Saviour, did 176*
Christ, our Saviour, liv. 386 *
conscious sinners tremb. 1222
darkness long has veil'd 539 *
doubts & fears, a gloomy 400 *
duly I weigh.
469 *
each can feel his broths. 489
earth & hell's malicious 125
faith & hope shall cease 1000
fill'd with humble shame 537 *
first before his mercy-st. 646
flesh decays, when vigo. 1169
free from envy, scorn, 489
from the curse he sets us 311



having been with guilt. 541
he applies his healing b. 290
he came the angels sung 70
he had prevailed

he in like manner


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I in heaven shall rest
I leave this world in
I review my misspent. 285
I shall gain permission 1203
I shall permitted be
I shall yield my dying
I survey the wondrous
I visit Jesus' grave in
in ecstasy sublime
. 434
in our blood we lay
. 1115
in the bosom of the 1116
in the night I sleepless 1140
in the slippery paths of 193
Jesus calls we ready. 1167
Jesus had to his discip. 1241
Jesus into Salem rode
Jesus' suffering life we 80
love, in one delightful. 489
my faith is faint & sick 15
my Jesus from the cross 428
my mind pursues this 364
nature fails, and day & 193
O when shall I have

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While human nature doth . 325
I draw this fleeting T. 997
I hear this grace reveal. 134
I know, his providence 626
Judah views his birth. 927
like a tide our minutes 194
Moses stood with arms. 707
passing thro' this shad. 634
rich & poor for mercy
successive years are


thou in death didst bow 114


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thou, my Saviour, shalt

84 *


498 *


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thou shalt give to me a
thou shalt on Zion stand
thro' his merits we
thus I cried in deep
thus the blessings of his 330*
thus we contemplate the 389
to the cross I turn mine 983
to the cross nailed
vexing thoughts within 642
we baptize a sinner in. 939
we before our Saviour's 973
we commemorate his . 973
we have fail'd & deeply 395
we in spirit Jesus see: . 86
we like wandering sheep 529
we on his faithfulness 785
we rejoice that Jesus . 828 *
we shall see our Jesus. 768 *
we thy boundless love. 441
we thy mercy weigh 414
with him, my Lord, in . 364
with sense of guilt

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the broad road, where 1022
the pilgrim travels


the troubl. soul is sigh. 328
thus thou feed'st the
we anticipate the day: 1248
we at honest labour toil 629

we, deeply humbled o

we in humble faith are
we take our seat






we thy past dealings
with her sweetest flow.
with repenting tears
Whither should I, sinner, flee 1189
*Who can condemn since Christ 627 *
can condemn since C. was 160 *
can describe the loveliness 77
can rehearse, most grac. 1113
can the love of Christ. 780
can thy kindness prove 425
can thy operations trace 265
can to love his name for 125
doth preserve our life and 667
early, by a living faith 1047 *
finds, that sin hath quite 270
for Israel's consolation 1096
hath thee thus abused. 104
in Jesus Christ abideth
in the Spirit's light can
is so full of tenderness
overcometh shall abide
sincerely loveth Jesus
spread the lofty firmame, 667
thro' Christ's blood, rem, 567
to Jesus humbly cleaveth 603
will not turn to him

worn with sickness, oft 193
Whene'er by faith our Lord we 1093
I mourn, & humbly 470*
we to mankind pro. 906
Whenever my frail nature 410

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to thy table we draw 1001
we in holy contemp. 718
Where is the blessedness I
534 *
is this infant? it is gone 1208
my Redeemer's blood. 971
shall my wondering .281 *
should I turn, or how 656
thou hast thy work 739
two or three with sweet 833
Where'er I thee this day did 1139
Wherefore we love the Lamb 308
*Wherein is for children true 1044
*Whether the period of this life 1190
Which of all our friends to 446
teaches me to know thy 352
While he does himself reveal. 827
here I live by faith
1234 *

here on earth I still 326
here on earth I'm living 104

here on earth no place, 593

here on earth we run 529

would not now pursue

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would still such mercy 272
would venture to explain 53
Whoe'er this truth believeth. 571
to me will come .. 282 ⭑
would spend his days 388
*Whom, dear Redeemer, dost. 439
Why art thou afraid to come. 274
do we mourn departing 1207
is his body rack'd with. 128 ·
need we mourn, as in. 667
should I complain, then 647
should I shrink from pa. 1229

Why should we fear to trust 1206
should we tremble to con. 1207
was thy soul with pains. 103
Wide as the world is thy com. 935
Widows are objects of his care 1099
Will he forsake his throne above331
*Wisdom & faithfulness afford 1081
and power to Christ 64


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thy temple where we. 872
*Without a consciousness within 549
beginning or decline 231
thy blessing how cld. 906
thy favour while I

Witness here to all around thee 792
true and faithful

Woe, then, to him who hath 1215
Wonders without end we see. 548
Work with them, and confirm 760
*Worship, honour, power, and. 695
*Worthy, O Lord, art thou

& zeal, & faith impart 872
With a mind from earthly cares 145
all our errors & mistakes 395
ardent longing at thy 713
awe & reverence 'fore thee 237
cheerful heart I close my 1141
contrite tears I thee adore 410
deep devotion
deep reverence we draw 963
deeply humbled hearts. 305
each of us fulfil thy graci. 879
fervour all thy people's. 796 *Would
fire & with spirit endow. 916 *
gifts of grace their hearts 1079
gladness they obey his 1173*
gladness we will follow. 896
glorious clouds encomp. 331 *
God, my habitation
118 *
grateful hearts we all
great desire he long'd
heart and hand you now 866
heavenly wisdom me en. 891
humble faith on thee I. 538
joy I still discover. 1121
joy we hasten to the pla. 736
joy we meditate the gra. 182 *
longing eyes thy creatures 184
love's ardour to be fired 485 *
mouth and hand I give to 887
my Jesus I will stay 464

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the Lamb that died. 682
the Lamb, th. every. 688
our youth grow in gra. 1052
the world our passport 914
the world with gay 107
we by our behaviour 614
we for those things only 1073
we inward peace enjoy 595
we, sinners needy
you know the happiness1069
Wounded head, back plough'd 113
Saviour, full of grace 147








*Ye angels round the throne
angels, who excel in power 1177
bottomless depths of God's
brethren, sav'd by Js'. bl. 1062
chosen people of the Lord 1057
fearful saints, fresh courage 619
followers of the slaughter'd 989
heavy-laden, sin-sick souls 277
mourning souls, look upw. 177
pilgrims on the road.
purchas'd souls, Christ's.


my sins' heavy load opp.
my whole heart I cleave 459
new grace, dear Lord


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thanks before his throne 780
thanks before the Ld. ap. 688
thanks we call to mind. 782 *
the deepest adoration 105
the same faith our bosom 512 *
thee and these for ever
747 *
thee, Lord, while I rem. 1254
these my happy lot is cast 652
thirsty souls we drink the 960
this desire 'fore thee I



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607 *

who Jesus' patients are

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