Imágenes de páginas

Returning to God, desire of, 282, 316.
Reunion of the virtuous after death, 630.
Revelation, see Scripture.

Reverence, see Devotion, God, and Worship.
Righteous, their ways known to God, 113.

peculiar goodness of God to them, 119.
their prayers heard by God, 120, 160.
their safety, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 331, 337.
all things work for good to them, 161.

and wicked, difference between them, 331, 332,


character of the, 334.

excellency of the, 377.

excellency and happiness of the, 335, 337, 432.
excellency and reward of the, 336, 338.
God their salvation, 426.

God their everlasting light, 486.

their communion in heaven, 487, 488.

Rod, hearing the voice of God's, 277.

Sabbath, see Lord's day.

Sacrifice, the living, 314.


of the heart, 23. See Devotion, Sincerity, and

Safety in God, 157, 158, 159, 291. See God, and Protec-


Salvation, 611.

by grace, 612.

praise for, 186.

praise to the God of, 210.

the christian scheme of, 211..
through Jesus, praise for the, 618.

the near approach of a motive to diligence, 456.
See Christ, and Righteous.

Saviour, a crucified, 240. See Christ.

Scripture and nature, the book of, 188, 189, 190.
the excellency of, 191, 192, 193, 194, 205.
instruction to the young from, 197, 200.
consolation from, 195, 196.

light and comfort from, 199.
light and glory of the world, 201.
the perfect law of liberty, 198.
delight in, 202.

Seasons, fruitful, acknowledged, 78. See Providence.
Seed-time and harvest, 86.

the weeping, 439.

Self-examination, see Heart, and Sincerity.
Service, close of the, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543.
Shepherd, the heavenly, 153, 154, 155, 156.
Sickness, devotion in, 555.

health, and recovery, 556.
recovery from, 559, 560, 562.
and death, prospect of, 570.
dangerous, of a minister, 644.
See God, and Life.

Sin confessed, 271, 272.

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freedom from implored, 273, 280.

See Christian temper, and Virtue.

Sincerity and hypocrisy, 13.

devout profession of, 311.

repentance, and obedience professed, 313.

Singing in the ways of God, 395.

Sinners, see Wicked.

Spring, 83, 84.

See Joy.

Submission, filial, 353, 354, 355, 417, 419, 420, 421.

of Christ, 237, 238, 239.

See Affliction.

Sufferings, see Affliction.

Sun of righteousness, 226, 227.
Superstition abjured, 205.

Supplication, for pardon, 620.

spiritual blessings, 621.


Temptations of the world, 429. See Warfare.
Thanksgiving for fruitful seasons, 78, 505.

public, for private deliverances, 562, 563.
for public prosperity, 645.

for national deliverance, 535.
for peace, 536, 537, 538.

See Gratitude, and Praise.

Thunder-storm, on occasion of a, 98, 525.
Time, the wisdom of redeeming it, 453.
lapse of it improved, 454, 455.

reflections on the waste of it, 511.
See Death, and Life.

Traveller, a hymn for the, 588.

Trust in God, 345, 350, 582, 585.
in God, happiness from, 123.
in God our Father, 352.

in the divine power and wisdom, 346.
in the divine goodness, 347.
in the promises of God, 348.

in God under the trials of virtue, 349.
in God through the changes of life, 409.
in God in prosperity and adversity, 410.
in God in affliction, 418.

See Affliction, Faith, God, and Providence.
Truth of God, 126.

of God unchangeable, and life frail, 459.
and mercy of God, 125.


Unity, christian, 373. See Friendship, God, and Peace.


Vanity of earthly desires, 427.

of human life, 444, 445, 446. See Creatures.

Virtue desired, 301, 302.

the source of peace, 324.

progressive, 321.

exemplary, 388. See Beauty, Happiness, Religion,
and Resolutions.

Virtues, personal, 376.

christian, 375.

War, the iniquity of, 530.

prayer in time of, 531.

Warfare, the christian, 392.


the spiritual, assistance and victory in, 185.
See Fortitude.

Watchfulness, 457, 458.

Wicked, prosperity of the, 141.

and righteous, difference between them, 331, 332,


Wisdom of God in his works, 90. See God, Instruction,

Knowledge, and Religion.

Works of God, see Creation.
World, creation of the, 66.

its temptations, 429.

World, its transitory nature, 473.
its enjoyments uncertain, 431.
its pleasures dangerous, 428.
its desires vain, 427.

its joys surrendered, 310.
its treasures surrendered, 318.
its end, 474.

Worship, public, privilege of, 1, 8.

invitations to, 607.
delight in, 3.

delight in, and advantage of, 4.
attendance on, 5, 6, 7.

commencement of, 609.

engagedness in, 608.

opening a new place of, 489, 490.
absence from, lamented, 586.

acceptable, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23.
humble, 18, 42.

christian, 19.

reverential, 40, 41, 42, 43.

See Church, God, and Praise.


Year, crowned with goodness, 77, 85.

close of the, 643.

See New Year's day.

Young, instruction to them from scripture, 197.

from past dispensations of Pro-

vidence, 577.

hymns for them, 578, 579, 580, 581.


Zeal and diligence desired, 308.

the want of, lamented, 274.

tempered by charity, 370.

Zion, ancient, 1.

inquiring the way to, 5.
the high-way to, 394.

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