Imágenes de páginas


Elenchus Latino-Anglus omnium Concionum totius
Libri; Numerus paginam indicat.

A Latine and English Table of the Sermons of
the whole book, with the number of the
page in which the Sermon
15 doth begin.

Index Concionum in Caput primum Genefeos. The Contents of the Sermons preached upon the firft chapter of Genefis.

E vobis Legis interpretibus, quoniam fuftuliftis Lac.11.52.
clavem cognitionis ipfi non introiftis, &
eos qui introibant probibuiftis. ·

Woe unto you Lawyers, for ye have ta-
ken away the key of knowledge: ye
entred not in your felves, and them

that were entring in, ye hindred.

pag. 657

In principio Deus creavit Cœlum Terram, &c.
In the beginning God created the Heaven and the


Creavit Cœlum & Terram, & omnia in illis.

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He created the Heaven and the Earth, and all things


P. 5

Gen. 1. 18

Terra autem erat res informis & inanis, tenebræque erant in fu- verf. 2.

perficie abyẞi.

And the earth was without form and void, and dark

neffe was upon the face of the deep.

Et fpiritus Dei incubabat fuperficiei aquarum.


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And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the wa-



Tum dixit Deus, efto lux; & fuit lux.


And God faid, Let there be light; & there was light.p.14
4. Viditque Deus Lucem illam bonam effe.

And God faw the light that it was good.

Et diftinctionem fecit Deus inter banc lucem & tenebras.
And God divided the light from the darkneffe.


P. 25

5. Lucemque Deus vocavit diem, tenebras verò vocavit noctem.
And God called the light, Day, and the darkneffe he cal
led, Night.

Sic fuit vefpera & fuit mane diei prim?.

P. 32

And the evening & the morning were the first day.p.660
6. Deinde dixit Deus, Efto expanfum inter aquas; ut fit diftinguens
inter aquas unas & alteras.


And God faid, Let there be a firmament in the midst of
the waters and let it divide the waters from the


Fecit Deus hoc expanfum, quod diftinguit inter has aquas, que
funt ab infera expanfi iftius, & aquas illas que funt à regione
fupera expanfi fuit ita.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters
which were under the firmament, from the waters
which were above the firmament: and it was fo.


Expanfum autem hoc Deus vocavit Cœlum.

And God called the firmament, Heaven.


P. 52

Sic fuit vefpera, & fuit mane diei fecundi,yaan

And the evening and the morning were the fecond


9.10. Poftea dixit Deus, Confluant aquæ ifta quæ fub hoc Cælo funt in
locum unum,& confpicua fit arida: & fuit ita. Aridam au
tem vocavit Deus terram, fingula verò aquarum conceptacula
vocavit maria: vidit Deus id effe bonum.

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And God faid, Let the waters under the Heaven be ga-
thered together unto one place, and let the dry land
appear and it was fo. And God called the dry
land, Earth, and the gathering together of the waters
called he, Seas and God faw that it was good p.56

Iterum dixit Deus, Herbafcat terra herbulas, herbas fementantes
Jemen, arbores fructiferas edentes fructum in fpecies fuas, in
·quibus fuum fit femen /uper terram.


And God faid, Let the earth bring forth graffe, the herb
ycelding seed, and the fruit-tree yeelding fruit after
his kinde, whofe feed is in it felf, upon the earth. p.65
Et fuit ita. Nam produxit terra herbulas, herbas fementantes 12.13.
Jemen in fpecies fuas, & arbores edentes fructum in quibus fe-
men fuum eft in fpecies fuas vidit Deus id effe bonum.
Sic fuit vefpera, & fuit mane diei tertii.

And it was fo. And the earth brought forth graffe, and
herb yeelding feed after his kinde, and the tree yeel-
ding fruit, whose feed was in it self, after his kinde;
and God faw that it was good. And the evening
and the morning were the third day.

Poft dixit Deus, Sunto luminaria in expanfo Coeli, ad distinctio- 14.15.
nem faciendum inter diem & noctem ut fint in figna cum
tempeftatibus, tum diebus & annis. Sintque in luminaria in
expanfo Cali, ad afferendum lucem fuper terram:
And God faid, Let there be lights in the firmament of
the heaven, to divide the day from the night and
let them be for fignes, and for feafons, and for dayes
and yeers. And let them be for lights in the firmá-
ment of the heaven,to give light upon the earth: p.72
Et fuit ita. Fecit enim Deus duo illa luminaria magna: lumi-
nare majus ad præfecturam diei, & luminare minus ad præfe- 10.
Auram noctis, atque ftellas, Et collocavit ea Deus in expanfo
Cæli, ad afferendum lucem fuper terram, Et ad præfidendum
diei ac nocti, ad distinctionem faciendum inter lucem hanc
tenebras viditque Deus id effe bonum. Sic fuit vefpe-
ra, fuit mane diet quarti. ':
And it was fo. And God made two great lights
greater light to rule the day, and the leffer light to
rule the night he made the ftarres alfo. And God

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fet them in the firmament of the heaven, to give light
upon the earth: And to rule over the day, and over
the night, and to divide the light from the darkness :
and God faw that it was good. And the evening
b 2






and the morning were the fourth day,
Poftea Dixit Deus, Abundè progignunto aquæ reptilia animan-
tia; & volucres volanto jupra terram, fuperficiem verfùs

And God faid, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the
moving Creature that hath life, and Fowl that may flie
above the earth in the open firmament of Heaven.p.667
Et creavit Deus cœtos maximos: & animantia omnia repentia,
que abundè progenuerunt aquæ in species ipforum, omnefque
volucres alat as in species fuas:

And God created great whales, and every living Crea-
ture that moveth, which the waters brought forth abun-
dantly after their kinde, and every winged fowl after his
kinde :

Viditque Deus id eße bonum.

And God faw that it was good.


p 88

22. Et benedixit eis Deus, dicendo: Fætificate, ac augefcite, et im-
plete aquas per maria, et valucres auge cunto in terra.




And God bleffed them, faying, Be fruitfull, and multiply,
and fill the waters in the Seas, and let fowl multiply
in the earth.
P 89
Deinde dixit Deus, Producat terra animantia in fpecies ipforum,
Pecudes et Reptilia, bestiasque terrenas in species fuas : et
fuit ita

And God faid, Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after his kinde, cattell, and creeping thing, and beast ot
the earth after his kinde: and it was fo,

Fecit enim Deus beslias terrenas in species fuas, et pecudes in spe-
cies fuas, omniaque reptilia terræ in species fuas: et vidit
Deus id eße bonum.
And God made the beast of the earth after his kinde, and
cattel after their kinde, and every thing that creepeth
upon the earth after his kinde and God faw that it was
Poftea dixit Deus, Faciamus hominem ad imaginem noftram, fe-
cundùm fimilitudinem noftram : qui dominetur in pifces
maris, et involucres cæli, et in pecudes, et in univerfam ter-
ram,atque in omnia reptilia reptantia fuper terram.


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And God faid, Let us make man in our Image, after our
likeneffe: and let them have dominion over the fish of
the Sea, and over the fowl of the aire, and over the cattel,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth.
Itaque creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem fuam, ad imaginem, 27.
inquam, Dei creavit eum : marem et fœminam creavit eos.
So God created man in his own Image, in the Image of God
created he him; male and female created he them, p.97
Deinde benedixit eis Deus, et dixit eis Deus, Fœtificate, ac au-
gefcite, et implete terram, eamque fubjicite; et damınamini in
pifces maris, et in volucres cœli, et in amnes bestias repiantes
Juper terram.


And God blessed them, and God faid unto them, Be fruic-
full and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it;
and have dominion over the fifl of the Sea, and over the
fowl of the aire, and over every living thing that moveth
upon the earth.
Præterea dixit Deus, Ecce, dedi nobis omnes berkas fementante's 29.30.31.
femen qua funt in fuperficie totius terre; omnefque arbores in
quibus est fructus arboreus, fementantes femen; vefire ad
comedendum erunt, Omnibus autem bestiis terra, et omni-
bus volucribus cœli, amnibufque reptantibus fuper terram, in
quibus eft anima vivens, dedi ́omnes herbas virides ad come-
dendum : et fuit ita. Tum inspexit Deus quicquid fecerat,
ecce autem bonum erat valde : fic fuir vefpera, et fuit mane
drei fexti.

And God faid, behold, I have given you every herb bear-
ing feed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and eve-
ry tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding feed; to
you it fhall be for meat: And to every beast of the
earth, and to every fowl of the aire, and to every thing
that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have
given every green hearb for meat: and it was fo. And
God faw every thing that he had made; and behold, ir
was very good. And the evening and the morning were
the fixth day.

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