Imágenes de páginas

Abel, he alfo brought of the fillings of his flock and of
onthe fauchereofesineda Blood Lilboð land sdpl374
4.5. Respexitque Jehova ad Hebelum et ad munus ejus. Ad Kajmum
ovilberò et ad munus ejus non rešpexitzban Band 2 drot
And the Lord had refpect unto Abel, and to his offering:
But unto, Cain, and to his offering, he had not re-
p. 38 1
Quapropter accenfa est ira Kajini valdè, et cecidit rumlas ejas
And Cain was very wrath, and his countenance fell. p.388
Tum dixit Jehova Kajino, Quare accenfa eft ratua? et quare
cecidit vultus tuus? Nonne fi bene egeris, remeßio; fi verò
non bene egeris, pra foribus est peccatum excubans è
And the Lord faid unto Cain, Why art thou wrath and
why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doft well, fhalt
thou not be accepted? and if thou doft not well, finne
lyeth at the dore:



At erga te est appetitus illius, et tu præes illi.

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· P.393

And unto thee fhall be his defire, and thou shalt rule over
8. Post colloquebatur Kajin cum Hebelo fratre fuo: evenit autem
110 quum efsent in agro, ut infurgens Kajin in Hebelum fratrem
fuum interficeret cùmo na mulɔ find th
And Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to
paffe when they were in the field, that Cain rose up a-
Against Abel his brother, and flew him.
Quamobrem dixit Jehova Kajino, Ubi est Hebel frater tuus?
qui dixit, Non novi: An cuftos ego fum fratris mei ?


And the Lord faid unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
And he faid,I know not: am I my brothers keeper2p.415
10. Dixit verò Deus, quid fecisti ? ecce vocem fanguinum fratris
tui, me ab ipfâ humo inclamantium.

And he faid, What haft thou done? the voice of thy bro-
thers blood crieth unto me from the ground. p.422
11.12. Nunc itaque tu maledictus efto exful ab ista terra, quæ aperase
os fuum ad excipiendum fanguinem fratris tui è manu tua.
Quum bumum ipfam colueris, ne pergito edere vim fuam tibi :
vagus et infestus agitationibus esto in terra.

And now art thou curfed from the earth, which hath ope-


ned her mouth to receive thy brothers blood from
thy hand. When thou tilleft the ground, it thall not
henceforth yeeld unto thee her ftrength a fugitive
and a vagabond fhalt thou be in the earth.
·Tum Kajin dixit Jehova, Major est pœna mea quam ut sustinere

And Cain faid unto the Lord,My punishment is greater than
I can bear.


P 435
En expellis me bodie à fuperficie iftiusterræ,ut à facie tua abfcon- 14.
dam me: cumque vagus fim et infestus agitationibus interra,
fiulius fuerit qui me inveniat, interficiet me. =
Behold, thou haft driven me out this day from the face of
the earth; and from thy face fhall I be hid, and I fhall
be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth: and it fhall
come to paffe, that every one that findeth me, shall slay


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Dixit verò Jehova illi, Propterea quifquis interfecerit Kajinum, 15.
feptuplo vindicator: &impofuit Jehova Kajino signum ¿ne
cum cæderet ullus qui foret inventurus eum

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And the Lord faid unto him, Therefore whosoever flayeth
Cain, vengeance fhall be taken on him feven fold. And
the Lord let a mark upon Cain, left any finding him
fhould kill him.
Egreffus itaque est Kajin à facie Jehova : & confedit in terra
Modi, ad Orientem Hedenem verfùs:
And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and
dwelt in the land of Nod, on the Eaft of Eden. P.456
Et cognavit Kajin uxorem fuam, quæ concepit & peperit (hano-
cum : quamobrem studebat ædificare civitatem, vocavit
nomen civitatis illius de nomine filii fui Chanoc.
And Cain knew his wife,and fhe conceived and bare Enoch
and he builded a Citie, and called the name of the Citié,
after the name of his fonne, Enoch.



Deinde Chanconatus eft Hirad, & Hirad genuit Meehujaëlem; 18.19.
Mechuajël verò Methufchaëlem,& Methufchaël genuit Leme-
cum. Aßumpfit autem fibi Lemec uxores duas:
And unto Enoch was born Irad; and Irad begat Mehujael,
and Mehujael begat Methufael, and Methufael begat




Lamech. And Lamech took unto him two wives p.458
19.20.21. Afumpfit autem fibi Lemet uxores duas prior is nomen fuit Ha-
da, & nomen fecunda Tzilla. Peperitque Hada Jabalum :
bicfuit autor habitantium in tentarijs & pecuariæ. Momen-
que fratris ejus fuit Jubal ; bic fuit autor omnium trattantis
um citharam & organon. Tzilla verò ipfa quoque peperit
5. Thubal-Kajinum, qui erudivit omnem fabrum érarium & fer-
rarium: fororemque Thubal-Kajini, Nahamam; dual
And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the
one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. And
Adah bare Jabal he was the father of such as dwell
in tents, and of fuch as have cattell; And his brothers
name was Jubal: he was the father of all fuch as han-
dle the harp and organ. And Zillah fhe allo bare Tu-
bal-Cain, an inftructer of every artificer in brasse
and iron and the filter of Tubal-Cain was, Naa-
23.24. Tum dixit Lemec fuis uxoribus, OHada & Tilla audite vocem
meam, uxores Lemeci, auribus percipite fermönem meum : nam
virum interfecero ad vulnus meum, etiam adolefcentem ad
tumicem meum. Cum feptuplo fit vindicandus Kajin, utique
Lemec feptuagies fepties tanto.


And Lamech faid unto his wives, Adah and Zilla, Hear my
voice ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech: for I
have flain a man to my wounding, and a young man to
my hurt. If Cain be avenged leven fold, truly Lamech
seventy and seven fold.
Cognovit autem denuo Adam uxorem fuam, quæ peperit filium,
& vocavit nomen ejus Schethum : nam repofuit mihi Deus,
inquit, femen alterum pro Hebelo, quem ipfum interfecit
And Adam knew Eve his wife again, and she bare a fon,and
called his name Seth: for God, faid (he, hath appoin-
ted me another feed in ftead of Abel, whom Cain
26. Sed & ipfi Schetho genitus eft filius, cujus nomen vocavit Enof-
chum tunc cœptum eft invocari nomen Jebove.
And to Seth, to him also there was born a son,and he called

his name Enos: then began men to call upon the Name
of the Lord.


Index Concionum diverfarum, ex veteri & novo



ED advolavit ad me unus ex iftis Seraphim habens in maa Ifai. 6, 6, 7:
nu fua prunam, quam forcipibus fumpferat ab altari. Ad-
movitque ori meo dicens, Ecce, attingit hoc labia tna : jam

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amovetur iniquitas tua,& peccatum tuum expiatur. ››
Then flew one of the Seraphims unto me, having a live
coal in his hand, which he had taken with the
from off the altar. And he laid it upon my
mouth, and faid, Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and
thine iniquity is taken away, and thy finne pur

Atendite ne juftitiam veftram exerceatis coram hominibus, ut fpe Matt.6.r.

Gemini ab eis: alioquin mercedem non habebitis apud Patrem

veftrum qui eft catis.

Take heed that ye doe not your alms before men, to be


the Son of man shall give unto you

God the Father fealed.

for him hath
P. 528. & 533.
Luc. 12.15. Dixit igitur eis, Videte, & cavete ab avaritia: nec enim cujuf
quam vita ex iis quæ ipfi fuppetunt, in eo fita eft ut redundet.
And he faid unto them, Take heed and beware of
Covetoufneffe for a mans life confifteth not in


the abundance of the things which hee poffef-
feth. Du?

P: 538

2 Pet. 1.9. Nam cui hæc non adfunt, is cacus eft, nihil procul cernens, oblitus
Jefe à veteribus peccatis fuis fuifle purificatum.

But he that lacketh these things is blinde and cannot fee
far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from
his old finnes.

P. 544
Juh. 8.56. Abrahamus pater ille efter geftivit videre diem iftum meum, &
vidit, & gavifus eft.

Your Father Abraham rejoyced to fee my day: and he
faw it, and was glad.


Pfal.47..10. Principes populorum congregantur, populus Dei Abrahami, quia
- Dei funt protectiones terre, valde excelfus eft.

The Princes of the people are gathered together, even
the people of the God of Abraham for the fheilds
of the earth belong unto God he is greatly exal-
antedand Lal Fld

cil P.555
Matt.25.30. Et inutilem fervum ejicite in tenebras illas extimas: illic erit
!fletus & ftridor


And caft yee the unprofitable fervant into outer
darkneffe, there fhall bee weeping and gnashing

of teeth.

p. 561
1 Sam.1.27, Pro puero ifto fupplicabam, præftititque mibi Feborva petitionem
meam, quam petebam ab eo. Quamobrem ego quoque precario
I datum fifto eum, Fehova omnibus diebus quibus fuerit, ipse roe
*.. gatus precario est Fehova Incurvavitque Je Schemuel ibi Feho-
va honorem exhibens.

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For this child I prayed, and the Lord hath given me my
petition which I asked of him. Therefore alfo I have
lent him unto the Lord as long as be liveth, he fhall
belent unto the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord
there,shi prifiafwas grau divarius ludw up: 565
Victo: i

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