Imágenes de páginas

Victori dabo edere ex arbore illa vitæ quæ eft in medio Paradifi Apoc. 2. 7.


To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the

tree of life which is in the midt of the Paradife

of God.

P. 172

Cupimus autem ut unufquifque veftrum idem ftudium ad finem Heb. 6. 11.
ufque oftendat, ad certam fpei perfuafionem.

And wee defire that every one of you doe fhew the
fame diligence, to the full affurance of hope unto

the end.

Et factum eft prælium in Cœlo: Michael & angeli ejus præliati Apoc.12.7
funt cum Dracone, & Draco pugnabat & Angeli ejus : Sed 8.
hi non prævaluerunt, neque locus eorum ampliùs inventus eft in

And there was war in heaven, Michael and his Angels
fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought
and his Angels, And prevailed not, neither was their
place found any
Quicquid datmibi Pater, ad me veniet: & eum qui venit ad me, Joh. 6. 37.
nequaquan ejecerim foras.

more in heaven.

All that ne Father giveth me fhall come to me:

and him that commeth to me, I will in no wife

caft out.


Qui verò ac audierunt compuncti funt corde, & dixerunt ad Pe- A&. 2. 37
trum & reliquos Apoftolos, Quid faciemus viri fratres? Pe-
trus utem ait ad eos, Refipifcite.

Now when they heard this, they were pricked in
thei heart, and said unto Peter, and to the reft
of the Apoftles, Men and bretheren, what fhall
we doe? Then Peter faid unto them, Repent.

Tum lter ad alterum dixerunt, Nonne cor nostrum ardebat in no- Luc. 24. 32.
bi, dum loqueretur nobis in via, & dam adaperiret nöbis

And they faid one to another, Did not our heart burn
within us, while hee talked with us by the way, and
while he opened to us the Scripturés.


Eenim per unum Spiritum nos omnes in unum corpus baptizati fui Cor. 12.

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mus, & Fudæi, & Græci, & fervi, & liberi : & omnés pó-
tati fumus in unum Spiritum.

For by one, Spirit are wee all baptized into one body,
whether we be Jewes or Gentiles, whether we be

bond or free and have been all made to drink into

one Spirit.
p. 614
2 Pet. 1.4 Ex eo quòd maxima illa nobis ac pretiofa promißa donavit, ut per
hæc efficeremini divine confortes nature, elapfi ex- corruptione
que est in mundo per cupiditat m.
Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious
promises, that by thefe you might be partakers of
the divine nature, having cfcaped the corruption that
is in the world through luft.

p: 620
2 Pet. 1.5. Ad hoc ipfum verò vos, omni præterea collato ftudio, adjicite fidei
veftræ virtutem;

And befides this, giving all diligence, adde to your faith



Adjicite fidei veftræ virtutem, virtuti verò notitum, col
Adde to your faith, virtue, and to virue, know-




2 Pet. 1.6. Scientia verò continentiam, continentia verò tolerants-


And to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, pa-


P. 631

2 Pet. 1. 7. Toleranția pietatem, pietati verò fraternum amoren, fraterno

verò amori charitatem.

And to patience, godlineffe; and to godlinefe, bro
therly kindneffe; and to brotherly kindnefe, cha-

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Lam. 1. 12. Nihil ad vos, O viatores omnes ? intuemini & videte a fit do-
lor par dolori meo, qui factus est mihi : quam afficit Tebova

mærore die astus ira (ua.

Is it nothing to you, all yee that passe by? behold and fee,
if there be any forrow like unto my forrow, whth is
done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted m, in
the day of his fierce anger.

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1 Pet. 2. 25. Nameratis velut oves errantes : Sedmune con vertiffis vo ad
Pastorem Curatorem animarum vestraxum..


For yee were as fheep going aftray, but are now
returned unto the Shepheard and Bishop of your

p. 644
Paulifper, & non conspicietis me, & rurfum paulisper, & vide- John 16 16
bitis me, quia ego vado ad Patrem.

A little while, and ye fhall not fee mee and again a little
while, and ye fhall fee me; because I goe to the Fa-


P. 648
Adeo provocantes Deum ad indignationem factis fuis, ut irrum- Pfal. 106,
perer in eos plaga; doned confiftente Pinchafo & judicium ex- 29,30.
ercente,coercita effet plaga illa.

Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions:
and the plague brake in upon them. Then stood up
Phinehas, and executed judgment and fo the Plague
was flayed.


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the first Chapter



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