Too oft regardless of Thy love, Ungrateful, can from Thee depart, 3 And yet this thoughtless, wretched heart, 5 Let this blest hope mine eyelids close; And from the path of duty rove. 26 HOLLEY 75. With sleep refresh my feeble frame; Safe in Thy care may I repose, [Amen. And wake with praises to Thy Name. ANNE STEELE GEORGE HEWS (J-92) Soft-ly fades the twi light ray 2 054 Gen-tly as life's set ting sun, When the Christian's course is run. A-men. 2 Peace is on the world abroad; 'Tis the holy peace of God; Symbol of the peace within, When the spirit rests from sin. 3 Still the Spirit lingers near, 4 Saviour, may our Sabbaths be 27 KEBLE L. M. SAMUEL F. SMITH JOHN B. DYKES (J=88) Be-fore the end - ing of the day, Cre-a tor of the world, we pray That, with Thy wonted fa - vor, Thou Wouldst be our guard and keeper now. A-men. 2 From all ill dreams defend our sight, 3 O Father, that we ask be done, Through Jesus Christ, Thine only Son, Old Latin Hymn. Tr. JOHN M. NEALE 29 HURSLEY L. M. Arr. fr. PETER RITTER by WILLIAM H. MONK (J=100) Sun of my soul, Thou Sav-iour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; 3 94 Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. A-men. (J=86) A-gain, as evening's shad- ow falls, We gather in these hallowed walls; And vesper hymn and vesper pray'r Rise mingling on the ho-ly air. Amen. |