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luted both in body and soul. I know that a thousand years of sorrow, the humiliation of the greatest penitent, the love of saints, and the purity of Angels, are not sufficient to make me worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof, and that I should be strengthened and refreshed with thy body and blood.

But what I cannot be of myself, do thou graciously make me. I come unto thee wounded with my transgressions, for thou art my physician; arise then with healing in thy wings. Thirsty and faint, as the hart longeth after the water brooks, so longeth my soul after thee O God, the eternal fountain, whence spring the waters of comfort and salvation. Heal my diseases, wash out my stains, and cleanse me from all pollution of flesh and spirit. O Blessed Jesus, may this holy sacrament which is a memorial of thy death, be unto me a savour of life. May it purify my heart, strengthen my faith, enliven my hope, and increase my charity; that being united with thee in the closest bonds on earth, I may finally be a partaker of thy glory and bliss in the kingdom of heaven, where thou livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God world without end. Amen.

A Thanksgiving after Communion.

MOST merciful and gracious God, who hast sent thy only begotten Son into the world to destroy the works of the devil, to redeem us from all iniquity, and to deliver us from the bitter pains of eternal death; I humbly beseech thee, to sanctify and bless to me the memorials of the body and blood of thy dear Son, which I have this day received, and to make me a fit habitation for his holy presence both now and for evermore.

O Blessed Saviour, I adore the secrets of thy wisdom and the depths of thy mercy, in the awful mystery of my salvation. Grant that in the remembrance of thine unspeakable love I may show forth my thankfulness, by conforming myself to thy likeness in all things, in the imitation of thy actions, in the fellowship of thy sufferings, in the communion of thy graces, and the participation of thy glories; that beginning here to praise thy name for thy mercies, I may magnify and adore thee hereafter for ever and ever.

O Lamb of God, holy and spotless, who for our sakes wert pleased to endure shame and sorrow, to be brought before the tribunal of thy creatures whom thou shalt judge at the last day, to be maliciously accused, treacherously betrayed, unjustly condemned, suffering the severest torments which malice could devise or cruelty inflict; enable me

to see the baseness and enormity of sin, in the sacrifice which thou didst make for its full and perfect atonement. May I abhor and detest my sins which were the cause of thy sufferings, and hereafter earnestly endeavour to shun, and forsake them. Lord, what am I, that thou shouldest be wounded for my transgressions, and that with thy stripes I should be healed? I am unworthy of the least of thy mercies, and yet thou hast shown unto me the greatest which man can conceive or God can bestow.


Complete then thy loving kindness, and carry me.safely through all the temptations and trials of this dangerous world. O holy and blessed who didst look upon us with compassion ma! our sin and misery, and in the darkness of the show of death; who didst bear our griefs and carry our sorrows, that we might be partakers of thy felicity; let thine eyes pity me, thy hands support me, thy holy feet tread down all the difficulties in my way to heaven. Let me be instructed with thy wisdom, moved by thy affections, directed by thy will, and clothed with thy righteousness, that in the great day of account I may be found meet to partake of the inheritance of thy saints in light; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory world without end. Amen.


A Prayer to be said when first taken Ill.


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MERCIFUL God and Heavenly Father, who givest us life, and health, and all things, and recallest them according to thy good pleasure ; grant that I may behold thy hand in every thing that befalleth me. In all the afflictive dispensations of thy providence, may I strive to improve them to thy glory and my own salvation. And now that sickness has taken hold of me I fly to thy goodness for comfort, and to thy almighty power for succour and relief. O regard n unworthiness, nor refuse to hear me wh upon thee. Give me grace to take the illness under which I am labouring as thy heaverly visitation, that I may both hearken to the rod and to him that has appointed it. May I bear thy chastisement with patience and submission, and as it is a scourge for my sins, let it also be a cure for them. May I no more return to vanity and folly, nor indulge in any thing which tends to thy dishonour and my own destruction. And if in thy wisdom, thou shouldest not see fit to restore me to health but my sickness should be unto death; O let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his! And grant that I may leave

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