(27) SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. 'The Contention of the two famous houses of York and Lancaster,' in two parts, was pubhshed in quarto, in 1600; and the first part was entered on the Stationers' books, (as Mr. Steevens has observed,) March 12, 1593-4. On these two plays, which I believe to have been written by some preceding author, before the year 1590, Shakspeare formed, as I conceive, this and the following drama ; altering, retrenching, or amplifying, as he thought proper. At present it is only necessary to apprize the reader of the method observed in the printing of these plays. All the lines printed in the usual manner are found in the original quarto plays (or at least with such minute variations as are not worth noticing:) and those, I conceive, Shakspeare adopted as he found them. The lines to which inverted commas are prefixed, were, if my hypothesis be well founded, retouched, and greatly improved by him, and those with asterisks were his own original production; the embroidery with which he ornamented the coarse stuff that had been awkwardly made up for the stage by some of his contemporaries. The speeches which he new-modelled, he improved, sometimes by amplification, and sometimes by re trenchment. PERSONS REPRESENTED. MALONE. King Henry the Sirth: Humphrey, duke of Gloster, his uncle. Hume and Southwell, two priests. Bolingbroke, a conjurer. A Spirit raised by him. Cardinal Beaufort, bishop of Winchester, great Thomas Horner, an armourer. Peter, his man. uncle to the king. Clerk of Chatham. Mayor of Saint Alban's. George, John, Dick, Smith, the Weaver, Michael, Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman. Margaret, queen to king Henry. Margery Jourdain, a witch. Wife to Simpcox. Lords, Ladies, and Attendants; Petitioners, Aldermen, a Beadle, Sheriff, and Officers; Citizens, Prentices, Falconers, Guards, Soldiers, Messengers, &c. Scene, dispersedly in various parts of England. Seven earls, twelve barons, twenty reverend bishops, K. Hen. Suffolk, arise.-Welcome, qucen Mar- I can express no kinder sign of love, *If sympathy of love unite our thoughts. R had'-Studied so long, sat in the council-house, 'The mutual conference that my mind hath How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe ? 'K. Hen. Her sight did ravish: but her grace in Your deeds of war, and all our council, die? speech, 'Her words y-clad with wisdom's majesty, 'Makes me, from wondering fall to weeping joys; Q. Mar. We thank you all. [Flourish. 'O peers of England, shameful is this league' 'Car. Nephew, what means this passionate dis- Suff. My lord protector, so it please your grace,This peroration with such circumstance?" Here are the articles of contracted peace, 'For France, 'tis ours; and we will keep it still. Between our sovereign and the French king Charles, *Glo. Ay, uncle, we will keep it, if we can; 'For eighteen months concluded by consent. But now it is impossible we should: Suffolk, the new-made duke that rules the roast, Hath given the duchies of Anjou and Maine Unto the poor king Reignier, whose large style Agrees not with the leanness of his purse. *Sal. Now, by the death of him that died for all, These counties were the keys of Normandy :But wherefore weeps Warwick, my valiant son? 'War. For grief, that they are past recovery: 'For, were there hope to conquer them again, My sword should shed hot blood, mine eyes no Glo. [Reads.] Imprimis, It is agreed between the French king, Charles, and William de la Poole, marquess of Suffolk, ambassador for Henry king of England, that the said Henry shall espouse the lady Margaret, daughter unto Reignier king of Naples, Sicilia, and Jerusalem; and crown her queen of England, ere the thirtieth of May next ensuing. -Item,-That the duchy of Anjou and the county of Maine, shall be released and delivered to the king her father— tears. : 'Anjou and Maine! myself did win them both; K. Hen. Uncle, how now? We here create thee the first duke of Suffolk, Cousin of York, we here discharge your grace Somerset, Salisbury, and Warwick; and [Exeunt King, Queen, and Suffolk. *York. For Suffolk's duke-may he be suffocate, And our king Henry gives away his own, Glo. A proper jest, and never heard before, *Before *Car. My lord of Gloster, now you grow too hot; *It was the pleasure of my lord the king. *Glo. My lord of Winchester, I know your mind; "Tis not my speeches that you do mislike, Glo. Brave peers of England, pillars of the state,But 'tis my presence that doth trouble you. To you duke Humphrey must unload his grief, 'In winter's cold, and summer's parching heat, (1) I am the bolder to address you, having 'Rancour will out: Proud prelate, in thy face We shall begin our ancient bickerings.^— Nay, more, an enemy unto you all; (3) This speech crowded with so many circumstances of aggravation, (4) Skirmishings. * Clapping their hands, and crying with a loud voice* Jesu maintain your royal excellence! "With-God preserve the good duke Humphrey ! 'I fear me, lords, for all this flattering gloss, 'He will be found a dangerous protector. * Buck. Why should he then protect our sovereign, *The peers agreed; and Henry is well pleas'd, To change two dukedoms for a duke's fair daughter. I cannot blame them all; What is't to them? *Tis thine they give away, and not their own. Pirates may make cheap pennyworths of their pillage, And purchase friends, and give to courtezans, Still revelling, like lords, till all be gone: While as the silly owner of the goods Weeps over them, and wrings his hapless hands, And shakes his head, and trembling stands aloof, *While all is shar'd, and all is borne away; *Ready to starve, and dare not touch his own. *He being of age to govern of himself?— *I'll to the duke of Suffolk presently. 'Som. Cousin of Buckingham, though phrey's pride, So York must sit, and fret, and bite his tongue, [Exit. Bear that proportion to my flesh and blood, And greatness of his place be grief to us, 'Yet let us watch the haughty cardinal; 'His insolence is more intolerable "Than all the princes in the land beside; 'If Gloster be displac'd, he'll be protector. Buck. Or thou, or I, Somerset, will be protector, * Despite duke Humphrey, or the cardinal. [Exeunt Buckingham and Somerset. Sal. Pride went before, ambition follows him. 'While these do labour for their own preferment, 'Behoves it us to labour for the realm. 'I never saw but Humphrey duke of Gloster 'Did bear him like a noble gentleinan. 'Oft have I seen the haughty cardinal'More like a soldier, than a man o'the church, 'As stout, and proud, as he were lord of all,'Swear like a ruffian, and demean himself "Unlike the ruler of a common-weal.Warwick, my son, the comfort of my age! Thy deeds, thy plainness, and thy house-keeping, 'Hath won the greatest favour of the commons, Excepting none but good duke Humphrey.And brother York, thy acts in Ireland, "In bringing them to civil discipline; "Thy late exploits, done in the heart of France, "When thou wert regent for our sovereign, 'Have made thee fear'd, and honour'd, of the people: Join we together, for the public good; 'In what we can to bridle and suppress 'The pride of Suffolk, and the cardinal, With Somerset's and Buckingham's ambition; And, as we may, cherish duke Humphrey's deeds, "While they do tend the profit of the land. * War. So God help Warwick, as he loves the land, And common profit of his country! * York. And so says York, for he hath greatest cause. Sal. Then let's make haste away, and look unto the main. War. Unto the main! O father, Maine is lost; That Maine, which by main force Warwick did win, And would have kept, so long as breath did last Main chance, father, you meant; but I meant Maine; Which I will win from France, or else be slain. [Exeunt Warwick and Salisbury. York. Anjou and Maine are given to the French; Paris is lost; the state of Normandy *Stands on a tickle' point, now they are gone: *Suffolk concluded on the articles; (1) For ticklish. Unto the prince's heart of Calydon.2 A day will come, when York shall claim his own; Till Henry, surfeiting in joys of love, With his new bride, and England's dear-bought queen, And Humphrey with the peers be fall'n at jars: SCENE II.-The same. A room in the duke Duch. Why droops my lord, like over-ripen'd corn, Hanging the head at Ceres' plenteous load? As frowning at the favours of the world? Until thy head be circled with the same. (2) Meleager; whose life was to continue only so long as a certain firebrand should last. His mother Althea having thrown it into the fire, he expired in torment. Glo. O Nell, sweet Nell, if thou dost love thy lord, 'Banish the canker of ambitious thoughts: And may that thought, when I imagine ill Against my king and nephew, virtuous Henry, Be my last breathing in this mortal world! 'My troublous dream this night doth make me sad. Duch. What dream, my lord? tell me, and I'll requite it "With sweet rehearsal of my morning's dream. 'Glo. Methought, this staff, mine office-badge in court, Was broke in twain, by whom I have forgot, But, as I think, it was by the cardinal; 'And on the pieces of the broken wand' 'Were plac'd the heads of Edmond duke of Somerset, 'And William de la Poole first duke of Suffolk. "This was my dream; what it doth bode, God knows. 'Duch. Tut, this was nothing but an argument, That he that breaks a stick of Gloster's grove, 'Shall lose his head for his presumption. But list to me, my Humphrey, my sweet duke: Methought, I sat in seat of majesty, In the cathedral church of Westminster, And in that chair where kings and queens are crown'd; Where Henry, and dame Margaret, kneel'd to me, " And on my head did set the diadem. Glo. Nay, Eleanor, then must I chide outright: *Presumptuous dame, ill-nurtur'd' Eleanor! Art thou not second woman in the realm; And the protector's wife, belov'd of him?' *Hast thou not worldly pleasure at command, *Above the reach or compass of thy thought? And wilt thou still be hammering treachery, *To tumble down thy husband and thyself, *From top of honour to disgrace's feet? Away from me, and let me hear no more. duchess' gold; Marry, and shall. But how now, sir John Hume? Seal up your lips, and give no words but-mum! "The business asketh silent secrecy. *Dame Eleanor gives gold, to bring the witch: *Gold cannot come amiss, were she a devil. Yet have I gold, flies from another coast: I dare not say, from the rich cardinal, And from the great and new-made duke of Suffolk, 'Yet I do find it so: for, to be plain, They knowing dame Eleanor's aspiring humour, 'Have hired me to undermine the duchess, 'And buzz these conjurations in her brain. They say, A crafty knave does need no broker; *Yet am I Suffolk and the cardinal's broker. * Hume, if you take not heed, you shall go near To call them both-a pair of crafty knaves. *Well, so it stands. And thus, I fear, at last, Hume's knavery will be the duchess' wreck; *And her attainture will be Humphrey's fall: 'Duch. What, what, my lord! are you so Sort how it will, I shall have gold for all. [Exit. choleric 'Mess. My lord protector, 'tis his highness'' pleasure, 6 SCENE III.-The same. A room in the palace. "You do prepare to ride unto Saint Albans, Follow I must, I cannot go before, Where are you there? Sir John! nay, fear not, Enter Peter, and others, with petitions. 1 Pet. My masters, let's stand close; my lord protector will come this way by and by, and then we may deliver our supplications in the quill." 2 Pet. Marry, the Lord protect him, for he's a good man! Jesu bless him! Enter Suffolk, and Queen Margaret. * 1 Pet. Here 'a comes, methinks, and the queen with him: I'll be the first, sure. 2 Pet. Come back, fool; this is the duke of Suffolk, and not my lord protector. Suff. How now, fellow? would'st any thing 'with me? 1 Pet. I pray, my lord, pardon me! I took ye 'for my lord protector. Q. Mar. Reading the superscription.] To my lord protector! are your supplications to his lordship? Let me see them: What is thine? 1 Pet. Mine is, an't please your grace, against 'John Goodman, my lord cardinal's man, for keeping my house and lands, and wife and all, from me. Suff. Thy wife too? that is some wrong indeed. What's yours?-What's here! [Reads.] Against the duke of Suffolk, for enclosing the commons of Melford.-How now, sir knave? 2 Pet. Alas, sir, I am but a poor petitioner of our whole township. Peter. [Presenting his petition] Against my (4) Let the issue be what it will. With great exactness and observance of form. master, Thomas Horner, for saying, That the duke of York was rightful heir to the crown. 'Q. Mar. What say'st thou? Did the duke of 'York say, he was rightful heir to the crown? 'Peter. That my master was? No, forsooth: my 'master said, That he was; and that the king was an usurper. * And plac'd a quire of such enticing birds, Suff. Who is there? [Enter Servants.]-Take this fellow in, and send for his master with a pursuivant presently:-we'll hear more of your matter before* the king. [Exeunt Servants, with Peter. Q. Mar. And as for you, that love to be protected Under the wings of our protector's grace, 'Begin your suits anew, and sue to him. [Tears the petition. 'Away, base cullions !'-Suffolk, let them go. All Come, let's be gone. [Exeunt Pelitioners. * Q. Mar. My lord of Suffolk, say, is this the guise, * Is this the fashion in the court of England? * To number Ave-Maries on his beads: * His champions are-the prophets and apostles; * I would, the college of cardinals * Would choose him pope, and carry him to Rome, · Suff. Madam, be patient: as I was cause The imperious churchman; Somerset, Buckingham, So, one by one, we'll weed them all at last, K. Hen. For my part, noble lords, I care not Or Somerset, or York, all's one to me. York. If York have ill demean'd himself in Then let him be denay'd' the regentship. Som. If Somerset be unworthy of the place, Car. Ambitious Warwick, let thy betters speak. wick. War. Warwick may live to be the best of all. Why Somerset should be preferr'd in this. 'Glo. Madam, the king is old enough himself ters. Q. Mar. If he be old enough, what need your grace To be protector of his excellence? Glo. Madam, I am protector of the realm, 'And, at his pleasure, will resign my place. Suff. Resign it then, and leave thine insolence. 'Since thou wert king, (as who is king, but thou?) "The commonwealth hath daily run to wreck: And grumbling York; and not the least of these, 'As that proud dame, the lord protector's wife. 'More like an empress than duke Humphrey's wife; (1) Scoundrels. (2) Savings. (3) Drab, trull. (4) i, e. The complaint of Peter the armourer's man against his master. Are lank and lean with thy extortions. * Som. Thy sumptuous buildings, and thy wife's Have cost a mass of public treasury. * Q. Mar. Thy sale of offices and towns in *If they were known, as the suspect is great,- (5) Denay is frequently used instead of deny among the old writers. (6) Censure here means simply judgment or opinion, |