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perfons at the former place, and nearly as many at the latter, with the prefects of their refpective departments at their head. Even in ancient Belgium, where the dreadful perfecution of the Duke of Al.

in the French and Italian languages; and they have the pleafure to announce that this is accomplished, and they are now in circulation in France, and will fhortly be fo in Italy. How great the neceflity of publishing theva is ftill remembered, the fame Scriptures was in thofe countries, difpofition has manifested itself in is proved from the difficulty which fimilar applications, not only from the deputation found in procuring the commercial city of Antwerp, a fingle copy of them at Paris, as but from various other places. well as from the information which At Strasburg, a wealthy bookfel. they received, that this is a gene- ler has repeatedly applied for the ral cafe in both countries. The works of Proteftant authors, for copy of the Scriptures which the purpofe of fupplying our they at length obtained, was a Proteftant brethren in the newly prefent from a Proteftant minifter. acquired departments on the Rhine. -Having had opportunities of This increafing difpofition in faafcertaining that an energetic and vor of that caufe, may be acevangelical miniftry would be likely counted for, in a great degree, to be well attended and well fup- from this confideration: That, alported in France, they conceived though the Catholic Religion is that the establishment of a Pro- nominally the national one, yet teftant church at Paris, would be that of the Proteftants is equally a meafure pregnant with the most eftablished by the conftitution; important and beneficial effects. and its minifters have the fame leThe Rev. Mr. Tracy, who was gal claim for fupport ;-and it is then at Paris, and moft ardently the opinion of those who are best devoted to the great objects of the informed on the fubject, that, Society, was requested to contin- although many churches have alue there, in order to fuperintend ready been given to the Proteftants, the publications, and procure more there yet remain 900 congregafull information concerning the re- tions, confifting of feveral hun. ligious ftate of France. The in-dred perfons, and many of feveterval that has elapfed fince the re-ral thoufands each, who are ftill turn of the deputation, has been actively employed on thefe objects; and various informations have been received, which prove the almoft unlimited extent to which the Scriptures and the writings of Proteftants may be circulated; and alfo the increafing propenfity of the people to the Proteftant caufe. At Befancon in the fouth, and at Arras in the north, where none of that per-pleafed to fend among them the fuafion were to be found prior to word of life, and raise up faithful the Revolution, application for laborers in this great harvest. Proteftant minifters and churches have been made, figued by 12,000

deftitute both of churches and of paftors. Surely this circumftance must make a deep impreffion on the hearts of thofe in this highlyfavored country, who are duly penetrated with a fenfe of the ineftimable value of the privileges which they enjoy in fuch rich abundance; and prompt them earnestly to pray, that the great Head of the church would be

The principles of religious toleration having been introduced in

The Directors now proceed to, give an account of the Miffions already eflablifhed, beginning, as ufual, with that to Otaheite; which as it engaged the first attention of the Society, has ever fince been the subject of their par ticular care and folicitude. The. arrival of the Royal Admiral, Capt. Wilfon, in July laft, brought, the intelligence, that the nine Miffionaries, fent out by that veffel, had reached their deftination, in good health; and were cordi-, ally welcomed, both by their brethren and the heathen. It ap peared that the outward tranquil, ity of the former had been preferved; and although they had not at that time acquired a fufficient acquaintance with the lan

to Italy alfo, have afforded an opportunity for the manifestation of a difpofition there, to receive inftruction in the Proteftant Faith. Already applications have been received from bookfellers in Pifa and Leghorn, for the works of Proteftants; and others are shortly expected from Turin and Milan. Such are the extenfive profpects which Providence has opened, and in which the benevolence of Chriftians may find unlimited fcope for its exertions; but in proportion to the magnitude of the object, is the neceffity of wifdom and prudence in the improvement of it. The Directors are aware of the great duty of attending to the operations of Divine Providence, in all their tranfactions; and as their measures must be regula-guage to enable them to preach ted by the political relations of the two countries, they wait for further light upon that interefting point, before they can arrange a proper plan for their future pro-feed of the gofpel. The internal ceedings. Perfuaded that there is not a fingle Chriftian in this kingdom who would not rejoice in the communication of the bleffings of the gospel to the countries they have mentioned, the Directors pledge themfelves that this fubject fhall meet that degree of attention which the fituation of the two nations permits, and is confiftent with the general concerns of the Society, and efpecially with that regard to the heathen world which is its most prominent and appropriate object.*

Since this Report was read, the political relations between this country and France have affumed fuch an afpect, as will probably render it expedient, on the pa t of the Society, to fufpend its connections there. The Directors are however perfuaded, that there exifts in that country a fmall-cirde of genuine Chriftians, who are fo

publicly to the natives, yet they were able to converfe with them occafionally; and in this way feattered among them the precious

ftate of the Miffion continued also to manifeft, in a high degree, their devotednefs to God, and their affectionate and peaceful conduct towards each other. They gave an intimation, that a general meeting of the chiefs was expec ted fhortly to take place, when the queftion of peace or war would be decided; as it appeared that a fpirit of difaffection had long prevailed in feveral of the Society Iflands, which had caufed much

fuitably impreffed with the importance of diffufing around them the principles of Divine Revelation, that the Sacred Scriptures, and the works of Protestant Authors, will, by their means, be extenfively circulated; and that they will exert themfelves in various ways to promote the honor of Chrift and the beft interefts of their fellow-crcatures. The Directors hope that their number will increase, and that the Di vine blefling will fucceed their exertions,

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commotion, and threatened more., terminated, it was thought that the lofs which had been fuftained by their enemies, had fo broken their force, as to render their fuccefs in any further contention im probable. With regard to their actual fituation at the time of their writing, the following extract from their letter will give an interefting account :-" Refpecting our personal safety, while God is. pleased to continue the means he has afforded, there is little probability now that we shall be af failed in our habitations. But the Venus is expected every hour: on her arrival, Captain Bishop and men will quit the island; if not alfo Captain Houfe and men. Should that occur, and the difturbances of the island not be fettled, what may follow we cannot tell. The Porpoife is looked for; but her coming is dubious. We have fuffered confiderably by the prefent diftreffes, through deftroy

In their letter, dated July 8, 1802, very lately received, and which has been published for the information of the religious public in the Evangelical Magazine for the month of May, we are informed of a civil war having actually broken out in Otaheite, which had brought the brethren into a fituation of great péril; from which they were delivered by the gracious and feasonable protection of God, through the means of the arrival of the Norfolk, Captain House, and the Venus, Captain Bishop; by whofe affiftance Pomarre was enabled to obtain very important advantages over the infurgents, after having previously been twice defeated by them, and brought nearly under the neceffity of abandoning the island. It does not appear that this commotion was occafioned by the principle of difaffection among the lower orders, which has been re-ing feveral inclofures of gardens, ferred to, though probably that and gardens themfelves, and pulfpirit might very much actuate ling down our chapel. All which them in the progrefs of the conflict. was done to clear around us as The immediate occafion of the much as poffible, in order to prewar was, the forcible feizure and vent an unfeen approach; and al. detention of a billet of wood, by fo the freeing our dwelling from the Chief Otoo, from the people the flames of the chapel, fhould it who refided at the diftrict of At- be burnt, it being clofe to the tahooroo, at the great meeting dwelling house. of the nation; and which the latter worshipped as their Supreme Divinity. It will not be neceffary here to detail the circumftances and progress of this contention, the mixture of fuperftition, weak nefs, and uncontroled barbarity, which were manifefted on both fides, fince it would too much enlarge this Report, and may be referred to in the before mentioned Magazine. The refult, at the date of the letter, was greatly in favor of Otoo and Pomarre; and although the war. had not then

The Society's labor and expenfe in erecting the fence and cultivating the ground, has been very great; and they are now ruined. Our flock of useful articles, to pay our workmen, is almoft expended; so that, should peace be reftored, we fhall not be able readily to replace our af fairs in their former fituation. The work of preaching the gofpel continues; and the Lord has fo far over-ruled the disorders of the land, as to give several hundreds of this ifland and Eimeo an opportunity to hear the word of

information, in the hope that it will bring them the welcome account of the complete restoration of tranquillity, of their perfonal fafety, and their useful labours among the heathen. In the mean time, it becomes us to acquiefce in this afflictive difpenfation, which is the more painful to us, as it occurred at a feafon wherein our profpects were beginning to brighten, many difficulties had been furmounted, and the gofpel-trum pet had been founded in almost every diftrict of the island. It is, however, the prerogative of God to determine the duration and degree of trial which shall exercife his people; and it is not unufual, in his wife and holy difpenfations, that great fpiritual fuccefs and profperity fucceed, and actually fpring out of a feries of preceding difafter and affliction.

falvation, who never before did hear it; and, perhaps, would not have heard it for months to come. One circuit of the ifland was taken juft before the rebellion broke out; and the gospel preached in every district, except Attahooroo. In the midst of great darkness and perplexity of mind, we fometimes have a gleam of hope, that God is humbling this people, and thereby preparing them for a more cheerful and univerfal reception of his word. Otoo has of late, on two Sabbath-days, defired to hear the word of Jehovah; which was accordingly fpoken to him, and others of his family, with many of his fubjects whom he affembled to hear it. He feems to have fome idea that there is but one God; and expreffes no diflike to any part of the plan of falvation, fo far as he can comprehend it. Pomarre is a moft bigotted man; We have great fatisfaction in and, as it were, the foul of his mentioning, that this Miffionary country's abominable fuperftition. ftation appears to be already of From the statement of the fore- confiderable importance to the going particulars, we leave it to colony of New South Wales, in our honored fathers' and breth- fupplying its increafing population ren's better judgment, to confid- with falt provifions, at a time when er whether it would not be expe- the fcarcity of all the neceffaries dient to fix fuch a body of Mif- of life was fo great, as to render fionaries at Otaheite, and to ac- this interpofition peculiarly feacommodate them with every ne- fonable. By means of the interceffary, fo as to be independent courfe which for this purpose freof the chiefs, and not to ftand or quently occurs betwixt the two fall with them; and whence alfo places, the fecurity of our breththe gospel may be difperfed abroad ren, as well as their eftimation among the neighboring iflands, as with the natives, is likely to be the leadings of Providence direct promoted. This is a circumthe way." ftance alfo, which, being connectAltho' the Society acknowled with the national inrerests, is edge, with gratitude, the pow-likely on that account to engage erful and feasonable interpofition in its behalf the countenance of a of the providence of God in be- government whofe adminiftration half of his fervants, and with bears fo favorable an aspect on great confidence, in his continued measures of public utility, or be goodnefs, commit thefe faithful nevolent enterprize. Indeed, the brethren daily to his protection, Society has already received unequivocal proofs of its kind difpo

yet they anxiously wait the next

fition towards this Miffion, in the free paffage which it has intimated will be given to those perfons who may hereafter be sent out, and of which the Directors have already availed themselves in the inftance of three Miffionaries, who lately failed on board the Ocean.

Whether this station may appear of fo much importance as to induce the government to adopt any measures, by which the Mif. fionaries may have the advantage of its more direct and conftant protection, is a circumftance to us unknown. The ftate of the natives, both civil and moral, is at prefent fo deplorable, that no apprehenfions can justly be entertained that any difadvantage would accrue to them from a clofer relation to this country. On the contrary, it would, moft probably, greatly ameliorate their con

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dition; and by the fecurity which WE the fubfcribers, being

it would afford to miffionary exertions, gradually lead to the civilization and religious inftruction of that and the contiguous iflands, It does not, however, appear to be the province of this Society to take any active part in relation to this circumftance. Our object being entirely fpiritual, our meafures muft correspond therewith; and, while we should rejoice in any event which would be favorable to the converfion of these islanders, we must leave them in the hands of that gracious Providence, who, we hope, will in the best time, and by the moft fuitable means, accomplish the prayers which have been fo long and fo generally of fered in their behalf.

Before we quit this fubject, we have to mention, that two natives of Otaheite, about the age of fix teen, are in this country, under the protection of the Society. They are placed for their educa.

a committee appointed for that purpose, do in the name of the Confociation of the Weftern District of the State of Vermont and parts adjacent, beg leave to return you our warmest thanks for your Chriftian charity and benevolence towards thefe infant fet tlements.-Impreffed, as we hope, with true zeal for the caufe "of our divine Redeemer, we have long beheld with pleasure your pi ous exertions in favor of this part of Zion. Altho' we trust that you have divine confolation in your own minds, while your unremitted labors are beftowed in building up the intereft of the bleffed Redeemer, yet we cannot anfwer our own minds without fome public manifeftation to exprefs the grateful feelings of our hearts. We truft, that fome part of your crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jefus will fpring from the precious feed fown, in these parts, by the inftrumentality

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