Imágenes de páginas

4 In flowing tears our guilt we mourn,
And loud implore thy grace,
To bear our feeble footsteps on,
In all thy righteous ways.

5 Armed with this energy divine,
Our souls shall steadfast move;
And with increasing transport press
To thy bright courts above.


C. M.


Freedom from Sin and Misery in Heaven.

1 OUR sins, alas! how strong they be!

And like a violent sea,
They break our duty, Lord, to thee,
And hurry us away.

2 The waves of trouble, how they rise!
How loud the tempests roar!
But death shall land our weary souls
Safe on the heavenly shore.
3 There, to fulfil his sweet commands,
Our speedy feet shall move;
No sin shall clog our winged zeal,
Or cool our burning love.

4 There shall we sit, and sing, and tell
The wonders of his grace;
Till heavenly raptures fire our hearts,

And smile in every face.


C. M.


The true Penitent.

1 HARK! hear the sound on earth is found,

Each soul delights to hear,

Of dying love that 's from above,
Of pardon bought so dear.

2 God's ministers like flames of fire,
Are passing through the land;
The voice is, hear, repent and fear,
King Jesus is at hand.

God's chariots they no longer stay,
They're mounted on the truth;

he saints in pray'r, cry, Lord, draw near,
Have mercy on the youth.

4. Young converts sing and praise their King,

And bless God's holy name;
While older saints, true penitents,
Rejoice to join the theme.

5 God grant a shower of saving power,

On ev'ry aching heart, Who sincerely to God do ery, That they may have a part.

6 Come, lovely youth, embrace the truth, Agree with one accord;

And use your tongues while you are young, In praising Christ the Lord.



Returning to Christ.

1 YE sons of earth, arise!

Ye creatures of a day!
Redeem the time-be bold-be wise,
And cast your bonds away.

2 The year of gospel-grace,
With us rejoice to see;
And thankfully in Christ embrace
Your proffered liberty.
3 Blest Saviour-Lord of all !
Thee help us to receive;
Obedient to thy gracious call,
Oh, bid us turn and live!
4 Our former years misspent,
Now let us deeply mourn;
And, softened by thy grace, repent,
And to thine arms return!

Compassion and Intercession for Sinners.
1 ALMIGHTY God, with pitying eye,
The sons of men survey;
Behold how thoughtless mortals sport
In sin's destructive way.

2 Ten thousand dangers lurk around
To bear them to the tomb;
Each passing hour may place them wh
Repentance cannot come.

3 Bring back, O Lord, their wand'ring steps,

Misled by airy dreams;

And let the light of truth dispel
Their visionary schemes.

4 Rouse, and direct them by thy word,
Their dang'rous state to see,
That they may seek, and find the path
That leads to heav'n and thee.



1 PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire,
Utter'd, or unexpress'd;
The motion of a hidden fire,
That trembles in the breast.

2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh,
The falling of a tear;
The upward glancing of an eye,
When none but God is near.

3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try;
Prayer the sublimest strains that reach
The Majesty on high.

4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath,
The Christian's native air,
The watch-word at the gates of death;
He enters heaven with prayer.

5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice,
The turning froin his ways;
While angels in their songs rejoice,
And cry, "Behold! he prays!"
6 In prayer, on earth the saints are one;
They're one in word and mind,
When, with the Father and the Son,
Sweet fellowship they find.
O thou, by whom we come to God,
The Life, the Truth, the Way,
The path of pray'r thyself hast trod;
Lord, teach us how to pray.



The Lord's Prayer.

1 OUR heavenly Father, hear
The prayer we offer now:
Thy name be hallowed far and near,
To thee all nations bow.

2 Thy kingdom come; thy will
On earth be done in love,
As saints and seraphim fulfil
Thy perfect law above.
3 Our daily bread supply,
While by thy word we live;
The guilt of our iniquity
Forgive as we forgive.

4 From dark temptation's power
Our feeble hearts defend;
Deliver in the evil hour,
And guide us to the end.
5 Thine, then, for ever be
Glory and power divine;
The sceptre, throne, and majesty
Of heaven and earth are thine.

1 FATHER, adored in worlds above!
Thy glorious name be hallowed still;
Thy kingdom come in truth and love;
And earth, like heaven obey thy will.

2 Lord, make our daily wants thy care;
Forgive the sins which we forsake:
In thy compassion let us share,
As fellow men of ours partake.

3 Evils beset us every hour;

Thy kind protection we implore,
Thine is the kingdom, thine the power,
The glory thine for ever more.

[blocks in formation]

The Universal Prayer.

1 FATHER of all! whose cares extens To earth's remotest shore,

From every clime let praise ascend,
And every age adore.

2 Thou great First Cause, least understood,
Who all our sense confined,

To know but this that thou art good,
And we ourselves are blind.

3 What conscience dictates to be done,
Or warns us not to do:

This, teach us more than hell to shun,
That, more than heaven pursue.

4 Save us alike from foolish pride,
Or impious discontent:
At aught thy wisdom hast denied,
Or aught thy goodness lent.
5 Teach us to feel another's wo,
To hide the faults we see:
The mercy we to others show,
We shall receive from thee.

6 To thee whose temple is all space,
Whose altar, earth, sea, skies,
One chorus let all beings raise,
All nature's incense rise!



Prayer for Divine Aid and Guidance.

1 ETERNAL Source of light and thought!
Supremely good and wise!

To thee we bring our grateful vows,
To thee lift up our eyes.

2 Thy quickening energy is felt

Through nature's ample round;
In heaven, on earth, through air, and skies,
Its impress, Lord! is found.

3 Our dark and erring minds illume
With truth's celestial rays;
Kindle in these cold hearts thy love,
And tune our tongues to praise.

O grant to us thy needful aid,

To do and bear thy will;

my grace can make each burden light,

And every murmur still.

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