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human heart we present the blood of Christ. If that blood can cleanse us from all sin, from all corruption, from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, I know not why our corruptions need be an insuperable barrier to the accomplishment of this work; unless our corruptions are so deep that the blood of the Lamb cannot reach them, which very few are prepared to accept as God's truth.

2. As to strength of habit, it is said, So confirmed do they become wicked habits especially that it requires a long time to break them up and remove them.

This would be very well if we were obliged to break up and subdue these habits by our own wills. But this is not the case. This God never required; and if he had, man never could have complied.

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As a perfect corrector of habits we present the Holy Ghost. He is our "sanctifier; the one that "quickens," that " fills," that "circumcises the heart," that "makes us free;" the one whose "ministrations are glorious; the Spirit which is not received "by

the works of the law," -not by personal efforts to make our hearts better, "but by

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the hearing of faith." By it we are strengthened in the inner man," until we are perfectly renewed in the spirit of our minds."

To say that the Spirit cannot effect this change in us at once, is to limit his power. Whatever he can do he is willing to do, if we perform the condition required. And as the condition is simple faith, all may believe and be saved now.

3. As to the power of Satan, it is said, He is powerful, subtle, deceptive, and malignant; that we do not fully understand his influence over us; and that it takes a long time to break his power. This is all true. It will take a long time to break his power, and very much longer than we shall wish to struggle, if we attempt it in our own strength. We are very thankful, however, that no such necessity is laid upon us. We have not to fight Satan alone; nor are we of ourselves to fight him at all.

There is a power which is adequate to the

necessities of fallen, tempted human nature. We present Jesus as Leader and King of his people. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He came to bruise Satan under his feet, and destroy his works; and can he not do it? Has he found more than a match for himself? He has more than once conquered him, and there is no place in a human heart from which he may not be dislodged by this "Captain of our salvation.”

We claim to believe in, and understand something of the corruption of the heart. We also believe in the blood of the Lamb which removes the corruption from us, as far " as the east is from the west."

We believe in the strength of habit as firmly as any one can; but we also believe in the omnipotency of the Holy Spirit to correct such habits.

We believe in the subtlety and power of Satan as firmly as our opponents do, but we also believe in him who is able to bruise Satan under his feet, and destroy his works. There is no opposing force sufficiently strong to suc

cessfully compete with these heaven-appointed


We see no reason why the

believing soul The present

may not, at any time, be saved. is as the future with God, and they do not reckon wisely who conclude that to-morrow will be more abundant in privileges than today. There can be no want of power on the part of Christ; and as it is by faith and not by works, it requires but little time to believe. Whenever the soul sees its wants, and believes in Christ, the work is accomplished.



"Could my tears forever flow,

Could my zeal no languor know,
These for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.
In my hand no price I bring;
Simply to the cross I cling."

"Now, e'en now, I yield, I yield,
With all my sins to part:
Jesus, speak my pardon sealed,
And purify my heart:
Purge the love of sin away;

Then I into nothing fall,

Then I see the perfect day,

And Christ is all in all."

NE of the most difficult questions con

C nected with this subject is, How is the

blessing of entire sanctification to be obtained? The reasons are obvious:

1. In matters of religion, as in many other things, it is very difficult to describe to a per

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