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The Sacraments of the Old Testament, in regard of the spiritual things thereby fignified an exhibited, were for lubftance the fame with those of the new. k 1 Cor. 10 1.2, 3.4°



Of Baptifm.

Aptifm is a Sacrament of the New Tefta ment, ordained by Jefus Chrift, to be unto the party baptized a fign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace, of his ingrafting into Chrift, of regeneration, of remiffion of fins, and of his giving up unto God through Jefus Chrift to walk in newness of life; f which Ordinance is by Chrift's own appointment to be continued in his Church until the end of the World & Mat. 28,19 Rom.4 11 with Cal 2.11, 12 © Gal. 3.27 Rom.6.5 4 f Rom.6. 3,4 & Mai

Tit 3 5 28. 19, 20

e Mark 1.

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The outwardElement to be ufed in this Ordinance is Water, where with the party is to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Sor, and of the holy Ghoft, by a Minifter of the Gaspel lawfully call d thereunto

Mob. 1. 33 Mat. 28. 19, 20.




Dipping of the perfon into the Water is not neceffary but Baptifm is rightly adminif tred by pouring or fprinkling water upon the perfon i Heb. 9. 10, 19 to 22 Alts 2. 41 16.33 Mark 7. 4.




Not only thofe that do actually profess Faith in, and Obedience unto Chrift, k but alfo the Infants of one or both believing Parents are to be Baptized, and thofe only Mark 16 15,16 Als 8.37,38 1 Gen. 17.7,9 with Gal. 3. 9,14 & Col. 2 11 & Acts 2.38,39 & Rom. 4. 11,12 1 Cor. 7. 14 Mat. 28.19 Mark 10. 13 to 16 Luke 18. 15:



Although it be a great fin to contemn or neglect this Ordinance, yet grace and falvation are not fo infeparably annexed to it, as that no perfon can be regenerate or faved without it; or that all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated Luke 7. 30 with Exod 4. 24, 25,26 "Rom. 4. 11 A&S 10, 2 4, 22,31,45,47 A3 9. 13, 23

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The Efficacy of Baptifm is not tyed to that moment of time wherein it is adminiftred,

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yet notwithstanding, by the right ufe of this Ordinance, the grace promifed is not only offered, but really exhibited and conferred by the holy Gnot to fuch (whether of age or Infants) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the counsel ofGod's own Will in his appoin ted time Jobn 3. 5, 8 • Gal. 3.27 Fit 3. 5 Epb.5. 25, 26 As 2. 38. 41


Baptifm is but once to be adminiftred to any perfon Titus 3. 5

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UR Lord Jefus in the night wherein he was betrayed, inftituted the Sacrament of his Body and Bloed called the Lord's Supper, to be obferved in his Churches to the end of the World, for the perpetual remembrance, and fhewing forth of the facrifice of himfelf in his death, the fealing of all benefits thereof unto true Believers, their fpiritual nourishment and, growth in him, their further ingagement in and to all dutys which they owe unto him, and to be a bond and pledge of their communion with him and with each other 11. 23,24,25,26 10.16, 17, 21 & 12, 13.

I Cor



In this Sacrament Chrift is not Offered up to his Father, nor any real Sacrifice made at all for remiffion of fin of the quick or dead, but only a Memorial of that one offering up of himself upon the Crofs once for all, and a fpiritual Oblation of all poffible praise unto God for the fame, fo that the Popish Sacrifice of the Mafs (as they call it) is most abominable, injurious to Chrift's own enly Sacrifice, the alone propitiation for all the fins of b Heb 9. 22,25,26.28

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the Elect
11. 24,25,26. Mat. 26.26,27.
24, 27 & 10. 11, 12, 14, 18.


CI Cor Heb. 7. 239 7.239

The Lord Jefus hath in this Ordinance appointed his Minifters to declare his word of Inftruction to the People, to pray and blefs the Elements of Bread and Wine, and thereby to let them apart from a common to an holy ufe, and to take and break the Bread, to take the Cup, & they Communicating also themfelves) to give both to the Communicants, but to none who are not then prefent in the Congregation. fe Mat. 26. 26,27,28 Mark 14. 22,23,24 Luk. 22. 19, 20 I Cor


AB 20. 7.


11. 20

I V.

Private Maffes, or Receiving the Sacrament by a Prieft, or any other alone, g as likewife the denial of the Cup to the People,' h Wor-. fhipping the Elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about for adoration, & referving them for any Pretended religious ufe, are all contrary to the nature of this Sacrament, & to the Inftitution of Chrift. g I Cor. 10. 6 Mark 14,23. 1 Cor 11. 25, to 30 i Mat 15 9


The outward Elements in this Sacrament duly fet apart to the ufes ordained by Chrift, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that truly yet Sacramentally only, they are fometimes called by the name of the things they reprefent,to wit, the Body & Blood of Chrift; k albeit in fubftance and nature they ftill remain truly and only Bread and Wine as they were before. Mat 26, 26, 27, 281 Cor. 11. 26, 27, 28 Mat 26. 29

1 k


That Do&rine which maintains a change of the fubftance of Bread and Wine into the fubflance of Chrift's Body and Blood (commonly led Tranfubftantiation) by Confecration of

eft, or by any other way, is repugnant

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