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cubleness Unanimously Agree to the Articles for the Administration of Church Difcipline now of fered to Publick View, all which being prefented, were allowed of and Etablished by the General Affembly of this Colony, as by their Ats appears for the better fatisfaction of our People, we bave. ndertaken a tofk, acceptable we truft unto many; tho' it escape not the Exceptions of fome, in Jubjoyning Scriptures for Confirmation of the Heads of Agreement, which we have not feen added thereunto. The afarefaid Articles confift in Two Heads, The one holding forth the power of particular Churches in the Management of Difcipline confirmed by Scriptures annexed,

The other, ferves to preferve promote òr recover the Peace & Edification of the Churches by the means of a Confociation of the Elders, and Churches or of an Affociation of Elders: Both which we are agreed bave Countenance from the Scriptures and the Propofitions in Anfwer to the Second Question given by the Synod met at Bolton 1662. In both which having rejpet to the Divine Precepts of Fraternal Union, and that Principle univerfally acknowledged, Quod tangit omnes debet tractari abomnibus. The Scriptures are added for the Illuftration of the fubftance of the abovementioned Articles, yet with an Apprehenfion, that there may be alterations made further Condefcentions Agreed e


on, which shall afterwards appear necessary for theOrder & Edification of our Churches.

As we have laboured in this affair to approve our felves unto God, Jo we are cheerful with bumble Prayer for bis Bleffing to recommend the Heads of Agreement with the fubfequent Articles unto the acceptance and obfervation of our People, boping till it please the Lord to fend forth further light and truth in thefe more Controverfal Matters, this Method may be a blessed means of our better Unanimity and Success in our Lord's Work for the Gathering and Edifying of the Body of Chrift, for which we befpeak the concuring Prayers of all that fear the LORD.




Heads of Agreement Af

fented to by the United

Minifters formerly called Presbyterian & Congregational.


Of Churches and Church Members:

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E acknowledge our Lord Jefus Chrift to have one Catbolick Church, or Kingdom, comprehending all that are united to him, whether in Heaven or Earth. And do conceive the whole Multitude of Vifible Believers, and their Infant Seed (commonly call'd the Catbolick Vifible Church) to belong to Chrift's Spiritual Kingdom in this World. But for the Notion of a Catholick Vifible Church here, as it fignifies it's having been collected into any formed Society, under a visible common Head on Earth, whether one Perfon fingly or many Collectively, we with the reft of Proteftants, unanimously disclaim it. Eph. 1.10

22. & 4.4. Epb. 5.27. 1 Cor 12 12, 13. Gen. 17 7. Alts 2. 39. Mat. 23. 7, to 10.

II. We agree, that particular Societies of visible Saints, who under Chrift their Head, are ftatedly joined together, for ordinaryCommunion with one another in all the Ordinances of Chrift, are particular Churches, and are to be owned by each other, as Inftituted Churches of Chrift, though differing in Apprehenfions and Practice ia fome leffer things. 1 Cor 14. 2,3, & 1. 2. & 12. 27. Rev. 1. 4. Rom. 14 1.

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III. That none fhall be admitted as, Members, in order to Communion in all the special Ordinances of the Gospel, but fuch Perfons as are knowing and found in the Fundamental Dorine of the Chriftian Religion, without fcandal in their Lives; and to a Judgment regulated by the Word of God, are Perfons of vifible Holinefs and Honefty; credibly pra feffing Cordial Subjection to Jefus Chrift. Pro. 19. 2. A&t. 8. 32. 2 Tim. 2. 19. Ezek. 44.9. Rom. 10. 10. 2 Cor. 9.13.

IV. A competent number of fuch visible Saints, (as before described)do become the capable Subjects of ftated Communion in all the Special Ordinances of Christ upon their mutual declared Confent and Agreement to walk together therein according toGospel Rule. In which declaration, different degrees of Explicitenejs, shall

fhall no ways hinder fuchChurches from owning each other, as inflituted Churches. 1 Cor. 14. 23. A. 20. 7 & 2. 41,42 Rom. 14. 3.

V. The parochial Bounds, be not of Divine Right, yet for common edification, the Members of a particular Church ought (as much as conveniently may be) to live near one another. 1 Thef. 5. 11, 12, 13. Heb 10. 25.

VI. That each particular Church bath right to use their own Officers; and being furnished · with fuch as are duly qualified and erdained according to the Golpel Rule, hath Authority from Chrift for exercising Government, and of enjoying all the Ordinances of We: fhip within it felf. Als 6. 2 Tit. 1. 5, 6, 7. 1 Tim. 4 14 Mat 18 17 1 Cor 11 2


VII. In the Adminiftration of Church Power, it belongs to the Pofers & other Elders of every particular Church, it fuch then be to rule & govern, and to the Brotherhood to confent according to the Rule of the Gospel. 1 Tim 5 17 Heb 3 17 1 Cor 4 1 Cor 5 4 5 4.2 Cer 6 8,10 VIII. That all Profeffors as before defcribed, are bound in Duty, as they have opportunity. to join themselves as fixed Members of fome particular Church; their thus joyning being part of their profefled fubjection to the Gospel of Ckrift, & an inftituted Means of their Eitzblishment

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