PSALM LXXXVI. Common Metre,
A general fong of praise to God.
MONG the princes, earthly gods, There's none hath pow'r divine;
Nor is their nature, mighty Lord, Nor are their works like thine. 2 The nations thou hast made, shall bring Their off'rings round thy throne; For thou alone dost wond'rous things, For thou art God alone.
3 Lord, I would walk with holy feet; Teach me thy heav'nly ways, And my poor scatter'd thoughts unite In God my Father's praife.
4 Great is thy mercy, and my tongue Shall those sweet wonders tell, How by thy grace my finking foul Rofe from the deeps of hell. PSALM LXXXVII. Long Metre. The church the birth-place of the faints; or, Jews and Gentiles united in the chriftian church. (OD in his earthly temple lays Foundations for his heav'nly praise:
He likes the tents of Jacob well, But still in Zion loves to dwell.
2 His mercy visits ev'ry house That pay their night and morning vows; But makes a more delightful stay Where churches meet to praise and pray.
3 What glories were defcrib'd of old? What wonders are of Zion told? Thou city of our God below, Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know
4 Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew, Shall there begin their lives anew; Angels and men shall join to fing The hill where living waters spring.
5 When God makes up his last account Of natives in his holy mount, : 'Twill be an honour to appear
As one new-born, or nourish'd there!
PSALM LXXXIX. 1st Part. Long Met.
The covenant made with Chrift; or, the true David.
OR ever shall my fong record The truth and mercy of the Lord;
Mercy and truth for ever stand, Like heav'n, establish'd by his hand. 2 Thus to his fon he sware, and faid, "With thee my cov'nant first is made; "In thee shall dying finners live, "Glory and grace are thine to give.
3 "Be thou my Prophet, thou my Prieft; "Thy children shall be ever blest; "Thou art my chosen King; thy throne "Shall stand eternal, like my own.
"There's none, of all my fons above, "So much my image or my love; " Celeftiał pow'rs thy subjects are: "Then what can earth to thee compare?
5 "David, my servant, whom I chose, "To guard my flock, to crush my foes, "And rais'd him to the Jewish throne, "Was but a shadow of my Son."
6 Now let the church rejoice and fing, Jesus her Saviour and her King;
Angels his heav'nly wonders show, And faints declare his works below.
PSALM LXXXIX. 1st Part. Com.Met,
The faithfulness of God.
M Y never-ceafing fongs shall show
The mercies of the Lord;
And make succeeding ages know How faithful is his word.
2 The sacred truths his lips pronounce Shall firm as heav'n endure : And if he speak a promife once, Th' eternal grace is fure.
3 How long the race of David held The promis'd Jewish throne ! But there's a nobler cov'nant seal'd To David's greater Son.
4 His feed for ever shall poffefs A throne above the skies; The meanest subject of his grace Shall to that glory rife.
5 Lord God of hosts, thy wondrous ways Are fung by saints above; And faints on earth their honours raise To thine unchanging love.
PSALM LXXXIX. 2d Part. Com, Met. Ver. 7, &c.
The power and majesty of God; or, reverential worship.
ITH rev'rence let the faints appear, And bow before the Lord;
His high commands with rev'rence hear,
And tremble at his word.
2 How terrible thy glories be !
How bright thine armies shine ! Where is the pow'r that vies with thee? Or truth compar'd with thine ?
3 The northern pole and fouthern rest On thy supporting hand; Darkness and day from east to west Move round at thy command.
4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boist'rous deep; Thou mak'st the fleeping billows roll, The rolling billows fleep.
5 Heav'n, earth, and air, and sea are thine, And the dark world of hell; How did thine arm in vengeance shine, When Egypt durst rebel!
6 Justice and judgment are thy throne, Yet wond'rous is thy grace; While truth and mercy, join'd in one, Invite us near thy face.
PSALM LXXXIX. 3d Part. Com. Met.
Ver. 15, &c. A blessed Gospel.
LEST are the fouls that hear and know The gospel's joyful sound; Peace shall attend the paths they go, And light their steps surround.
2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up, Through their Redeemer's name!, His righteousness exalts their hope, Nor fatan dares condemn.
3 The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and falvation gives: Ifr'el, thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives.
PSALM LXXXIX. 4th Part. Com. Met.
Chrift's mediatorial kingdom; or, bis divine and
human nature.
EAR what the Lord in
And made his mercy known;
"Sinners, behold your help is laid "On my Almighty Son.
2 "Behold the man my wisdom chose "Among your mortal race; "His head my holy oil o'erflows, "The spirit of my grace.
3 "High shall he reign on David's throne, "My people's better King; "My arm shall beat his rivals down, "And still new subjects bring.
4 " My truth shall guard him in his way, "With mercy by his fide, "While in my name, through earth and fea, "He shall in triumph ride.
5 "Me for his Father and his God "He shall for ever own, "Call me his Rock, his high Abode, "And I'll fupport my Son.
6 "My first-born Son, array'd in grace, "At my right-hand shall fit; "Beneath him angels know their place, "And monarchs at his feet.
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