Imágenes de páginas

His work for ever I'll pursue,

His law fhall rule my heart.

Ver. 50, 71.

6 This was my comfort when I bore

Variety of grief;

It made me learn thy word the more,

And fly to that relief.

Ver. 51.

7 [In vain the proud deride me now;

I'll ne'er forget thy law; Nor let that blessed gofpel go,

Whence all my hopes I draw.

Ver. 27, 171.

8 When I have learn'd my Father's will,
I'll teach the world his ways:
My thankful lips, inspir'd with zeal,
Shall loud pronounce his praife.]

PSALM CXIX. 10th Part. Com. Metre.



Pleading the promises.

Ver. 38, 49.

EHOLD thy waiting fervant, Lord,
Devoted to thy fear;

Remember and confirm thy word,
For all my hopes are there.
Ver. 41, 58, 107.

2 Hast thou not sent salvation down,
And promis'd quick'ning grace?
Doth not my heart address thy throne ?
And yet thy love delays.

Ver. 123, 42.

3 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail;

O bear thy fervant up!
Nor let the scoffing lips prevail,
Which dare reproach my hope.

Ver. 49, 74.

4 Didit thou not raise my faith, O Lord?
Then let thy truth appear :

Saints shall rejoice in my reward,
And trust as well as fear.

PSALM CXIX. 11th Part. Com. Metre.


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Breathing after holiness.

Ver. 5, 33.

THAT the Lord would guide my ways

To keep his ftatutes still!

O that my God would grant me grace

To know and do his will !

Ver. 29.

2 O fend thy spirit down to write
Thy law upon my heart!
Nor let my tongue indulge deceit,
Nor act the liar's part.

Ver. 37, 36.

3 From vanity turn off mine eyes;
Let no corrupt design,
Nor covetous defires, arife

Within this foul of mine.
Ver. 133.

4 Order my footsteps by thy word,
And make my heart fincere ;
Let fin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my confcience clear.
Ver. 176.

5 My foul hath gone too far astray;
My feet too often flip;

Yet since I've not forgot thy way,
Restore thy wand'ring sheep.

Ver. 35.

6 Make me to walk in thy commands,

'Tis a delightful road; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God.

PSALM CXIX. 12th Part. Com.Metre.


Breathing after comfort and deliverance.


Ver. 153.

Y God, confider my distress,
Let mercy plead my cause ;

Though I have finn'd against thy grace,

I can't forget thy laws.

Ver. 39, 116.

2 Forbid, forbid the sharp reproach

Which I so justly fear;
Uphold my life, uphold my hopes,
Nor let my shame appear.
Ver. 122, 135.

3 Be thou a furety, Lord, for me;
Nor let the proud oppress ;
But make thy waiting fervant fee

The shinings of thy face.

Ver. 82.

4 Mine eyes with expectation fail;

My heart within me cries,
"When will the Lord his truth fulfil,
"And make my comforts rife?"
Ver. 132.

5 Look down upon my forrows, Lord,
And shew thy grace the fame,
As thou art ever wont t' afford
To those that love thy name.

PSALM CXIX. 13th Part. Com. Metre.

Holy fear, and tenderness of conscience.
Ver. 10.

WIth Ith my whole heart I've fought thy face,
O let me never stray

From thy commands, O God of grace,

Nor tread the sinner's way!


Ver. 11.

2 Thy word I've hid within my heart,
To keep my confcience clean,

And be an everlasting guard
From ev'ry rifing fin.

Ver. 63, 53, 158.

3 I'm a companion of the faints,

Who fear and love the Lord: My forrows rife, my nature faints, When men tranfgrefs thy word. Ver. 161, 163.

4 While sinners do thy gospel wrong,

My spirit stands in awe;
My foul abhors a lying tongue,
But loves thy righteous law.

Ver. 161, 120.

5 My heart with facred rev'rence hears
The threat'nings of thy word;
My flesh with holy trembling fears
The judgments of the Lord.
Ver. 166, 174.

6 My God, I long, I hope, I wait
For thy falvation still;
While thy whole law is my delight,
And I obey thy will.

PSALM CXIX. 14th Part. Com. Metre.
Benefit of afflictions, and fupport under them.


Ver. 153, 81, 82.

CONSIDER all my forrows, Lord,

deliv'rance send;

My foul for thy falvation faints;

When will my troubles end?
Ver. 71.

2 Yet I have found 'tis good for me
To bear my Father's rod;

Afflictions make me learn thy law,

And live upon my God.

Ver. 50.

3 This is the comfort I enjoy

When new distress begins,
I read thy word, I run thy way,

And hate my former fins.

Ver. 92.

4 Had not thy word been my delight,
When earthly joys were fled,.
My foul, opprest with forrow's weight,
Had funk amongst the dead.

Ver. 75.

5 I know thy judgments, Lord, are right,
Though they may feem severe :
The sharpest suff'rings I endure
Flow from thy faithful care.

Ver. 67.

6 Before I knew thy chast'ning rod,

My feet were apt to stray;
But now I learn to keep thy word,
Nor wander from thy way.

PSALM CXIX. 15th Part. Com. Metre.


Holy resolutions.

Ver. 93.

THAT thy statutes, ev'ry hour,

Might white vind

Thence I derive a quick'ning pow'r,

And daily peace I find.

Ver. 15, 16.

2 To meditate thy precepts, Lord,

Shall be my sweet employ;
My foul shall ne'er forget thy word,
Thy word is all my joy.

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