His work for ever I'll pursue, His law fhall rule my heart. Ver. 50, 71. 6 This was my comfort when I bore Variety of grief; It made me learn thy word the more, And fly to that relief. Ver. 51. 7 [In vain the proud deride me now; I'll ne'er forget thy law; Nor let that blessed gofpel go, Whence all my hopes I draw. Ver. 27, 171. 8 When I have learn'd my Father's will, PSALM CXIX. 10th Part. Com. Metre. I B Pleading the promises. Ver. 38, 49. EHOLD thy waiting fervant, Lord, Remember and confirm thy word, 2 Hast thou not sent salvation down, Ver. 123, 42. 3 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail; O bear thy fervant up! Ver. 49, 74. 4 Didit thou not raise my faith, O Lord? Saints shall rejoice in my reward, PSALM CXIX. 11th Part. Com. Metre. I Breathing after holiness. Ver. 5, 33. THAT the Lord would guide my ways To keep his ftatutes still! O that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will ! Ver. 29. 2 O fend thy spirit down to write Ver. 37, 36. 3 From vanity turn off mine eyes; Within this foul of mine. 4 Order my footsteps by thy word, 5 My foul hath gone too far astray; Yet since I've not forgot thy way, Ver. 35. 6 Make me to walk in thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God. PSALM CXIX. 12th Part. Com.Metre. I Breathing after comfort and deliverance. M Ver. 153. Y God, confider my distress, Though I have finn'd against thy grace, I can't forget thy laws. Ver. 39, 116. 2 Forbid, forbid the sharp reproach Which I so justly fear; 3 Be thou a furety, Lord, for me; The shinings of thy face. Ver. 82. 4 Mine eyes with expectation fail; My heart within me cries, 5 Look down upon my forrows, Lord, PSALM CXIX. 13th Part. Com. Metre. Holy fear, and tenderness of conscience. WIth Ith my whole heart I've fought thy face, From thy commands, O God of grace, Nor tread the sinner's way! Y Ver. 11. 2 Thy word I've hid within my heart, And be an everlasting guard Ver. 63, 53, 158. 3 I'm a companion of the faints, Who fear and love the Lord: My forrows rife, my nature faints, When men tranfgrefs thy word. Ver. 161, 163. 4 While sinners do thy gospel wrong, My spirit stands in awe; Ver. 161, 120. 5 My heart with facred rev'rence hears 6 My God, I long, I hope, I wait PSALM CXIX. 14th Part. Com. Metre. I Ver. 153, 81, 82. CONSIDER all my forrows, Lord, deliv'rance send; My foul for thy falvation faints; When will my troubles end? 2 Yet I have found 'tis good for me Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my God. Ver. 50. 3 This is the comfort I enjoy When new distress begins, And hate my former fins. Ver. 92. 4 Had not thy word been my delight, Ver. 75. 5 I know thy judgments, Lord, are right, Ver. 67. 6 Before I knew thy chast'ning rod, My feet were apt to stray; PSALM CXIX. 15th Part. Com. Metre. I Holy resolutions. Ver. 93. THAT thy statutes, ev'ry hour, Might white vind Thence I derive a quick'ning pow'r, And daily peace I find. Ver. 15, 16. 2 To meditate thy precepts, Lord, Shall be my sweet employ; |