And all the foes of Zion feiz'd 6 Thus shall the men that hate the faints, Be blafted from the sky; Their glory fades, their courage faints, 7 [What though they flourish tall and fair, 8 [So corn, that on the house-top stands, 9 lt springs and withers on the place : I A word of blessing on the grafs, PSALM CXXX. Common Metre. 0 Pardoning grace. UT of the deeps of long distress, The borders of despair, I fent my cries to feek thy grace, No mortal flesh could stand. 4 [I wait for thy falvation, Lord, 5 [Just as the guards that keep the night 6 So waits my foul to fee thy grace, 7 Then in the Lord let Ifrael trust, I PSALM CXXX. Long Metre. FROM deep diftrefs and troubled thoughts, thee, my God, I rais'd my cries! If thou feverely mark our faults, 2 But thou hast built thy throne of grace, 3 As the benighted pilgrims wait, So waits my foul before thy gate; 4 My trust is fix'd upon thy word, 5 Great is his love, and large his grace, I PSALM CXXXI. I Common Metre. Humility and fubmiffion. S there ambition in my heart? Or do I act a haughty part? 2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still, 3 The patient foul, the lowly mind, PSALM CXXXII. 5, 13-18. Long Metre. At the fettlement of a church; or, the ordination of a minister. I W HERE shall we go to feek and find A dwelling for th' eternal mind, 2 The God of Jacob chose the hill Of Zion, for his ancient reft; And Zion is his dwelling still, His church is with his prefence blest. " Here will I fix my gracious throne, " And reign forever," faith the Lord; " Here shall my pow'r and love be known, "And blessings shall attend my word. 3 4 5 "Here will I meet the hungry poor, "And fill their fouls with living bread : "Sinners, that wait before my door, "With sweet provision shall be fed. " Girded with truth, and cloth'd with grace, "My priests, my ministers shall shine; "Not Aaron, in his costly dress, "Made an appearance so divine. 6 "The faints, unable to contain "Their inward joys, shall shout and fing; "The Son of David here shall reign, " And Zion triumph in her King. 7 [" Jesus shall see a num'rous feed " Born here, t' uphold his glorious name; "His crown shall flourish on his head, "While all his foes are cloth'd with shame."] PSALM CXXXII. Common Metre. Ver. 4, 5, 7, 8, 15-17. A church established. I ГО Пеер nor N° flumber to his eyes Good David would afford, Till he had found below the skies To Zion the whole nation came To worship thrice a year. 3 But we have no fuch lengths to go, PAUSE. 4 Arife, O King of Grace, arife, 5 Enter, with all thy glorious train, 1 PSALM CXXXIII. Common Metre. Brotherly love. LO, what an entertaining fight Are brethren agree! Brethren, whose cheerful hearts unite |