Imágenes de páginas

2 When streams of love, from Christ the spring, Defcend to ev'ry foul,

And heav'nly peace, with balmy wing,
Shades and bedews the whole :

3 'Tis like the oil, divinely sweet,
On Aaron's rev'rend head,
The trickling drops perfum'd his feet,
And o'er his garments spread.

4 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews
That fall on Zion's hill,
Where God his mildest glory shews,
And makes his grace distil.


Short Metre.

Communion of faints; or, love and worship in a







LEST are the fons of peace,
Whose hearts and hopes are one,

Whose kind designs to ferve and please,

Through all their actions run.

Blest is the pious house

Where zeal and friendship meet, Their fongs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet.

Thus, when on Aaron's head
They pour'd the rich perfume,
The oil through all his raiment spread,
And pleasure fill'd the room.

Thus on the heav'nly hills
The faints are blest above,
Where joy, like morning dew, distils,
And all the air is love.


PSALM CXXXIII. Particular Metre.


The blessings of friendship.

OW pleasant 'tis to see
Kindred and friends agree,

Each in their proper station move,
And each fulfil their part,
With sympathifing heart,
In all the cares of life and love!

2 'Tis like the ointment shed



On Aaron's facred head, Divinely rich, divinely sweet : The oil through all the room Diffus'd a choice perfume,

Ran through his robes, and bleft his feet.

Like fruitful show'rs of rain
That water all the plain,

Descending from the neighb'ring hills;
Such streams of pleasure roll
Through ev'ry friendly foul,
Where love like heav'nly dew distils.
[Repeat the first stanza, if neceffary.]

PSALM CXXXIV. Common Metre.
Daily and nightly devotion.


E that obey th' Immortal King,
Attend his holy place;
Bow to the glories of his pow'r,

And bless his wond'rous grace.
2 Lift up your hands by morning light,
And fend your fouls on high :
Raise your admiring thoughts by night
Above the starry sky.


3 The God of Zion cheers our hearts
With rays of quick'ning grace;
The God that spreads the heav'ns abroad,
And rules the swelling feas.

PSALM CXXXV. 1st Part. Long Metre. Ver. 1-4, 14, 19-21. The church is God's house and care.

I PRAISE ye the Lord; exalt his name,
While in his holy courts ye wait,

Ye faints that to his house belong,
Or stand attending at his gate.

2 Praise ye the Lord; the Lord is good:
To praise his name is sweet employ;
Ifrael he chose of old, and still
His church is his peculiar joy.

3 The Lord himself will judge his faints:
He treats his fervants as his friends :
And when he hears their fore complaints,
Repents the forrows that he sends.

4 Through every age the Lord declares
His name, and breaks th' oppreffor's rod;
He gives his fuff'ring servants rest,
And will be known Th' Almighty God.

5. Bless ye the Lord, who taste his love,
People and priests exalt his name :
Amongst his faints he ever dwells :
His church is his Jerufalem.

PSALM CXXXV. 2d Part. Long Metre. Ver. 5-12. The works of creation, providence, redemption of Ifrael, and destruction of enemies.

'G REAT is the Lord, exalted high

Above all pow'rs, and ev'ry throne:

Whate'er he please in earth or fea,
Or heav'n or hell, his hand hath done.

2 At his command the vapours rise,

Th' light'nings flash, the thunders roar;
He pours the rain, he brings the wind
And tempest from his airy store.

3 'Twas he those dreadful tokens fent,
O Egypt, through thy stubborn land;
When all thy first-born, beasts and men,
Fell dead by his avenging hand.

4 What mighty nations, mighty kings,
He flew, and their whole country gave
To Ifrael, whom his hand redeem'd,
No more to be proud Pharaoh's flave !
5 His pow'r the fame, the fame his grace,
That saves us from the hosts of hell;
And heav'n he gives us to poffefs,
Whence those apostate angels fell.




Common Metre.

Praise due to God, not to idols.

WAKE, ye

faints, to praise your King,

Your sweetest paffions raife,

Your pious pleasure, while you fing,

Increasing with the praise.

2 Great is the Lord; and works unknown

Are his divine employ :

But still his faints are near his throne,
His treasure and his joy.

3 Heav'n, earth, and fea, confefs his hand;
He bids the vapours rise :
Lightning and storm, at his command,
Sweep through the founding skies.

4 All pow'r, that gods or kings have claim'd, Is found with him alone;

But heathen gods should ne'er be nam'd,
Where our JEHOVAH'S known.

5 Which of the stocks or stones they trust
Can give them show'rs of rain ?
In vain they worship glitt'ring duft,
And pray to gold in vain.

6 [Their gods have tongues that cannot talk,
Such as their makers gave:
Their feet were ne'er design'd to walk,
Nor hands have pow'r to fave.
7 Blind are their eyes, their ears are deaf,
Nor hear when mortals pray:
Mortals that wait for their relief,
Are blind and deaf as they.]
8 Ye faints, adore the living God,
Serve him with faith and fear;
He makes the churches his abode,
And claims your honours there.


Common Metre.

God's wonders of creation, providence, redemption


of Ifrael, and falvation of his people.


IVE thanks to

God the sov'reign Lord,

His mercies still endure;

And be the King of kings ador'd,
His truth is ever sure.

2 What wonders hath his wisdom done !
How mighty is his hand!
Heav'n, earth, and fea, he fram'd alone :
How wide is his command !

3 The fun fupplies the day with light :
How bright his counsels shine!

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