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7 Thou wilt display that fov'reign grace
Where all my hopes have hung;

I shall employ my lips in praife,
And via'ry fhall be fung.

PSALM XIV. First Part. Com. Met.
By nature all men are finners.

FOOLS in their hearts believe and say,

"That all religion's vain;
"There is no God that reigns on high,
"Or minds th' affairs of men."

2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane,
Corrupt difcourse proceeds;

And in their impious hands are found
Abominable deeds.

3 The Lord from his celestial throne,
Look'd down on things below,
To find the man that fought his grace,
Or did his juftice know.

4 By nature all are gone astray;
Their practice all the fame:
There's none that fears his Maker's hand,
There's none that loves his name.

5 Their tongues are us'd to fpeak deceit;
Their flanders never cease;
How fwift to mischief are their feet !
Nor know the paths of peace.

6 Such feeds of fin (that bitter root)
In ev'ry heart are found;
Nor can they bear diviner fruit,
'Till grace refine the ground.

PSALM XIV. 2d Part. Com. Metre.


The folly of perfecutors.

RE finners now fo fenfeless grown,
That they the faints devour;

And never worship at thy throne,
Nor fear thine awful pow'r?
2 Great God! appear to their fsurprise,
Reveal thy dreadful name!
Let them no more thy wrath defpife,
Nor turn our hope to shame.

3 Doft thou not dwell among the just?
And yet our foes deride,
That we should make thy name our trust:
Great God! confound their pride.

40 that the joyful day was come,
To finish our distress !

When God shall bring his children home, Our fongs shall never cease.

PSALM XV. Common Metre.


Character of a faint; or, a citizen of Zion; or,


the qualifications of a christian.

HO shall inhabit in

thy th hill,

Whom will the Lord admit to dwell
So near his throne of grace?

2 The man that walks in pious ways,
And works with righteous hands,
That trusts his Maker's promifes,
And follows his commands.

3 He speaks the meaning of his heart,
Nor slanders with his tongue;

Will scarce believe an ill report, Nor do his neighbour wrong. 4 The wealthy finner he contemns, Loves all that fear the Lord; And though to his own hurt he swears, Still he performs his word. His hands disdain a golden bribe, And never gripe the poor : This man shall dwell with God on earth, And find his heav'n fecure.

PSALM XV. Long Metre. Religion and justice, goodness & truth; or, duties to God & man; or, the qualifications of a christian.



HO shall afcend thy heav'nly place,
Great God, and dwell before thy face?

The man that minds religion now,
And humbly walks with God below: *
2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean,
Whose lips still speak the thing they mean;
No slanders dwell upon his tongue;
He hates to do his neighbour wrong.

3 [Scarce will he trust an ill report,
Nor vent it to his neighbour's hurt :
Sinners of state he can despise,
But faints are honour'd in his eyes.]
4 [Firm to his word he ever stood,
And always makes his promise good;
Nor dares to change the thing he swears,
Whatever pain or lofs he bears.]
5 [He never deals in bribing gold,
And mourns that justice should be fold:


While others gripe and grind the poor,
Sweet charity attends his door.]

6 He loves his enemies, and prays
For those that curse him to his face:
And doth to all men still the fame,
That he would hope or with from them.

7 Yet, when his holiest works are done,
His foul depends on grace alone:
This is the man thy face shall fee,
And dwell forever, Lord, with thee.

PSALM XVI. First Part. Long Metre.

Confeffion of our poverty, and faints the best company; or, good works profit men, not God.


PRESERVE me, Lord,

in time of need,

For to thy throne I flee,
But have no merits there to plead;
My goodnefs cannot reach to thee.
2 Oft have my heart and tongue confest,
How empty and how poor I am,
My praise can never make thee blest,
Nor add new glories to thy name.

3 Yet, Lord, thy faints on earth may reap
Some profit by the good we do;
These are the company I keep,
These are the choiceft friends I know.

4 Let others choose the fons of mirth,
To give a relish to their wine;
I love the men of heav'nly birth,
Whose thoughts and language are divine.

PSALM XVI. 2d Part. Long Metre.


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Chrift's All-Sufficiency.

OW faft their guilt and forrows rife,
Who haste to feek some idol god!

I will not taste their sacrifice,
Their off'rings of forbidden blood.

2 My God provides a richer cup,
And nobler food to live upon;
He for my life has offer'd up
Jesus, his best beloved Son.

3 His love is my perpetual feast;
By day his counsels guide me right;
And, be his name forever blest,
Who gives me sweet advice by night.

4 I set him still before mine eyes;
At my right hand he stands prepar'd
To keep my foul from all surprise,
And be my everlasting guard.

PSALM XVI. 3d Part. Long Metre.
Courage in death, and hope of the refurrection.



HEN God is nigh, my faith is strong,
His arm is my almighty prop:

Be glad my heart, rejoice my tongue,
My dying flesh shall rest in hope.
2 Though in the dust I lay my head,
Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave
My foul forever with the dead,
Nor lose thy children in the grave.
3 My flesh shall thy first call obey,
Shake off the dust and rise on high;
Then shalt thou lead the wond'rous way
Up to thy throne above the sky.

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