The moon and stars adorn the night: 4 [He struck the fons of Egypt dead; 6 But Pharaoh's army there he drown'd; 7 Great monarchs fell beneath his hand; 9 He fent to save us from our woe; 10 Give thanks to God the heav'nly King; I His mercies still endure; Let the whole earth his praises sing; PSALM CXXXVI. Particular Metre. G IVE thanks to God most high, Th' univerfal Lord; Aaz The fov'reign King of kings; His pow'r and grace 2 How mighty is his hand ! Abides thy word. 3 His wisdom fram'd the fun, 4 [He smote the first-born fons, 5 His pow'r and lifted rod His pow'r and grace 6 But cruel Pharaoh there With all his host he drown'd; PAUSE. 7 The kings of Canaan fell 8 He saw the nations lie 9 He fent his only Son To fave us from our woe, His pow'r and grace Have endless praife. 10 Give thanks aloud to God, PSALM CXXXVI. Abridged. Long Metre. G IVE to our God immortal praise ! Wonders of grace to God belong, 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, 4 He fills the fun with morning-light, When funs and moons shall shine no more. 5 The Jews he freed from Pharaoh's hand, And brought them to the promis'd land: Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your fong. 6 He saw the Gentiles dead in fin, And felt his pity work within : His mercies ever shall endure, When death and fin shall reign no more. 7 He fent his Son with pow'r to fave From guilt, and darkness, and the grave; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your fong. 8 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heav'nly feat ; His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. PSALM CXXXVIII. Long Metre. 1 [WIth all my pow'rs of heart and tongue, I'll praise my Maker in my song: Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the fong, and join the praise. 2 Angels that make thy church their care, Shall witness my devotion there, While holy zeal directs my eyes To thy fair temple in the skies.] 3 I'll fing thy truth and mercy, Lord; I'll fing the wonders of thy word; Not all thy works and names below, So much thy pow'r and glory show. 4 To God I cry'd when troubles rose; He heard me, and fubdu'd my foes; He did my rifing fears control, And strength diffus'd through all my foul. 5 The God of heav'n maintains his state, Frowns on the proud and scorns the great; |