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PSALM XL. Long Metre.


Christ our facrifice.



HE wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought,
Exceed our praise, furmount our thought;

Should I attempt the long detail,
My speech would faint, my numbers fail.

2 No blood of beasts on altars spilt,
Can cleanse the fouls of men from guilt;
But thou hast set before our eyes,
An all-fufficient facrifice.

3 Lo! thine eternal Son appears!
To thy defires he bows his ears;
Affumes a body well prepar'd,
And well performs a work fo hard.

4 " Behold, I come," (the Saviour cries,
With love and duty in his eyes)
"I come to bear the heavy load
"Of fins, and do thy will, my God.


"""Tis written in thy great decree,
"'Tis in thy book foretold of Me,
" I must fulfil the Saviour's part;
"And lo! thy law is in my heart.

6 "I'll magnify thy holy law,


"And rebels to obedience draw,
"When on my cross I'm lifted high,
"Or to my crown above the sky:

"The Spirit shall descend, and show
"What thou hast done, and what I do;
"The wond'ring world shall learn thy grace,
"Thy wisdom, and thy righteousness."

PSALM XLI. ver. 1,2,3. Long Metre. Charity to the poor; or, pity to the afflicted. LEST is the man whose bowels move, And melt with pity to the poor;



Whose foul, by sympathizing love,
Feels what his fellow-faints endure.

2 His heart contrives for their relief
More good than his own hands can do;
He, in the time of gen'ral grief,
Shall find the Lord has bowels too,

3 His foul shall live secure on earth,
With secret blessings on his head,
When drought, and pestilence, and dearth,
Around him multiply their dead.
4 Or, if he languish on his couch,
God will pronounce his fins forgiv'n,
Will fave him with a healing touch,
Or take his willing foul to heav'n.

PSALM XLII. 1st Part.

Ver. 1-5.

Com. Metre.

Desertion and hope; or, complaint of absence fram


public worship.

ITH earnest longings of the mind,
My God, to thee I look;

So pants the hunted hart to find,
And taste the cooling brook.

2 When shall I fee thy courts of grace,
And meet my God again?
So long an abfence from thy face
My heart endures with pain.
3 Temptations vex my weary foul,
And tears are my repast;

The foe infults without control,
"And where's your God at last?"

4 'Tis with a mournful pleasure, now,
I think on ancient days:
Then to thy house did numbers go,
And all our work was praise.

5 But why's my foul sunk down fo far
Beneath this heavy load?
Why do my thoughts indulge despair,
And fin against my God?

6 Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand
Can all my woes remove;
For I shall yet before him stand,
And fing refstoring love.

PSALM XLII. 6-11. 2d Part. LongMet.
Melancholy thoughts reproved; or, hope in affliction.
Y spirit finks within me, Lord,

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But I will call thy name to mind,

And times of past distress record, When I have found my God was kind. 2 Huge troubles, with tumult'ous noise, Swell like a fea, and round me spread; Thy water-fpouts drown all my joys, And rising waves roll o'er my head.

3 Yet will the Lord command his love, When I address his throne by day; Nor in the night his grace remove; The night shall hear me fing and pray, 4 I'll cast myself before his feet, And say, "My God, my heav'nly rock! "Why doth thy love so long forget "The foul that groans beneath thy stroke?" 5 I'll chide my heart that finks so low, Why should my foul indulge her grief? Hope in the Lord, and praise him too; He is my rest, my fure relief,

6 Thy light and truth shall guide me still;
Thy word shall my best thoughts employ,
And lead me to thy heav'nly hill,
My God, my most exceeding joy!

PSALM XLIV. 1,2,3,8,15-26. Com.Met.
The church's complaint in perfecution.
ORD, we have heard thy works of old,

L Thy works of power and grace,

When to our ears our fathers told
The wonders of their days.

2 How thou didst build thy churches here,
And make thy gospel known;
Amongst them did thine arm appear,
Thy light and glory shone,

3 In God they boasted all the day;
And in a cheerful throng
Did thousands meet to praise and pray;
And grace was all their song.

4 But now our fouls are seiz'd with shame,
Confufion fills our face,
To hear the enemy blafpheme,
And fools reproach thy grace.
5 Yet have we not forgot our God,
Nor falsely dealt with heav'n;
Nor have our steps declin'd the road
Of duty thou hast giv'n;

6 Though dragons all around us roar
With their destructive breath,

And thine own hand has bruis'd us fore, Hard by the gates of death.


7 We are expos'd all day to die
As martyrs for thy caufe,
As sheep, for flaughter bound, we lie,
By sharp and bloody laws.

8 Awake, arife, almighty Lord!

Why fleeps thy wonted grace ?
Why should we look like men abhorr'd,
Or banish'd from thy face?
Wilt thou for ever cast us off,
And still neglect our cries ?
For ever hide thy heav'nly love
From our afflicted eyes?

10 Down to the dust our foul is bow'd,
And dies upon the ground;
Rife for our help, rebuke the proud,
And all their pow'rs confound.
II Redeem us from perpetual shame,
Our Saviour and our God;
We plead the honours of thy name,
The merits of thy blood.



PSALM XLV. Short Metre. The glory of Christ; the success of the gospel, and the Gentile church.


Y Saviour and my King,
Thy beauties are divine;

Thy lips with blessings overflow;
And ev'ry grace is thine.

Now make thy glory known;
Gird on thy dreadful fword,

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