4 The gospel bears my spirit up; A faithful and unchanging God Lays the foundation for my hope, In oaths, and promises, and blood.
HYMN CXL. Common Metre.
A living and a dead Faith; collected from feveral Scriptures.
MISTAKEN fouls! that dream of heav'n, And make their empty boast Of inward joys, and fins forgiv'n, While they are flaves to luft.
2 Vain are our fancies, airy flights, If faith be cold and dead; None but a living pow'r unites To Christ the living head.
3 'Tis faith that changes all the heart, 'Tis faith that works by love; That bids all finful joys depart, And lifts the thoughts above.
4 'Tis faith that conquers earth and hell By a celestial pow'r ;
This is the grace that shall prevail In the decifive hour.
5 [Faith must obey her Father's will, As well as trust his grace; A pard'ning God is jealous still For his own holiness.
6 When from the curse he fets us free, He makes our natures clean ; Nor would he send his Son to be The minister of fin.
7 His spirit purifies our frame,
And feals our peace with God:
Jesus, and his salvation, came By water and by blood.]
HYMN CXLI. Short Metre.
The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ. Ifa.
liii. 1-5, 10-12.
HO has believ'd thy word, Or thy falvation known ?
Reveal thine arm, Almighty Lord,
And glorify thy Son.
The Jews esteem'd him here Too mean for their belief:
Sorrows his chief acquaintance were, And his companion, grief.
They turn'd their eyes away, And treated him with scorn; But 'twas their griefs upon him lay, Their forrows he has borne.
'Twas for the stubborn Jews, And Gentiles, then unknown, The God of justice pleas'd to bruise His best-beloved Son.
"But I'll prolong his days, " And make his kingdom stand; "My pleasure," faith the God of grace, "Shall profper in his hand.
6 "[His joyful foul shall fee "The purchase of his pain, "And by his knowledge justify "The guilty fons of men.] " [Ten thousand captive slaves, "Releas'd from death and fin,
" Shall quit their prisons and their graves, "And own his pow'r divine.]
8 " [Heav'n fhall advance my Son "To joys that earth deny'd; "He saw the follies men had done, "And bore their fins, and dy'd.") HYMN CXLII. Short Metre. The fame. Ifa. liii. 6-12. IKE sheep we went astray, And broke the fold of God; Each wand'ring in a diff'rent way, But all the downward road.
2 How dreadful was the hour, When God our wand'rings laid, And did at once his vengeance pour Upon the Shepherd's head!
How glorious was the grace When Christ sustain'd the stroke ! His life and blood the Shepherd pays A ransom for the flock.
His honour and his breath Were taken both away;
Join'd with the wicked in his death, And made as vile as they.
But God shall raise his head O'er all the fons of men,
And make him fee a num'rous seed, To recompense his pain.
" I'll give him," faith the Lord, "A portion with the strong; "He shall possess a large reward, " And hold his honours long."
HYMN CXLIII. Common Metre. Characters of the Children of God; from several
S new-born babes defire the breaft, To feed, and grow, and thrive;
So faints with joy the gospel taste, And by the gofpel live.
2 [With inward gust their heart approves All that the word relates ; They love the men their Father loves, And hate the work he hates.]
3 [Not all the flatt'ring baits on earth Can make them flaves to luft; They can't forget their heav'nly birth, Nor grovel in the dust.
4 Not all the chains that tyrants use Shall bind their fouls to vice; Faith, like a conqu'ror, can produce A thousand victories.]
5 [Grace, like an uncorrupted feed, Abides and reigns within ; Immortal principles forbid The fons of God to fin.] 6 [Not by the terrors of a flave Do they perform his will; But, with the noblest pow'rs they have, His sweet commands fulfil.]
7 They find access, at ev'ry hour, To God, within the vail; Hence they derive a quick'ning pow'r, And joys that never fail.
8 O happy fouls! O glorious state Of overflowing grace;
To dwell so near their Father's feat, And fee his lovely face.
9 Lord, I address thy heav'nly throne; Call me a child of thine;
Send down the spirit of thy Son To form my heart divine.
10 There shed thy choicest loves abroad, And make my comforts strong: Then shall I say, "My Father God," With an unwav'ring tongue.
HYMN CXLIV. Common Metre. The witnessing and fealing Spirit. Rom. viii. 14,
16. Eph. i. 13, 14. HY should the children of Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter! descend and bring Some tokens of thy grace.
2 Doft thou not dwell in all the faints, And feal the heirs of heav'n? When wilt thou banish my complaints, And shew my fins forgiv'n ? 3 Assure my confcience of her part In the Redeemer's blood; And bear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of God.
4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; And thy foft wings, celestial Dove, Will fafe convey me home.
HYMN CXLV. Common Metre. Christ and Aaron; taken from Heb. vii, and ix.
TESUS, in thee our eyes behold
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