2 We raise our shouts, O God, to thee, And fend them to thy throne ; The undivided ONE. 3 'Twas He, (and we'll adore his name) 4 Hofanna! let the earth and skies I 2 3 4 5 6 Rocks, hills, and vales, reflect the voice HYMN XXXVI. Short Metre. Chrift's Interceffion. WELL, the Redeemer's gone appear before our God, To fprinkle o'er the flaming throne No fiery vengeance now, Before his Father's eye Our humble suit he moves ; And looks, and smiles, and loves. Now may our joyful tongues Our Maker's honour fing; Jesus, the Priest, receives our fongs, [We bow before his face, "On earth thy mercy reigns, Hernel Got of anity "But, Lord, how weak are mortal strains "To speak immortal love! ["How jarring, and how low, "Sweet Saviour, tune our fongs anew, HYMN XXXVII. Common Metre. L The fame. IFT up your eyes to th' heav'nly seats, Kind Interceffor, there he fits, And loves, and pleads, and prays. 3 Petitions now, and praise may rife, 4 [Let Papists truft what names they please, 3 Jesus alone shall bear my cries 6 [Ten thousand praises to the King, HYMN XXXVIII. Common Metre. HAPPY Love to God. APPY the heart where graces reign, Love is the brightest of the train, 2 Knowledge-alas! 'tis all in vain, 3 'Tis love that makes our cheerful feet 4 This is the grace that lives and fings, 5 Before we quite forsake our clay, To fee our smiling God. HYMN XXXIX. Common Metre. The Shortness and Misery of Life. I UR days, alas! our mortal days, " Evil and few," the Patriarch fays, 2 'Tis but, at beft, a narrow bound, 3 Well-if ye must be fad and few, • Let heav'nly love prepare my foul, I HYMN XL. Common Metre. Our Comfort in the Covenant made with Chrift. UR God, how firm his promise stands, Ev'n when he hides his face ! He trufts in our Redeemer's hands His glory, and his grace. 2 Then why, my soul, these sad complaints, Since Chrift and we are one? I Thy God is faithful to his faints, Beneath his smiles my heart has liv'd, HYMN XLI. Long Metre. A Sight of God mortifies us to the World. UP And living waters gently roll, Fain would my thoughts leap out, and fly, But fin hangs heavy on my four. 2 Thy wond'rous blood, dear dying Chrift, 3 O might I once mount up, and fee 4 Had I a glance of thee, my God, 5 Then they might fight, and rage, and rave, 6 Great ALL IN ALL, eternal King, HYMN XLII. Common Metre. Delight in God. MY God, what endless pleasures dwell Above, at thy right hand! Thy courts below, how amiable, 3 And we, when in thy presence, Lord, 4 While Jesus shines with quick'ning grace, 6 Just so, our thoughts from thing to thing I Just so, we droop, and hang the wing, HYMN XLIII. Long Metre. Now for a tune of lofty praife Son! dod To great Jehovah's Son! Awake, my voice, in heav'nly lays, Tell loud the wonders he hath done. |