4 [To the dear fountain of thy blood, Here let me wash my spotted foul 5 Stretch out thine arm, victorious King, 6 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, HYMN XCI. Common Metre. OH, the delights, the heav'nly joys, The glories of the place, 2 Sweet majesty and awful love Bend their bright fceptres down; 4 Archangels found his lofty praise 5 Those soft, those blessed feet of his, 6 His head, the dear majestic head, See what immortal glories shine 7 This is the Man, th' exalted Man, But, when our eyes behold his face, 1 8 [Lord! how our fouls are all on fire To see thy blest abode ; 9 And while our faith enjoys the fight, To fetch our fouls away. HYMN XCII. Common Metre. The Church Javed, and ber Enemies disappointed; or, De I liverance from Treason. SHOUT to the Lord, and let our joys Through the whole nation run: Ye western skies, refound the noise Thee, mighty God, our fouls admire; 3 Thy pow'r the whole creation rules, 4 Thy scorn derides their feeble rage, 5 [Their secret fires in caverns lay, But gloomy caverns strove in vain 6 Their dark designs were all reveal'd; 7 In vain the bufy fons of hell 8 Almighty grace defends our land I 2 Then let us with united songs Almighty grace adore. HYMN XCIII. Short Metre. God all, and in all. Psalm lxxiii. 25. M Y GOD, my life, my love, I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art All in All. [Thy shining grace can cheer If thou depart, 'tis hell.] 3 [The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are! 4 5 'Tis heav'n to rest in thine embrace, [To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their blifs ; [Not all the harps above 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, 7 Thou art the Sea of Love, 8 [To thee my spirits fly, I And yet how far from thee I lie ! HYMN XCIV. Common Metre. God my only Happiness, Pfalm 1xxiii. 25. MY GOD, my portion, and my love, My everlasting All ! I've none but thee in heav'n above, 2 [What empty things are all the skies, There's nothing here deserves my joys; 3 [In vain the bright, the burning fun, 4 And whilst upon my restless bed 5 To thee I owe my wealth, and friends, 6 How vain a toy is glitt'ring wealth, Or what's my fafety, or my health, 7 Were I possessor of the earth, 8 Let others stretch their arms, like seas, Grant me the vifits of thy face, HYMN XCV. Common Metre. Look on him whom they pierced, and mourn. I INFINITE grief! amazing wo! Behold my bleeding Lord! Hell and the Jews conspir'd his death, 2 Oh! the sharp pangs of smarting pain 3 But knotty whips, and jagged thorns, In vain I blame the Roman bands, 4 'Twere you, my fins, my cruel fins, 5 'Twere you that pull'd the vengeance down Upon his guiltless head : Break, break, my heart-oh, burst, mine eyes, 6 Strike, mighty grace, my flinty foul, |