And vengeance shall attend their fongs, 6 When Christ his judgment-feat afcends, 7 Then shall they rule with iron rod And join the fentence of their God, 8 The royal finners, bound in chains, PSALM CL. Common Metre. Ver. 1, 2, 6. A song of praise. I IN God's own house pronounce his praife; IN His grace he there reveals; To heav'n your joy and wonder raise, For there his glory dwells. 2 Let all your sacred paffions move, 3 All that have motion, life and breath, The CHRISTIAN DOXOLOGY. And God the Spirit, Three in honour, praise, and glory giv'n, By all on earth, and all in heav'n. L Common Metre. ET God the Father, and the Son, Where there are works to make him known, Com. Metre. Where the tune includes two ftanzas. T I. HE God of mercy be ador'd, Who faves by his redeeming word, II. To praise the Father, and the Son, And Spirit, all divine, Your hearts to souls unito in Let faints and angels join. Short Metre. 7E angels round the throne, Y And faints that dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. Particular Metre.. Now to the at and facred Thre The Father, Con and Spirit, b Eternal praise : glory giv'n,. ly all the angels near the throne, And all the faints in earth and heav'n. Particular Metre. TO God the Father's throne Perpetual honours raise; Glory to the Son, whit To God the Spirit, praise: With all our pow'rs, Eternal King, Thy name we fing, While faith adores. HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. In THREE BOOKS. I. Collected from the SCRIPTURES. II. Composed on DIVINE SUBJECTS. III. Prepared for the LORD'S-SUPPER. By I. WATTS, D.D. And they sung a new Song, saying, Thou art worthy, &c. for thou wast slain, and bast redeemed us, &c. Rev. v. 9. Soliti effent (i. e. Christiani) convenire, carmenque Christo quasi Deo dicere. PLINIUS in Epist. BOSTON: Printed by SAMUEL HALL, And fold at his Book-Store, No. 53, Cornhill. To find any HYMN by the first Line. Note. The letters a, b, c, denote the First, Second, and Third Book; the Figures direct to the Hymn. A A. DORE and tremble, for our God All glory to thy wond'rous name And are we wretches yet alive And must this body die b 110 And now the scales have left mine eyes b 81 Arife, my foul, my joyful pow'rs Awake, my heart, arife, my tongue B. B Ackward with humble shame we look Begin, my tongue, some heav'nly theme b 69 |