5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, I HYMN XLIX. Common Metre. The Works of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3. H OW ftrong thine arm is, mighty God! Jefus, how sweet thy graces are ! 2 He has done more than Mofes did, 4 When through the defert Ifrael went, 5 Mofes beheld the promis'd land, 6 Then shall our love and joy be full, HYMN L. Common Metre. The Song of Zacharias, and the Message of John the Baptist; or, Light and Salvation by Jefus Chrift. Luke i. 68, &c. John i. 29, 32. NOW I TOW be the God of Ifrael bless'd, His mighty hand fulfils his word, 2 Now he bedews old David's root, 3 [John was the prophet of the Lord, 4 He makes the great falvation known, 5 "Behold the Lamb of God," he cries, "That takes our guilt away : " I saw the spirit o'er his head, "On his baptifing day.] 6 "Be ev'ry vale exalted high, "Sink ev'ry mountain low; "The proud must stoop, and humble fouls "Shall his falvation know. "The heathen realms with Ifrael's land 8 "Behold the Morning-Star arife, "Ye that in darkness fit; 2 "He marks the path that leads to peace, " And guides our doubtful feet." HYMN LI. Short Metre. To God the only wife, Our Saviour and our King, Let all the faints below the skies 'Tis his almighty love, 3 He will present our fouls 4 5 I Wisdom and pow'r belongs, HYMN LII. Long Metre. TWA WAS the commiffion of our Lord, The nations have receiv'd the word 2 He fits upon th' eternal hills, 3 " Repent, and be baptiz'd," he faith, 4 Our fouls he washes in his blood, 5 Thus we engage ourselves to thee, In heav'n our folemn vows record! HYMN LIII. Long Metre. The Holy Scriptures. Heb. i. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 15, 16. Pfalm cxlvii. 19, 20. I GOD, who in various methods told His mind and will to faints of old, 2 Our nation reads the written word, 3 God's kindest thoughts are here express'd, 4 Ye people all, who read his love In long epistles from above, † (He I 2 word To ev'ry land,) praise ye the Lord. HYMN LIV. Long Metre. Electing Grace; or, Saints beloved in Christ. Eph. i. 3, &c. J ESUS, we bless thy Father's name; 3 Thus did eternal love begin To raise us up from death and fin; Our characters were then decreed, "Blameless in love, a holy feed." 4 Predestinated to be fons, Born by degrees, but chofe at once ; A new regenerated race, To praise the glory of his grace. 5 With Christ, our Lord, we share a part HYMN LV. Common Metre. Hezekiah's Song; or, Sickness and Recovery. Ifa. xxxviii. 9, &c. WHEN we are rais'd from deep distress, Our God deferves a fong; ternal |