We take the pattern of our praise 2 The gates of the devouring grave 5 Jehovah speaks the healing word, 6 If half the springs of life should break, HYMN LVI. Common Metre. The Song of Mofes and the Lamb; or, Babylon falling. Rev. xv. 3, and xvi. 19, and xvii. 6. I WE E fing the glories of thy love, We found thy dreadful name; The christian church unites the fongs. Of Mofes and the Lamb. 2 Great God! how wond'rous are thy works Of vengeance, and of grace ! 3 Who dares refuse to fear thy name, 5 The cup of wrath is ready mix'd, HYMN LVII. Common Metre. Original Sin; or, the first and fecond Adam. Rom. v. 12, &c. Pfal. li. 5. Job xiv. 4. Ackward with humble shame we look On our original ; I BA How is our nature dash'd and broke 2 To all that's good, averse and blind, 3 Conceiv'd in fin (O wretched state) 4 How strong in our degen'rate blood How can we hope for living fruit 6 What mortal pow'r, from things unclean, From an infected spring ?] HYMN LVIII. Long Metre. The Devil vanquished; or, Michael's War with the Dragon. Rev. xii. 7. I LET mortal tongues attempt to fing The wars of heav'n, when Michael stood 2 Against the dragon and his host 3 Down to the earth was Satan thrown, E 5 'Twas by thy blood, immortal Lamb, Thine armies trod the tempter down; 'Twas by thy word and pow'rful name They gain'd the battle and renown. 6 Rejoice, ye heav'ns; let ev'ry star Shine with new glories round the sky; Saints, while ye sing the heav'nly war, Raise your Deliv'rer's name on high. L I HYMN LIX. Long Metre. Babylon fallen. Rev. xviii. 20, 21. N Gabriel's hand a mighty stone Lies, a fair type of Babylon : "Prophets rejoice, and all ye faints, " God shall avenge your long complaints." 2 He faid, and dreadful as he stood, HYMN LX. Long Metre. The Virgin Mary's Song; or, the promised Meffiab born. Luke i. 46, &c. I UR fouls shall magnify the Lord; While we repeat the Virgin's fong, But God alone must be ador'd; Holy and rev'rend is his name.] 4 To those that fear and trust the Lord, His mercy stands for ever sure : From age to age his promife lives, And the performance is secure. 5 He spake to Abra'm and his feed, "In thee shall all the earth be bless'd." The mem'ry of that ancient word Lay long in his eternal breaft. 6 But now no more shall Israel wait, No more the Gentiles lie forlorn; Lo, the defire of nations comes; Behold the promis'd feed is born ! HYMN LXI. Long Metre. Chrift our High Priest and King; and Christ coming to Judgment. Rev. i. 5-7. N I OW to the Lord, that makes us know The wonders of his dying love, Be humble honours paid below, And strains of nobler praise above. 2 'Twas he that cleans'd our foulest sins, And wash'd us in his richest blood; 'Tis he that makes us priests and kings, And brings us rebels near to God. To Jesus, our atoning Prieft, To Jesus, our fuperior King, Be everlasting pow'r confefs'd, And ev'ry tongue his glory fing. 4 Behold! on flying clouds he comes, And ev'ry eye shall see him move; Though with our fins we pierc'd him once, Now he displays his pard'ning love. |