Imágenes de páginas

Not all the blood of beasts

Not all the outward forms on earth
Not different food nor different dress

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Not from the duft affliction grows
Not the malicious or profane
Not to condemn the fons of men

[blocks in formation]

Not to the terrors of the Lord

Not with our mortal eyes

a 100

b 152 a 108

Now be the God of Ifrael bleft

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Now let the Lord my Saviour smile
Now fatan comes with dreadful roar

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b 106

b 80


71 6

O the almighty Lord

O the delights, the heav'nly joys
Often I seek my Lord by night
Once more, my foul, the rifing day
Our days, alas! our mortal days
Our God, how firm his promise stands

Our fins, alas! how strong they be
Our fouls shall magnify the Lord
Our spirits join t' adore the Lamb


b 39
6 86






LUNG'D in a gulph of dark despair
Praife, everlasting praise, be paid

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Common Metre.

ET God the Father, and the Son,
And Spirit, be ador'd,

Where there are works to make him known,
Or faints to love the Lord.

Com. Metre. Where the tune includes two stanzas.



HE God of mercy Le ador'd,
Who calls our fouls from death,

Who faves by his redeeming word,
And new-creating breath.


To praise the Father, and the Son,

And Spirit, all divine,

your hearts to souls

unite in me,

Let faints and angels join.

Short Metre.

VE angels round the throne,

And faints that dwell below,
Worship the Father, praise the Son,
And bless the Spirit too.


Particular Metre.

OW to the at and facred Thre
The Father, Con and Spirit, b

Eternal praise: glory giv'n,.
hrough all the worlds where God is known,

ly all the angels near the throne,

And all the faints in earth and heav'n.

Particular Metre.

TO God the Father's throne

Perpetual honours raise

Glory to the Son, whet

To God the Spirit, praise :
With all our pow'rs,

• Eternal King,

Thy name we fing,
While faith adores.





I. Collected from the SCRIPTURES. II. Composed on DIVINE SUBJECTS. III. Prepared for the LORD'S-SUPPER.


And they sung a new Song, saying, Thou art worthy, &c. for thou wast slain, and bast redeemed us, &c. Rev. v. 9.

Soliti essent (i. e. Christiani) convenire, carmenque Chrifto quasi Deo dicere.

PLINIUS in Epist.


Printed by SAMUEL HALL, And fold at his Book-Store, No. 53, Cornhill.



AISE thee, my foul, fly up and run
Raise your triumphant fongs

Rife, rife, my foul, and leave the ground


Aints, at your heav'nly Father's word
Salvation! O joyful found
See where the great incarnate God
Shall the vile race of flesh and blood

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a 129 b 88





a 106

Shall we go on to fin

Shall wisdom cry aloud

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Shout to the Lord, and let our joys
Sin has a thousand treacherous arts
Sin like a venomous disease

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[blocks in formation]

Sing to the Lord who built the skies

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Sing to the Lord with joyful voice
Sing to the Lord, ye heav'nly hofts
Sitting around our Father's board
So did the Hebrew prophet raise
So let our lips and lives express
Stand up, my foul, shake off thy fears

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Stoop down, my thoughts, that use to rise
Strait is the way, the door is strait

b 28

b 161

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The God of mercy be ador'd
The King of glory sends his Son
The lands that long in darkness lay


b 107 b 55 671

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The promife was divinely free
The true Meffiah now appears

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The voice of my Beloved sounds
The wond'ring world inquires to know
There is a house not made with hands

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

There is a land of pure delight

b 66

There was an hour when Chrift rejoic'd a II

These glorious minds how bright they fhine a 41

This is the word of truth and love

b 138

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Thy favours, Lord, surprise our fouls
Time, what an empty vapour 'tis
'Tis by the faith of joys to come
'Tis from the treasure of his word
'Tis not the law of ten commands
To God the Father, God the Son

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To God the only wife

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To God the Father's throne

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'Twas by an order from the Lord
'Twas on that dark, that doleful night
'Twas the commiffion of our Lord



VAIN are the hopes the fons of men
Vain are the hopes that rebels place a

Unshaken as the facred hill
Up to the fields where angels lie
Up to the Lord who reigns on high



94 99

a 22

b 41 b 46

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TE are a garden wall'd around
We bless the prophet of the Lord 122

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