4 But Oh! how base our paffions are! HYMN CXVII. Long Metre. Romans ix. 21-24. I EHOLD the potter and the clay! He forms his vessels as he please; B Such is our God; and such are we, 4 [What if, to make his terror known, 5 What if he means to shew his grace, 6 Shall man reply against the Lord, 7 But, O my foul, if truth so bright Should dazzle and confound thy fight, Yet still his written will obey, 8 Then he shall make his justice known, HYMN CXVIII. Short Metre. Mofes and Christ; or, Sin against the Law and Gospel. John i. 17. Heb. iii. 3, 5, 6, and x. 28, 29. I T HE law by Mofes came; But peace, and truth, and love, Were brought by Christ (a nobler name) Defcending from above. 2 Amidst the house of God 3 4 5 Their diff'rent works were done; Mofes a faithful servant stood, Then to his new commands O'er all his Father's house he stands The Sov'reign and the Head. The man that durst despise But forer vengeance falls Who hate to hear when Jefus calls, HYMN CXIX. Common Metre. The different Success of the Gospel. I Cor. i. 23, I 24. 2 Cor. ii. 16. 1 Cor. iii. 6, 70 HRIST and his cross are all our theme: C The myst'ries that we fpeak Are scandal in the Jews' esteem, 3 The vital favour of his name 1 4 Till God diffuse his graces down, HYMN CXX. Common Metre. Faith of Things unseen. Heb. xi. 1, 3, 8, 10. I F AITH is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our fight, Breaks through the clouds of flesh and fenfe, And dwells in heav'nly light. 2 It sets times past in present view, Brings distant prospects home, Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come. 3 By faith we know the worlds were made By God's almighty word: Abr'am, to unknown countries led, By faith obey'd the Lord. 4 He fought a city, fair and high, Built by th' Eternal hands; And faith affures us, though we die, That heav'nly building stands. HYMN CXXI. Common Metre. Children devoted to God. Gen. xvii. 7, 10. Acts xvi. 14, 15, 330 I (For those who practise Infant Baptifm.) T HUS faith the mercy of the Lord, "I'll be a God to thee : "I'll bless thy num'rous race, and they "Shall be a feed for me." 2 Abra'm believ'd the promis'd grace, And gave his fon to God; feals the blessings now, thepr That once was feal'd with blood. itt 3 Thus Lydia fanctify'd her house, 4 Thus later saints Eternal King ! HYMN CXXII. Long Metre. Believers buried with Christ in Baptism. Rom. vi. 3, &c. 1 D O we not know that folemn word, Baptiz'd into his death, and then 2 Our fouls receive diviner breath, 3 No more let fin or Satan reign HYMN CXXIII. Common Metre. B Has wasted his eftate; He begs a fhare amongst the swine, To taste the husks they eat! 2 "I die with hunger here," he cries; " I starve in foreign lands; "My Father's house has large.fupplies, "And bounteous are his hands. 3 "I'll go, and with a mournful tongue 4 He faid and hasten'd to his home, 5 He ran, and fell upon his neck, The rebel's heart with forrow brake, 6 "Take off his clothes of shame and fin," (The Father gives command) |