To find any PSALM by the first Line. A A. LL ye that love the Lord, rejoice Almighty Ruler of the skies Amidst thy wrath, remember love Among th' affemblies of the great Among the princes, earthly gods PAGE 310 16 80 163 171 And will the God of grace 164 Are all the foes of Zion fools 113 Behold the fure foundation-ftone Behold thy waiting servant, Lord Bleft is the man who shuns the place I 66 C C. Hildren in years, and knowledge young Come, children, learn to fear the Lord 71 Come, let our voices join to raife AVID rejoic'd in God his strength 192 191 254 45 139 69 E. Father, I bless thy gentle hand Father, I fing thy wond'rous grace Firm was my health, my day was bright * Fools in their hearts believe and fay 272 God of my life, look gently down 83 Great is the Lord; his works of might 228 Great God, attend, while Zion fings 166 Happy the city where their fons Happy the man whose cautious feet Hear me, O God, nor hide thy grace Hear what the Lord in vifion faid Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail He reigns, the Lord the Saviour reigns He that hath made his refuge God High in the heav'ns, eternal God How awful is thy chast'ning rod How did my heart rejoice to hear How faft their guilt and forrows rife How long, O Lord, shall I complain 195 183 - - - How pleasant 'tis to fee How pleas'd and blest was I - 246 54 I'll bless the Lord from day to day |