Taxinis. English Meg. THE All things must be fulfilled which were written HEB. xi. 32. 40. David, Samuel, and the Prophets-That A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED. LOND 0 N: PRINTED FOR A. MILLAR, W. LAW, and R. CATER; ADVERTISEMENT. Of the different Editions of this Book. FORMER Editions are prefaced with a "Difcourfe on the right way of fitting "the Pfalms of David for Christian Wor"fhip:" wherein a plain account is given of the Author's general conduct in this imitation of the Pfalms, with evident and convincing arguments to fupport it... Of choofing or finding the Pfalm. The perufal of the whole book will a quaint every reader with the author's m thod; and by confulting the Index at t end, he may find Hymns very proper t many occafions of the Chriftian life and > worship; tho' no copy of David's Pfalter can provide for all, as I have fhewn in the Preface to the large Edition. Or, if he remembers the first line of an Pfalm, the Table of the First Lines at the beginning of the book, will direct where to find it. Or, if any fhall think it beft to fing all the Pfalms in order in churches or families, it may be done with profit; provided thofe Pfalms be omitted that refer to fpecial occurrences of nations, churches, or fingle Christians. Of dividing the Pfalms. If the Pfalm be too long for the time or cuftom of finging, there are paafes in many of them, at which you may properly rest; or, you may leave out thofe verfes which, sare included in crotchets [], without diturbing the fenfe: or in fome places you may begin to fing at the pause. Do not always confine yourselves to fix ftanzas, but fing feven or eight, rather than confound the fenfe, and abuse the Palin in felemin worship. A TABLE: To find any Pfalm by the firft Line.. ALL L ye that love the Lord rejoice page 299 Almighty Ruler of the skies Amidst thy wrath remember love 16 76 Among th' affemblies of the great 256 Among the princes earthly gods 163 157 Are all the foes of Zion fools 108 Are finners now fo fenfelefs grown 25 Arife, my gracious God y Awake, ye faints, to praife your King BEHOLD the lofty sky [Behold the love, the generous love ha Behold the morning fun 31 169 37 69 38 Behold the fure foundation-ftone Behold thy waiting servant, Lord 239 241 197 26 Bleft are the fouls that hear and know Bleft is the man whofe bowels move |