Imágenes de páginas

de Tempore ejusque Partibus; de Arte Divinatoria; de Auguriis et Auspiciis; de Astronomia ; de Geographicis quibusdam ; de Pythagora ; de Numeris; de Musica et Musis; de Rebus Divinis ; de Deo; de Diis; de Sectis Philosophorum; de Sectis Medicorum; &c. &c.

[ocr errors]

Inserted (pp. 49-56) are engraved Polyglott Alphabets and "Elogia Deiparæ." The Preface, in "Artem Oratoriam," is dated "Urbini Anno, 1636." One of the Orations is in Italian, and though it was delivered by "Alessandro Sentinelli in Urbino nella Cappella di S. Filippo Neri, 1637," the author claims it as "da me composta.' There is also a dramatic Predica de la Passione di N. S. Jesu Christo. At p. 205 is an Autograph Sonnet, with the poet's signature, addressed to Giovanni Alcidis Monier Medico Lorenese by Giovanni Leone Sempronio Poeta laureato dottore in legge d'Urbino," author of Boemondo, a poem thus praised by Quadrio: "Occupa però il primo luogo tra quelli dell' infelice suo secolo.” A Treatise de Graphomontia is also in Italian. The Treatise de Chiromantia has drawings. The work de Sectis Philosophorum et Medicorum, dated Placentiæ, 1641, contains, under "de Secta Magica," a treatise de Magia. This work, illustrated with numerous scientific diagrams and plates, is a true cyclopædia of the state of learning, chiefly in Italy, during the seventeenth century; and contains much valuable information which it would be difficult to find elsewhere. Prefixed to each special treatise, there is a biography of the subject. 2302 NORRIS (Anthony) A Glossary or Dictionary, explaining the OBSOLETE and ancient words used by our old English writers, with references to examples where they occur. To which is added a Catalogue of local and vulgar words used in the County of NORFOLK, fol. hf. bd. from Dawson Turner's lib. £7.7s about 1780 From the library of Sir John Fenn, who has prefixed to the volume a short account of its contents. This evidently formed part of the copious and important collection made by Mr. Norris for the illustration of the county of Norfolk, and now in the possession of the Right Hon. J. H. Frere. The manuscript was purchased of Mr. Rodd the bookseller, who bought it at the sale of manuscripts of Mr. Boucher. The references to the works of Shakspeare and other dramatists, as well as to standard writers in other departments of English literature are copious, and much enhance the value of the manuscript.

2303 OMAR Ben-Afar Aganai Tebiadis Tractatus de Nativitat. folio, 40 pp. 7s 6d

Sec. XIV-XV.

This manuscript, with diagrams and Arabic numerical figures, might be supposed to be the 'same work of which a copy is quoted amongst the Latin manuscripts in the" Catalogus Bibliothecæ Regiæ Parisiensis," under the title of "Omar de revolutionibus nativitatum libri tres," were not the work contained in the present manuscript divided into two instead of three books. Very probably, however, it may be the same work which was printed at Venice in 1503, in 4to. under the title "Omar Tiberiadis liber de nativitatibus et interrogationibus." 2304 ORLEANS FAMILY. A collection of 36 ORIGINAL DEEDS on VELLUM, with Seals

(from 1343 to 1497) including several relating to the celebrated Warrior and Poet, Charles Duke of Orleans, who during the XVth Century was so long detained a Prisoner in England, and whose Poems have been printed for the Roxburghe Club (and very ably republished in France by the learned M. Aimé Champollion-Figeac), various sizes, £10. Sæc. XIV-XV. To show the character of Charles d'Orleans it will be sufficient to quote from M. Villemain's admirable "Tableau de la littérature au moyen âge," (vol. II. p. 228):

"Fait prisonnier il est conduit en Angleterre: et il y fut gardé vingt cinq ans." "Cette captivité nous a valu le volume de poésie le plus original du xve Siècle, le premier ouvrage où l'imagination soit correcte et naïve, où le style offre une élégance prématurée, où le poëte, par la douce émotion dont il était rempli, trouve de ces expressions qui n'ont point de date, et qui, étant toujours vraies, ne passent pas de la langue et de la mémoire d'un peuple. Sans doute, quelques empreintes de rouille se mêlent à ces beautés primitives; mais il n'est pas d'étude où l'on puisse mieux découvrir ce que l'idiome Francais, manié par un homme de génie, offrait déjà de creations heureuses."

2305 PEREIRA (Ben.) Adagia Lusitano-latina e Lexico ejusdem excerpta in carcere ad S. Julianum prope Ulyssiponem ab ANSELMO ECKART, Soc. Jesu, cum reliquis hoc in libro contentis, 291 pp. very neatly written-TILLEMON, Dictionaríum geographicum latino-gallicum et gallico-latinum-Index Vocam latinarum Lexici geographici, auctore L. ECHARD-in 1 very stout vol. 12mo. very neatly written, hf. bd. 25s 2306 PETRARCHA (Francesco) Canzone, Sonecti et Triomphi, 8vo. Manuscript on vellum, with the Intitulation in LETTERS of GOLD, and having the first page, containing a PORTRAIT OF THE POET in the initial letter and an elegant border, ILLUMINATED in gold and colours, old morocco, gilt edges, £25. Sæc. XV. This extraordinary Manuscript is entirely written in those singular trembling characters which Palatino and other authors on Italian penmanship call rognosi, which although in some few isolated

instances they might be discovered as introduced to diversify the pages, yet are of such excessive rarity that another entire manuscript of the same kind now to be discovered anywhere seems to us a moral impossibility. The binding, which is in morocco, with gold ornaments on the sides and clasps, is perhaps one of the finest specimens of Italian binding of the XVth century now in existence. In some portions of it are displayed the same ornaments as were used for the ancient beautiful binding of the 4to. Anthologia of Lascaris, printed upon vellum, which is now in the British Museum. 2307 POESIAS ESPAÑOLES, 4to. 542 pp. old vellum, £2. 10s

Sæc. XVII.

A Collection of Romances, Loas, Sonetos, Letrillas, Satiras, Canciones, &c. with an Index, apparently in the autograph of the author of "La Comedia de el Desengano de Amor, ano de 1614," or at least with autograph annotations and corrections by him. There are several Acrostics to Eufrasia, Maria, Doña Ynes, &c. &c.

2308 PORTOLANO que si contiene tutto il costaggio di Terra Firma cominciando dal Porto Santa Maria, dentro il Stretto di Gibilterra e si gira, sino alla montagna detta Erminia, with an INDEX, folio, MS. of the XVIIth Century, upon paper, calf and ornamented gilt binding, £4. 4s

2309 PORT ROYAL. Lettres que les Religieuses de Port Royal ont écrites pendant les dix Mois qu' elles furent renfermées sous l'Authorité de la Mère Eugenie, thick 4to. Manuscript in the Autograph of Sister Gabrielle de Sainte Eufrasie, very interesting. A beautiful specimen of the elder De Rome's binding, red morocco, gilt edges, with his ticket, which is very rare, £4. 4s Sec. XVIII.

2310 PRINTING. Some Account of Lawrence Coster and John Faustus, 4to. 2s 6d 2311 PRISCIANI Cæsariensis Grammatici de Grammatica Libri XV. 4to. 243 leaves of VELLUM, original binding, £10. 10s Sæc. XV.

In a beautiful Italian hand, with illuminated capitals, and a fine PAINTED BORDER on the first leaf, having in front the inscription "ad Julianum Consulem ac Patricium," which Krehl omits, as he was unable to find it in any manuscript he collated.

This fine manuscript exhibits a very pure text, the Greek quotations being supplied in a different hand, and the correct digamma used wherever it occurs. As the XVth Book in Krehl's edition is divided into two, in reality this manuscript ought to be described as exhibiting "Libri XVI." As a specimen of the various readings, we select a few occurring in the XVIth Book of Krehl, treating "De Conjunctionibus :"

[blocks in formation]

Utque invenitur non solum copulativa sed etiam completiva.


Vim vel ordinationem

Non tamen etiam motum, &c.

Ambulare autem sine motu non potest
Accidunt igitur, &c.

Copulativa est quæ copulat
Hæc enim copulant

Utque invenitur etiam completiva.

A curious fact is that this manuscript does not contain any mention of Theodorus, and also that there is scarcely any division of the work into different books.

2312 QUINTUS CURTIUS. L'Istoria de Alexandro Magno figlio di Philippo Re di Macedonia, scripta da Quinto Curcio Ruffo Historico Eloquentissimo, e traducta en vulgare fidelmente da P. Candido. This is preceded by a parallel, in the manner of Plutarch, of Julius Cæsar and Alexander, addressed to Filippo Maria Ducha di Milano, &c. The colophon at the end of the volume is "Al nombre di Dio omnipotente finisse el duodecimo e l'ultimo libro de l'istoria d'Alexandro magno figlio di Philippo Re di Macedonia. Scripta da Quinto Cursio Ruffo eruditissimo e facundissimo auctore, e traducta in vulgare, al Serenissimo Principe Filippo Maria Tercio Ducha di Milano, &c. per P. Candido Decembre suo seruo MCCCC.XXXVIII a die xxo del mese d'Aprile in Milano, folio, MS. UPON VELLUM, splendidly illuminated Title, and several very beautiful Initial Letters, original vellum binding, £18. 18s Sæc. XV. This interesting MS. was executed for the illustrious DON INIGO D'AVALOS, whose arms and devices are repeated in the Illuminations; and on the last page the heroic possessor has inscribed


Beneath which we have


It is from the Library of the Duke de Cassano Serra.

2313 REFORMERS (The) IN GERMANY. A Letter of 8 folio pp. from the Professors of the WITTEMBERG UNIVERSITY to John Frederic, Duke of Saxony,


Elector; dated March 12, 1547, and signed by CASPAR CREUTziger, Dr.
Rector; JoH. BUGENHAGEN, Pomeranus, Dr.; BEN. PAULI, Jurisc.; BLEYCK-
HART, Syndicus, Dr. ; PHILIPPUS MELANTHON; JOH. SAXO, Holstenius; Lucas
STOLSIUS; an important historical document, taken from the Elector John
Frederick of Saxony at the battle of Mühlberg, April 24, where he was taken
prisoner by the Roman Catholics (the Austrians), £5.

The courageous professors state in their letter, that they will keep upon the path of truth (the reformed religion) and suffer for it rather than to live in joy with the enemies who despise both them and divine truth.

2314 SCELTA d'alcuni Modi di dire cavati da diversi Autori, 4to. 200 pp. vellum, 10s Saec. XVII.-XVIII. This Scelta, written about the end of the Seicento, contains the most extraordinary concetti of that century proposed for imitation. For instance:

"Ma non prima fu compiuto quel secolo che mancando per tante fronti beate le stelle del firmamento, si die' piglio ai pianeti, e con un Sole segnossi il petto a Tommaso." 2315 SEALS AND AUTOGRAPHS. A collection of 184 Seals and Autographs, including those of the following noblemen and gentlemen, dating from about 1660 to 1806-Apsley (Lord), Allen, Allen (Lord Viscount), Berkeley, Bryant, Cave, Chesterfield, Creux, Craven, Davison, Dun, Dunmore, Gascoigne, Halifax, Hatton, Graham, Gordon (Duke of), Godolphin (Lady), Kilmore and Ardagh, Newton, Ossory, Rainsford, Ragsdell, Talbot, Wigorn, Wrottesley, etc. etc.—the

lot 30s 2316 SIBER (C. F.) ITINERARIUM, oder kurtze Beschreibung aller Merckwürdigkeiten, welche auf der mit dem Herrn Ludwig Christoph von HOHENSTEIN, auf Adelsmannsfelden und Thalheim, durch Ober- und Nieder-Sachsen, in Holland, und von da wieder zurück als Hoffmeister vollzogener Reysse, zu beobachten vorkommen, small 4to. 353 pp. very neatly written on paper, with Index, apparently prepared for publication, hf. bd. vellum, 15s 1709 2317 SPECULUM Humanæ Salvationis: Facsimile of this Blockbook, as printed in 1414, with all its singular WOODCUTS, executed with the pen by Jacques Fucien Leclabart, folio, old crimson morocco, gilt edges, £14. Considering the almost absolute impossibility of the original Blockbook being ever offered for sale, this well-made facsimile will be a desirable substitute for it.


On the first fly-leaf of this book is the following memorandum, apparently in the handwriting of W. H. Ireland: "Of this extraordinary work another copy was executed by Leclabart, on vellum, which produced, when sold, 4000 francs. At the King's Library (at Paris), however, the present copy was esteemed the more curious, being written on paper exactly similar to that on which the work was printed; so that this volume might literally pass for the original imprint. The figured title page is merely a decorative title from the hand of the penman; as the printed book commences as at page 1, having had no title whatsoever, as was the case with works from the press of those early periods."

In another memorandum, on a loose piece of paper, in the handwriting of Leclabart, he styles himself" Membre de l'Académie Royale d'Ecriture de Paris, Ecrivain Imitateur de caractères de toutes les impressions modernes, tant l'Ecriture des anciens manuscrits, gothiques, ou imprimés, qu'en Hébreu ou autres langues étrangères, que pour les figures, les vignettes et les ornemens, pour l'entretien des vieux livres," etc.

The copy of the work from which the above facsimile was made is in the Royal Library at Paris. For a description of the book itself, see Heinecken, Idée d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, p. 432.

2318 SPENCE (J.) His Collection of Remarkable Epitaphs, sm. 4to. autograph and very curious, £2. 2s


2319 TAGLICHE ANDACHTS Uebungen, 8vo. a beautifully written MS. of 104 pp. upon VELLUM, all the Initials with tasteful Flourishes, the title executed in gold and colours, also six pretty pen and ink Drawings, red morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges, in a handsomely gilt calf case, £2. 10s 2320 THERAMI LIBER BELIAL. ANONYMI Flores Sacræ Scripturæ, pp. 1-39. JACOBI DE THERAMO, Archidiaconi Avessani et Canonici, Compendium breve de redemptione generis humani, Consolatio peccatorum nuncupatum et apud nonnullos BELIAL vocitatum sive processus Luciferi contra Jesum judice Salomone, pp. 41-118; at the end, "Datum Aversae prope Neapolis, anno Domini 1382 aetatis meae 33°. Ego scriptor, qui hunc scripsi, imposui extremam manum die 16 Juli 1463. Absque labore gravi vix munera magna dabuntur," folio, a well

written MS. in a neat gothic hand, in excellent preservation, pale morocco extra,
gilt edges, a handsome volume, £6. 6s

Ce second ouvrage est un roman ascetique, recherché pour sa singularité. L'auteur, Ja. Palladina de Theramo, ou d'Ancharona était Archidacre d'Averse, plus tard il devint éveque de Monopoli, et en 1400 Archeveque de Tarente.

2321 THEOLOGICA EXCERPTA, GRÆCE, fol. (format agenda), 450 pp. rus. 378 Saec. XVII This valuable manuscript, from the Collection of the Hon. Fr. North (Earl of Guilford), contains an immense number of abstracts from the Greek Fathers. It was written in Italy in different hands by thorough Greek scholars. Some of these abstracts seem to be in the handwriting, of the celebrated Allatius (Leone Allacci).

2322 THOMÆ DE HIBERNIA TABULA ORIGINALIUM sive Manipulus Florum secundum Ordinem Alphabeti extracta a libris XXXVI Auctorum, folio, MS. upon vellum, with illuminated capitals, morocco, £3. 5s

Sae. XIV. With the following colophon: "Explicit Manipulus Florum compilatus a magistro thoma de hybernia quondam socio de serbona et Incepit Johannes Galensis (Waleyss) Ord. Fratr. Minor. Doctor in Theologia istam tabulam et Magister Thomas finivit."

2323 THORNE (George) Common Place Book, containing Adagia, Poematia, Rules of Good Life in Verse, Sententiæ, a practical Catechisme, &c. 12mo. on paper, autograph, old calf, 10s Saec. XVIII. 2324 TORRE, PESQUERA and CHANOCA Families: Certificacion de Armas y Nobleza de los Linages de la Torre, Pesquera y Chanoca, folio, MSS. and printed matter, with Coats of Arms & Seals, old Dutch calf, from a recent sale at Utrecht, £5. 5s Contents: Certificate from Don Pedro de Salazar Giron, Rey de Armas del Rey Don Phelippe IV. as to the correctness and genuineness of the Pedigrees and Documents, dated Madrid, 1684, confirmed by Albert de Launay, Bruselas, 1664. Certificates from Philippo IV., dated 1637, with many signatures. Services rendus au Roy en ces Pays-Bas, par le Comte de Rache, Mre. de Camp, gnal. des Armées, etc., constaté par plusieurs certificats et autres tiltres, 1663.-A Document signed by De Bastida, dated Ghent, 1619.-Copia que el Cardinal D. Francisco do Mendoça y Bobadilla, arcobispo de Burgos, describio y dio al R. Felipe II., etc., with Coats of Arms;-with several other MS. Documents, bound up with many printed Certificates, all relating either to the above mentioned noble families or other Spanish houses.

2325 TOURNEMINE (Père, "de la Compagnie de Jesus") Essay de la Science universelle, "Jacobus Allais scripsit 1694," 4to. 164 pp. calf, 7s 6d Saec. XVII (1694) This work of a well known opponent of Voltaire, is not quoted in the Biographie Universelle, amongt the works of the author, and seems unpublished. 2326 TOWERS (Joseph, "the celebrated Political Writer") Autograph Common-PlaceBook, containing Prayers for the Opening of the Service, Memoranda relative to Deaths of Relations and Friends, List of his Publications, List and Laws of Quarterly Club, Purchases of Books, with Prices, &c. 4to. 242 pp. half bound, Saec. XVIII


2327 VAUGHAN FAMILY: A collection of 108 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS executed by the Family of the late Sir Robert Williames Vaughan, comprising chiefly VIEWS in WALES, in a large 4to. portfolio of tinted paper, hf. bd. £6. 6s exec. temp. 1820-51 Amongst others the collection comprises the following Drawings; Condover Hall, Seat of E. W. S. Owen, Esq. Salop, 1832; Pont-yr-att Coch, St. Asaph, 1820; Langedwyn, Seat of C. W. W. Wynn, Esq. 1829; Turn of Holyhead Road by Glyn Bridge, 1829; View at Eatingdon, Warwickshire, 1832; Ruthin Castle, Denbighshire, 1834; Glyn Bridge, 1832; Bridge at Voëlos, 1833; Ponty Paddock Bridge over the Conway, 1831; Haurwst Bridge, 1832; Snowdon, from Capel Curig, 1837; Pont Aberglasglyn, 1830; Harlech Castle, 1831; Llanddwwc Church, near Corsygedal, 1833; Cynwd Waterfall, 1831; Crogen, Lord Dudley, 1831; Llanderfel Rectory, Church, Bridge, 1832; Llan St. Fraid Church, 1830; Dinas Bran, near Llangollen; Denbigh Castle, 1831; Hall at Mostyn, Flintshire, 1837; Kenilworth Castle; Garmons, Seat of Sir T. Cotterell, 1836; Criccaeth Castle, 1840; Conway Castle, 1840, etc.

The celebrated English landscape painter Wilson was patronised and entertained as a resident guest by the Vaughans, in return he executed some of his best pictures for them. 2328 VERDE BARAONA. Carta executoria de Hidalguia de Sangre, &c. &c. de D.

Miguel Verde Baraona Vecino de Sepulveda, folio, THE OFFICIAL MANUSCRIPT, beautifully written on 145 leaves of vellum, with finely illuminated Capitals (the last containing a characteristic portrait,) and Headings in gold and colours, having PAINTINGS OF THE CRUCIFIX, BEFORE WHICH DON MIGUEL WITH HIS WIFE AND CHILD are praying, and of his Coat of Arms, prefixed. Each leaf is officially stamped, and at the end are the Autograph Signatures of the Marquis del Arco and other Officials, dated Valladolid, 20 August, 1695, oak bds. £9. 10s

2329 VICOT (Pierre) et Nicolas de Valois, Les trois Livres, folio, 398 pp. old calf,


Saec. XVII

A very elaborate treatise on Alchemy, consisting of about 400 pages, and containing the most curious secrets. See for instance, p. 204, etc. 2330 VIRGIL. An Italian MS. upon paper, unfortunately imperfect. Promium (of a more recent date), addressed "Al molto magnifico M. Pietro Paulo Santino, etc." 6 leaves; of the text of Virgil, 105 leaves, the earlier portion, with interlinear and marginal notes, by a contemporary hand, folio, original calf binding, £2. 2s 2331 VOLTAIRE, la Pucelle d'Orleans, with 5 minor pieces neatly copied by MR. SOUBREMONT FROM VOLTAIRE'S ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, 4to. 264 pp. old calf neat, £2. 2s

"This very neat specimen of Penmanship was apparently made for Voltaire's own use, who, as is well known, used very frequently, indeed always, to read his unpublished Poems to his most favoured acquaintances, professedly for the purpose of obtaining their opinions."

A well written copy of the very desirable original MS. containing many curious passages which were subsequently suppressed. The chants are differently divided and present important variations from those in the printed editions.


2332 KORAN MUJEED, A most magnificent and valuable Arabic MS. stout folio, 385 leaves, measuring 15 inches by 93, most beautifully written in Ornamented Black, Coloured, and Gold Arabic Letters, on the finest Khan Baligh paper, in Iranee Characters; the top, middle, and bottom lines of each page are in gold and blue letters, the title pages and headings of each Soorah very richly illuminated in gold and colours; a few Prayers, finely illuminated, are added; on the back leaves are the SEALS OF MAHOMED SHAH, BADSHAH, OR KING OF DELHI; MEER GHOLAM ALLI KHAN TALPORE, KING OF SCINDE; and inferior Princes to whom this book formerly belonged; bound in the native Persian style, £60. This wonderful MS. was purchased at the sale of the confiscated Property of the late RUNJEET SINGH, and is of undoubted Antiquity. As the art of writing and ornamenting Oriental works has been much on the decline since this Koran was prepared, its value is much increased, and it could not be replaced. Each leaf is paged, but that for 202 is accidentally omitted. Arabic Manuscripts executed by Persian Artists are preferred to all others, as it is in Persia only where Oriental Penmanship was carried on as an Art, and where the Writers of MSS. ranked equal with the great 'Courtiers. Any Nobleman or Gentleman desirous of a really fine specimen of Persian Art should secure this volume.

2333 EVANGELIA IV., Armenice, Manuscript on paper, 18mo. beautifully written, with DRAWINGS of the Evangelists, and numerous ORNAMENTS, executed in gold and colours, £25. Sæc. XVI. This beautiful Gem is covered with a rich cinque-cento binding of gilt silver, elaborately carved, having on the obverse side of the cover a representation of the Crucifixion, with the Heads of the Four Evangelists as corners; and on the reverse the Resurrection, with the devices of the Evangelists as corners. The whole exhibits an exquisite specimen of Byzantine Art. It is enclosed in a silk bag, on which the Crucifix and other ornaments are worked in silver lace. 2334 CHINESE DRAWINGS. Eight Delineations of the Exterior and Interior of CHINESE

HOUSES, drawn in colours by a Native Artist, with three other coloured Drawings representing Flowers and Birds, square folio, bds. 9s

2335 PRECES ET PRÆCEPTA HEBRÆORUM, Hebraice, small 4to. a beautiful specimen of Hebrew Caligraphy, written in very elegant Romano-Jewish Characters, with points, and having the commencing words in LETTERS OF GOLD, surrounded by ornamental borders, painted in various colours, upon vellum, richly bound in green velvet, the sides and edges thereof protected with centres, (having a lion rampant and three stars, as arms, engraved thereon), corners and clasps of solid silver, £35. Sac. XV. This elegant speciSome of the Prayers

Illuminated Hebrew MSS. by Italian Artists are of very rare occurrence. men of Italian Art was a marriage gift, it is in the purest state of preservation. are intermixed with Benedictions in Italian, but written in Hebrew characters. 2336 HEBREW SYNAGOGUE SCROLL of the Book of ESTHER, upon vellum,

13 feet long by 11 inches, beautifully written in a bold hand, without points, within 12 CABALISTIC OR SYMBOLICAL CIRCLES, comprising many hundred SMALL DRAWINGS, the space between the circles filled up by LARGER DRAWINGS of curious SCENES (one of them Potiphar's Wife and Joseph), with the figures in the COSTUME of the XVI. or XVII. Century, £3.

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