p "Father, I've done thy justice wrong, o 4 He said, and hasten'd to his home, e u 5 He ran and fell upon his neck, Embrac'd and kiss'd his son; p The rebel's heart with sorrow brake, For follies he had done. 06 "Take off his clothes of shame and sin, 0 ("The father gives command) • "Dress him in garments white and clean, "With rings adorn his hand. 7 "A day of feasting I ordain; "Let mirth and joy abound! s "My son was dead,-and lives again; "Was lost and now is found." HYMN 124. L. M. Armley. [b*] The First and Second Adam. Rom. v, 12, &c. e 1 DEEP in the dust, before thy throne. guilt and our disgrace we own; a Great God we own th' unhappy name, e 3 But whilst our spirits fill'd with awe, • We sing the honours of thy grace, e 5 [By the rebellion of one man, • Abounding life; there glorious grace Reigns through the Lord our righteousness.] HYMN 125. C. M. Barby. [*] Christ's Compassion to the Weak and Tempted. Heb. 1 iv, 16; v, 7. Matt. xii, 20. WITH joy we meditate the grace our High Priest above; e His heart is made of tenderness, p 2 Touch'd with a sympathy within, --3 But spotless, innocent, and pure, p 4 He in the days of feeble flesh, Pour'd out his cries and tears; e And in his measure feels afresh What ev'ry member bears. b 5 (He'll never quench the smoking flax, The bruised reed he never breaks, o 6 Then let our humble faith address HYMN 126. L. M. Islington. [*] Charity and Uncharitableness. Rom. xiv, 17, 19. 1 Cor. x, 32. OT diffrent food, nor diff'rent dress, Compose the kingdom of our Lord; 1 N But peace, and joy, and righteousness, Nor shall our practice give offence HYMN 127. L. M. Portugal. [*] Christ's invitation to sinners. Matt. xi, 28-30. 1 " OME hither, all ye weary souls, "Ye heavy laden sinners come; COM "I'll give you rest from all your toils, 3 "Bless'd is the man, whose shoulders take "My grace shall make the burden light." o 4 Jesus, we come at thy command, HYMN 128. L. M. Green's. [*] 1 "GO, preach my Gospel," saith the Lord; "Bid the whole earth my grace receive • "He shall be sav'd, who trusts my word; g 3 "Go heal the sick; go raise the dead; "Tho' Greeks reproach, and Jews blaspheme. "I can destroy, and I defend." • 5 He spake, and light shone round his head; On a bright cloud to heav'n he rode : g They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their ascended God. L HYMN 129. L. M. Armley. [b*] Abraham offering his Son. Gen. xxii, 6, &c. SAINTS, at your heavenly Father's word, Give up your comforts to the Lord; He shall restore what you resign, d 3 "Abra'am, forbear," the angel cry'd, o 4 Just in the last distressing hour, HYMN 130. L. M. Sicilian. [b*] Love and Hatred. Phil. ii, 2. Eph. iv, 30, &c. OW by the bowels of my God, e 1 N His sharp distress, his sore complaints, By his last groans, his dying blood,- e 3 The Spirit, like a peaceful dove, HYMN 131. L. M. Islington. [b*] The Pharisee and Publican. Luke xviii, 10, &c. 1 The Publican and Pharisee! • One doth his righteousness proclaim, -3 The Lord their diffrent language knows, Join'd with the boasting Pharisee; e I have no merits of my own, But plead the suff'rings of thy Son. HYMN 132. L. M. Brentford. Oporto. [*] Holiness and Grace. Titus ii, 10, 13. O let our lips and lives express, The holy Gospel, we profess; 1 S So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honours of our Saviour God; When the salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the pow'r of sin. e 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride; • Whilst justice, temp'rance, truth and love, Our inward piety approve. -4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope,• The bright appearance of the Lord ;And faith stands leaning on his word. 1 York. [*] HYMN 133. C. M. L All their religion is a dream, 2 Love suffers long with patient eye, Nor is provok'd in haste; She lets the present injury die, And long forgets the past. |