• 4 Then let the sov'reigns of the globe He puts on vengeance like a robe, e 5 Ye judges of the earth, be wise, 1 HYMN 116. C. M. Swanwick. [*] HOM Mercies and Thanks. OW can I sink with such a prop, g Who bears the earth's huge pillars up, -Pardon and grace my soul receives, o 3 All that I am, and all I have, Whate'er my duty bids me give, My cheerful hands resign. -4 Yet if I might make some reserve, And duty did not call; o I love my God with zeal so great, That I should give him all.] 1 HYMN 117. L. M. Green's. [*] Living and Dying with God present. CANNOT bear thine absence, Lord, My life expires if thou depart; Be thou, my heart, still near my God, And thou, my God, be near my heart. 2 I was not born for earth or sin, Nor can I live on things so vile; Yet I will stay my Father's time, And hope, and wait for heav'n a while. 3 Then, dearest Lord, in thine embrace, Let me resign my fleeting breath; And, with a smile upon my face, Pass the important hour of Death.] 1 HYMN 118. L. M. Newcourt. [b*] B LOOD has a voice to pierce the skies, e But the dear stream, when Christ was slain, 2 Pardon and peace from God on high; o 3 To Jesus let our praises rise, 1 HYMN 119. C. M. L Plymouth. [b*] The Holy Scriptures. ADEN with guilt and full of fears, And not a glimpse of hope appears, My guide to everlasting life, grows, Through all this gloomy vale. That leads to thy right hand. 1 HYMN 120. S. M. Aylesbury. [b] 一 The Law and Gospel joined in Scripture. HE Lord declares his will, TH And keeps the world in awe; e Amidst the smoke of Sinai's hill, Breaks out his fiery law. 2 The Lord reveals his face, o Sends down the gospel of his grace, 0 e The pity of his melting heart, e Where wrath and lightning guard the page, Where beams of mercy shine. 0 1 HYMN 121. L.M. Armley. [b*] T o But 'tis the gospel must reveal Where lies our strength to do his will. e 2 The law discovers guilt and sin, And shews how vile our hearts have been; • Only the gospel can express Forgiving love and cleansing grace. e 3 What curses does the law denounce Against the man who fails but once ? • But in the gospel Christ appears, Pard'ning the guilt of num'rous years. -4 My soul, no more attempt to draw Thy life and comfort from the law; a Fly to the hope the gospel gives: The man who trusts the promise-lives. 1 HYMN 122. L. M. Bethel. [b*] M : Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove, Forgetful of my highest love. e 2 Why should my passions mix with earth, e 4 Be earth with all her scenes withdrawn; My heav'n-and there my God, I find. HYMN 123. L. M. Green's. [*] 1[AWAY from ev'ry mortal care, United groans ascend on high; -And pray'rs produce a quick return Of blessings in variety. e 4 (If Satan rage, and sin grow strong, • We gird the gospel armour on, • To fight the battles of the Lord. e 5 Or if our spirit faints and dies, -(Our conscience gall'd with inward stings,) o Here does the righteous Sun arise, With healing beams beneath his wings.) e 6 Father, my soul would still abide HYMN 124. C. M. York. [b*] Moses, Aaron, and Joshua. 'T And sent to men by Moses' hands, 2 'Tis not the blood which Aaron spilt, Can buy the pardon of our guilt, e 3 Aaron the priest resigns his breath, • 5 Israel rejoice, now Joshua* leads, HYMN 125. L. M. Pleyel's. [b] 1 L Children of wrath, made heirs of heav'n, e 2 Wo to the wretch who never felt 3 The law condemns the rebel dead, a He seals the curse on his own head, And with a double vengeance dies.] 1 HYMN 126. C. M. Wareham. [*] THE Lord, descending from above, Invites his children near; While pow'r, and truth, and boundless love, Display their glories here. 2 Here, in the gospel's wondrous frame, Fresh wisdom we pursue; A thousand angels learn thy name, Beyond whate'er they knew. * Joshua same with Jesus and signifies a Saviour. |