What beauty should command my love, d 5 Away, ye false delusive toys, 1 DODDRIDGE. HYMN 164. L. M. Gloucester. [*] H Early Piety. Matt. xii, 20. A bruised reed he never breaks, 4 With humble souls he bears a part, 5 He sees the struggles that prevail, 6 Tho' press'd with fears on ev'ry side, Yet he will soon the cause decide, And judgment unto vict'ry send. e 1 STENNET. HYMN 165. C. M. Wareham. [b*] Young Persons entreated. , BETO dear Lord, upon our youth, The gift of saving grace; And let the seed of sacred truth Fall in a fruitful place. -2 Grace is a plant, where'er it grows, Of pure and heav'nly root; But fairest in the youngest shows, And yields the sweetest fruit. d 3 Ye careless ones, O hear betimes, The voice of sovereign love! e Your youth is stained with many crimes, 0 But mercy reigns above. d 4 True you are young, but there's a stone Within the youngest breast, Or half the crimes which you have done, -5 For you the public prayer is made, Oh, join the public prayer! -6 We pray that you may early prove, HYMN 166. 7s. Redeeming Love. Fervent prayer will bring us down COWPER [b*] the skies. Let the blind have eyes to seee See theinselves and look on thee. -3 Let the minds of all our youth Feel the force of sacred truth; While the gospel call they hear, May they learn to love and fear. 4 Show them what their ways have been; Show them the desert of sin; e Then thy dying love reveal; This shall melt a heart of steel. -5 Where thou hast thy work begun, -6 Bless us all, both old and young: SELECT. 10 NEWTON. HYMN 167. 7s. Fairfax. [b] 1G RACIOUS Lord, our children see ; But shall these, alas! remain e 3 When the angel of the Lord, Plead the blood of Christ for these. COWPER HYMN 168. 8 & 7. Calvary. [b] Surrender to infinite Love. - SACRAMENTAL 1 W HEN I view my Saviour bleeding, e O how wondrous!-how exceeding e 2 Floods of deep distress and anguish, • 4 Now the gracious Mediator, Risen to the courts of bliss, Claims for me a sinful creature, Pardon, righteousness, and peace. -5 Sure such infinite affection Lays the highest claims to mine; • All my pow'rs without exception, Should in fervent praises join. -6 Jesus, fit me for thy service, Form me for thyself alone; e I am thy most costly purchase; Take possession of thy own. LEE. HYMN 169. C. M. Canterbury. [b*] Christ's Flesh Meat indeed. 1 H vi, 53-56. SACRAMENTAL. John ERE at thy table, Lord, we meet, To feed on food divine; Thy body is the bread we eat, Thy precious blood the wine. Upon the sacrifice. 3 Here peace and pardon sweetly flow; 4 The bitter torments he endur'd, For me-each welcome guest may say, 5 Sure there was never love so free Dear Saviour-so divine! Well thou may'st claim that heart of me, 1 Which owes so much to thine. HYMN 170. C. M. STENNET. York. Barby. [*] Welcome to the Table. SACRAMENTAL. HIS is the feast of TH And God invites to sup; The juices of the living vine, Were press'd to fill the cup. • 2 Oh, bless the Saviour, ye who eat, -Not heav'n affords a costlier treat, e e 3 The vile, the lost he calls to them; d "Ye trembling souls appear! "The righteous in their own esteem, "Have no acceptance here. 4 "Approach, ye poor, nor dare refuse "The banquet spread for you;" e Dear Saviour, this is welcome news, Then I may venture too. 0 -5 If guilt and sin afford a plea, 1 COWPER. HYMN 171. L. M. Gloucester. [b*] Christ Crucified. SACRAMENTAL. W see, Bleeding to death for wretched me; -Satan and sin no more can move, For I am all transform'd to love. 2 His thorns and nails pierce through my heart, In every groan I bear a part; e I view his wounds with streaming eyes, a e Wounded, and dead, and bath'd in -The well of endless life is here. 4 Here I forget my cares and pains; I drink, yet still my thirst remains: Only the fountain-head above, Can satisfy the thirst of love. e 5 Oh that I thus could always feel! o 6 Thy Name dispels my guilt and fear, NEWTON |