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HYMN 327. S. M. Lisbon. [*]
Exhortation against Sectarian Spirit.
ET party names no more
The Christian world o'erspread :


Gentile and Jew, and bond and free,
Are one in Christ their Head.

2 Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found; Heirs of the same inheritance,

With mutual blessings crowned.
3 Let envy and ill will
Be banished far away;

And all in Christian bonds unite,
Who the same Lord obey.
4 Thus will the church below
Resemble that above;

Where no discordant sounds are heard,
But all is peace and love.



HYMN 328. C. M. Archdale. [*]
The Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace.
THE earth, the ocean, and the sky,

form one world agree;

Where all that walk, or swim, or fly,
Compose one family.

-2 God in creation thus displays
His wisdom and his might,
While all his works with all his ways
Harmoniously unite.

p 3 In one fraternal bond of love,
One fellowship of mind,
• The saints below and saints above,
Their bliss and glory find.

4 Here, in their house of pilgrimage,
Thy statutes are their song;
There, through one bright eternal age,

Thy praises they prolong.

HYMN 329. C. M.



Tolland. [*]

The Church Militant learning the Church Triumphant's


Sound the three

VING we the song of those who stand

Of every kindred, clime, and land,
A multitude unknown.

2 Life's poor distinctions vanish here;
To-day, the young, the old,
Our Saviour and his flock appear
One Shepherd and one fold.
p 3 Toil, trial, suff'ring, still await
On earth the pilgrim's throng;
Yet learn we, in our low estate,
The church triumphant's song.
s 4 Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain,
Cry the redeemed above,
Blessing and honour to obtain,
And everlasting love.




5 Worthy the Lamb, on earth we sing,
Who died our souls to save:

Henceforth, O Death! where is thy sting?
Thy victory, O Grave?

6 Then, hallelujah! power and praise
To God in Christ be given;
May all who now this anthem raise,
Renew the strain in heaven.



HYMN 330. S. M. Shirland. [*]

Vital Union to Christ in Regeneration.


EAR Saviour, we are thine

By everlasting bonds;

Our names, our hearts, we would resign;

Our souls are in thy hands.

2 To thee we still would cleave,
With ever-growing zeal;
If millions tempt us Christ to leave,
Oh, let them ne'er prevail.

3 Thy Spirit shall unite

Our souls to thee, our Head;
Shall form us to thy image bright,
That we thy paths may tread.
4 Death may our souls divide
From these abodes of clay;
But love shall keep us near thy side
Through all the gloomy way.
5 Since Christ and we are one,
Why should we doubt and fear?
If he in heaven hath fixed his throne,
He'll fix his members there.


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HYMN 331. L. M. Atlantic. [*]

Rising to God.

Now let our on w

TOW let our souls, on wings sublime,

of time;

Draw back the parting veil, and see
The glories of eternity.
2 Born by a new, celestial birth,
Why should we grovel here on earth?
Why grasp at transitory toys,
So near to heaven's eternal joys?
3 Shall aught beguile us on the road,
When we are walking back to God?
For strangers into life we come,
And dying is but going home.

s 4 Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge,
That sets our longing souls at large;
Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell,
And gives us with our God to dwell.
5 To dwell with God, to feel his love,
Is the full heaven enjoyed above;
And the sweet expectation now

Is the young dawn of heaven below.



HYMN 332. 7s. Hotham. [bor*]
Forsaking all for Christ.
my cross have taken,
All to leave, and follow thee;


Naked, poor, despised, forsaken,
Thou, from hence, my all shalt be;
Perish every fond ambition,
All I've sought, or hoped, or known,
Yet how rich is my condition!
God and heaven are still my own.
o 2 Soul, then know thy full salvation,
Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care,
Joy to find in every station
Something still to do or bear;

e Think what spirit dwells within thee;
Think what Father's smiles are thine;
Think that Jesus died to win thee:
Child of heaven, canst thou repine?
8 3 Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Armed by faith, and winged by prayer;
Heaven's eternal days before thee,
God's own hand shall guide thee there.

Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days;

Hope shall change to glad fruition,

Soon shall close thy earthly mission,

Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. MONTGOMERY.

HYMN 333. 7s. Pilgrim. [bor*]


Welcoming the Cross.

TIS my happiness below

to love without the cross;

But the Saviour's power to know,
Sanctifying every loss.

2 Trials must and will befall;
But with humble faith to see
Love inscribed upon them all,
This is happiness to me.

3 Trials make the promise sweet,
Trials give new life to prayer;
Trials bring me to his feet,
Lay me low, and keep me there.



HYMN 334. L. M. Brentford. [b]
The Influence of the World deplored.
H! from the world's vile slavery,
Almighty Saviour, set me free;


And as my treasure is above,
Be there my thoughts and there my love.

p 2 But oft, alas! too well I know,
My thoughts, my love, are fixed below;
In every lifeless prayer I find
The heart unmoved, the absent mind.
3 Oh! what that frozen heart can move,
Which melts not at a Saviour's love?
What can that sluggish spirit raise,
Which will not sing the Saviour's praise?
4 Lord, draw my best affections hence,
Above this world of sin and sense;
s Cause them to soar beyond the skies,
And rest not, till to thee they rise.


HYMN 335. C. M. Canterbury. [b]
The Power of Faith.

• 1 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss,


And saves us from its snares;

Its aid in every duty brings,

And softens all our cares;

2 Extinguishes the thirst of sin,

And lights the sacred fire

Of love to God and heavenly things,

And feeds the pure desire.

3 The wounded conscience knows its power

The healing balm to give;

That balm the saddest heart can cheer,
And make the dying live.

s 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds,
Where deathless pleasures reign;
And bids us seek our portion there,
Nor bids us seek in vain.


HYMN 336. 7s & 6s. Margate. [bor*]


Looking forward.

FROM every earthly pleasure,

From every transient joy,

From every mortal treasure,
That soon will fade and die;
No longer these desiring,
Upward our wishes tend,
To nobler bliss aspiring,
And joys that never end.
2 From every piercing sorrow
That heaves our breast to-day,

-Or threatens us to-morrow,
Hope turns our eyes away :
s On wings of faith ascending,
We see the land of light,
And feel our sorrows ending
In infinite delight.

p 3 What though we are but strangers
And sojourners below;
And countless snares and dangers
Surround the path we go;
Though painful and distressing,
Yet there's a rest above;
s And onward still we're pressing,
To reach that land of love.

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HYMN 337. 7s. German Нутп. [*]


The Pilgrim's Song. CHILDREN of the heavenly ye journey, sweetly sing: Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, o Glorious in his works and ways!

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