3 Speak! and the world shall hear thy voice, And bid all nations hail the light. g1 HYMN 377. P. M. Haddam. [*] Increase of the Church. RISE, gracious God! and shine And prosper each design, u 2 Put forth thy glorious power! God, our own God, his church will bless, HYMN 378. C. M. g1 Westmoreland. [*] Prayer for the Reign of Christ. JESUS, Immortal King, arise ! and assert thy sway; Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings, u 2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, ride, Till all thy foes submit, 3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly, -4 Oh may the great Redeemer's name s 5 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, PRATT'S COL. 81 HYMN 379. P. M. Haddam. [*] Prayer for the Coming of the Kingdom of God. R ISE, Sun of Glory, rise! Which now obscure the skies, Oh chase those dismal shades away, -2 Send now thy Spirit down -3 Then shall thy kingdom come g PRATT'S COL. HYMN 380. H. M. Darwell's. [*] 1 Prayer for the Conversion of the World. SOVEREIGN of worlds above, all below, Thy faithfulness and love, Thy power and mercy show: Fulfil thy word, Let heathens live, 2 Few be the years that roll, Ere all shall worship thee; Soon let the Saviour see: s O God of grace! Thy power employ; Fill earth with joy, 1 HYMN 381. L. M. Luton. [*] For the Influence of the Spirit on the Word. 0 SPIRIT of the living God! In all the fulness of thy grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love -3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light; -4 Baptize the nations! far and nigh, The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call him Lord. 5 God from eternity hath willed"All flesh shall my salvation see :" So be the Father's love fulfilled, The Saviour's sufferings crowned by thee! MONTGOMERY. Broomsgrove. [*] HYMN 382. C. M. -1 To the Holy Spirit. SPIRIT power and PIRIT of power and might, behold Creator Spirit, as of old, Move on the formless void. : g 2 Give thou the word: that healing sound Shall quell the deadly strife, s 3 If sang the morning stars for joy, HYMN 383. 8, 7, & 4. Tamworth. [*] 1 WHO, but thou, almighty Spirit, the heathen ? Men may preach, but till thou favour, Witness to the Saviour's name. 2 Thou hast promised, by the prophets, Change our prayers and tears to praise. Round the world diffuse thy rays. 3 All our hopes, and prayers, and labours, But thou wilt not disappoint us- 8 1 O'er the world thine influence shed. HYMN 384. C. M. Tolland. [*] SE END forth thy word, and let it fly, Armed with thy Spirit's power; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour! 2 Beneath the influence of thy grace The barren waste shall rise : With sudden green and fruits arrayed A blooming paradise. 3 Peace, with her olive crown, shall stretch Her win wings from shore to shore; The nations of the earth shall hear The sound of war no more. 4 Lord! for those days we wait: those days This promised age of gold. o 5 Amen! with joy divine, let earth's HYMN 385. 8, 7, & 4. Tamworth. [*] g 1 Welcome news to Zion bearing, God himself will loose thy bands. Here their boasts and triumphs end: Zion's King vouchsafes to send. 3 Enemies no more shall trouble, All thy wrongs shall be redressed: " For thy shame thou shalt have double," In thy Maker's favour blessed: All thy conflicts End in one eternal rest. KELLY. HYMN 386. C. M. Christmas. [*] s1 D Restoration of Israel. AUGHTER of Zion! from the dust Exalt thy fallen head, Again in thy Redeemer trust; 2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, The day of freedom dawns at length, -3 Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge, And send th thy heralds forth: Say to the south, "Give up thy charge, And keep not back, O north." s 4 They come, they come-thine exiled bands, Where'er they rest or roam, Have heard thy voice in distant lands, And hasten to their home. MONTGOMERY. HYMN 387. 8, 7, & 4. Tamworth. [*] 1 YES! Spread of the Gospel. we trust the day is breaking; God-the mighty God is speaking Darkness flies at his command. 2 While the foe becomes more daring, 3 God of Jacob, high and glorious, |