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Sin and want we come confessing,
Thou canst save and thou canst heal.
Though destruction walk around us,
Though the arrow near us fly,
Angel-guards from thee surround us,
We are safe, if thou art nigh.
e 2 Though the night be dark and dreary,
-Darkness cannot hide from thee;
Thou art he who, never weary,
Watchest where thy people be;
Should swift death this night o'ertake us,
And our couch become our tomb,
May the morn, in heaven awake us,
s Clad in light and deathless bloom.

HYMN 433. L. P. M. St. Helen's. [*]
Thanksgiving for National Prosperity.
OW rich thy gifts, Almighty King!
From thee our public blessings spring;



The extended trade, the fruitful skies,
The treasures liberty bestows,
The eternal joys the gospel shows,-

All from thy boundless goodness rise.
-2 Here commerce spreads the wealthy store,
Which pours from every foreign shore;
Science and art their charms display;
Religion teaches us to raise
s Our voices to our Maker's praise,

As truth and conscience point the way. u 3 With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues, To God we raise united songs;

Here still may God in mercy reign; Crown our just counsels with success, With peace and joy our borders bless, And all our sacred rights maintain.


HYMN 434. 7s. Benevento.
New-year's Day.


[bor *]

WHILE, with ceaseless course, the sun

Hasted through the former year,

Many souls their race have run,
Never more to meet us here:

Fixed in an eternal state,
They have done with all below;
We a little longer wait-

But how little, none can know.

o 2 As the winged arrow flies
Speedily the mark to find;
As the lightning from the skies
Darts and leaves no trace behind,-
Swiftly thus our fleeting days
Bear us down life's rapid stream;
Lord, our expectations raise-
All below is but a dream.

g 3 Thanks for mercies past receive;
Former kindnesses renew:

From this moment may we live
With eternity in view:

Bless the word to young and old :
Shed abroad a Saviour's love;

And when life's short tale is told,

May we dwell with thee above.


HYMN 435. P. M. Amesbury. [* or b]

OME, let us anew our journey pursue,

o 1

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And never stand still, till the Master appear. 2 His adorable will let us gladly fulfil,

And our talents improve,

By the patience of hope, and the labour of love.

-3 Our life is a dream; our time, as a stream,

Glides swiftly away;

And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.

4 The arrow is flown; the moment is gone;

The millennial year

Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here.

8 5 O that each in the day of his coming may say,

"I have fought my way through;

I have finished the work thou didst give me to do."

6 O that each, from his Lord, may receive the glad


" Well and faithfully done;

"Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne."

e 1

HYMN 436. C. M.

Canterbury. [b]

Reflections on the State of our Fathers.

OW swift the torrent rolls,
Which bears us to the sea!


The tide which hurries thoughtless souls
To vast eternity!

2 Our fathers, where are they,

With all they called their own?
Their joys and griefs, and hopes and cares,
And wealth and honour gone.

3 But joy or grief succeeds

Beyond our mortal thought,
While the poor remnant of their dust
Lies in the grave forgot.

e 4 There, where the fathers lie
Must all the children dwell;
No other heritage possess,
But such a gloomy cell.
-5 God of our fathers, hear,
Thou everlasting Friend!
While we, as on life's utmost verge,
Our souls to thee commend.

6 Of all the pious dead

May we the footsteps trace, s Till with them, in the land of light, We dwell before thy face.


HYMN 437. L. M. Dresden. [bor *]



FT as

The Knell.

the bell, with solemn toll,

Speaks the departure of a soul,

Let each from every trifle fly,

And ask, "Am I prepared to die?"

e 2 Soon, leaving all I love below,
To God's tribunal I must go;
Must hear the Judge pronounce my fate,
And fix my everlasting state.

3 O could I bear to hear him say,
"Depart, accursed, far away;
"With Satan, midst the flames of hell,
"Thou art forever doomed to dwell!"

4 Saviour! O help me now to see
And place my hope alone in thee;
Thy cleansing blood, thy spirit give,
Subdue my sins, and bid me live!
5 Then when the solemn bell I hear,
If saved from guilt, I need not fear;
Nor would the thought alarming be,
"Perhaps it next may toll for me."

s 6 Rather my spirit would rejoice,
And wish and long to hear thy voice;
Glad, when it bids me earth resign,
Secure of heaven, if thou art mine!


HYMN 438. C. M. Funeral Hymn. [b]


A Thought of Eternity.

WHEN, rising from the bed of death,

O'erwhelmed with guilt and fear,

I see my Maker face to face,

O, how shall I appear ?

-2 If yet, while pardon may be found, And mercy may be sought,

My heart with inward horror shrinks,

And trembles at the thought;

g 3 When thou, O Lord, shalt stand disclosed



In majesty severe,

And sit in judgment on my soul,

O, how shall I appear ?


HYMN 439. S. M.


Olmutz. [*]

WAKED by the trumpet's sound,

from my grave shall rise, And see the Judge with glory crowned, And see the flaming skies. 2 Who can resolve the doubt, That tears my anxious breast? Shall I be with the lost cast out, Or numbered with the blest? 30 thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die; Who diedst thyself, my soul to save From endless misery ;4 Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe ! That when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear.



HYMN 440. C. M. Dundee. [*]



AR from these narrow scenes of night,

Unbounded glories rise,

And realms of infinite delight,

Unknown to mortal eyes.

-2 Fair distant land! could mortal eyes
But half its charms explore,
How would our spirits long to rise,
And dwell on earth no more!

3 No cloud those blissful regions know,
Realms ever bright and fair!
For sin, the source of mortal wo,
Can never enter there.

s 4 Oh may the heavenly prospect fire
Our hearts with ardent love,
Till wings of faith and strong desire
Bear every thought above.

5 Prepare us, Lord! by grace divine,
For thy bright courts on high;
Then bid our spirits rise and join
The chorus of the sky.



HYMN 441. Lanesboro'. [b or *]

The Heavenly Rest.
HERE is an hour of peaceful rest,

THERE is an hour of

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"There is a joy for souls distrest,
A balm for every wounded breast,
'Tis found above-in heaven.
2 There is a home for weary souls,
By sin and sorrow driven;
When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals,
Where storms arise, and ocean rolls,
And all is drear but heaven.

s 3 There, faith lifts up her cheerful eye,
To brighter prospects given;
And views the tempest passing by,
The evening shadows quickly fly,


And all serene in heaven.

s 4 There, fragrant flowers, immortal, bloom,

And joys supreme are given;

There, rays divine disperse the gloom :

Beyond the confines of the tomb

Appears the dawn of heaven.

HYMN 442. C. M.


Tolland. [*]

The Heavenly Jerusalem. Rev. xxi, 22.


TERUSALEM, my happy home!

When shall my labours have an end,
In joy, and peace, and thee?

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