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which there has appeared, fo generally as in the prefent, a difpofition to embrace whatever fair enquiry difcovered to be the real doctrine of fcripture, without any regard to the authority of men, or to the established distinctions of fects; and no where has this liberal fpirit prevailed fo much, as in thofe countries in which infidelity has been fuffered for the longeft fpace of time to propose all its objections freely, and without the fear of perfecution or legal penalties. But the effect of its oppofition has hitherto taken place only in part. The heart of a good man triumphs in conceiving the period when it fhall have finally taken place; in anticipating the time when Christianity fhall become, in the writings and apprehenfions of Christians, as it truly is in the New Teftament; not a fyftem of nice fpeculations and contentious fubtleties, but a feries of plain principles, evidently founded in feripture, unmixed with the arbitrary explications and precarious conclufions of fallible men, all naturally touching the heart, commanding congruous affections, and by their joint force directly inculcating piety and virtue, and promoting the refor mation and happiness of mankind. Let the Chrif tian religion be univerfally and fteadily kept in this point of view by Chriftians; then it will appear that the most formidable objections of Infidels have been directed, not against this religion itself, but against fomething totally different, though unhap


pily confounded with it; then the excellence of Christianity will fhine confpicuous and indifputable; then all its evidences will operate on the understanding with their full force; then its truth will be strikingly perceived, like the beauty of a fine picture placed in a proper light; then too Christianity will have its native influence on the temper and practice of mankind; it will be a vital principle of real goodness; virtue and joy, its amiable children, will ftand up and declare, with a voice of irresistible perfuafion, that it is truly the offspring of the Moft High. Every man, who is actuated by the gofpel, will feel its truth from his own experience of its efficacy, and will have the witness within himself, that it is the word of God, the incorruptible feed of holiness and felicity. All men will fee with their eyes fuch marks of its power, as cannot fuffer them to doubt of its truth and divinity. How glorious a teftimony would this ftate of things give to our religion! What fplendour would it confer upon its evidences! The gofpel, maintained in its purity, and vigorously conceived, tends to produce this state of things; and the vigilance and oppofition of infidels is one very powerful mean of exciting Christians to maintain the gospel in its purity.

Differtations on the Genius and Evidences of Chriftianity.



Ya fervency of Spirit in ferving the Lord, muft


be understood an ardent and active defire of loving the Lord, of worshipping him in fincerity, and obeying his commands with all our heart, with all our foul, with all our mind, and with all our ftrength. It confifts not in a few tranfient fits and ftarts of natural devotion, when we are in jeopardy, without help of man; neither is it a wild blaze of religious paffion, that flashes and vanishes; much lefs fhall it be profaned by confounding it with thofe furies, enthusiasm and superftition, who would drench a country with innocent blood, under pretence of ferving the LordCurfed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is cruel. O my foul, enter not thou into their fecret!

True fervor of Spirit proceedeth from above; it is a beam from the Father of Lights, pure and benign, which at once enlightens and warms the mind; it is a ray from the Sun of Righteousness, bright even at the beginning, and which shineth more and more unto the perfect day; it is a temper wrought into the heart by the holy fpirit, compounded of love to God and of zeal for his honour, attended with charity to man.

Do ye confider, my brethren, the dignity and

importance of that religion to which your attachment is required? Do ye, reflect that this is the mafter-piece of infinite wifdom? That here the Almighty made bare his holy arm and put forth his ftrength? All events, whether profperous or adverse, whether malignant or benign, have cooperated towards the advancement of our religion. Saints have established it by their lives; martyrs have confirmed it by their deaths; hypocrites have added strength to it by their diffimulation; tyrants have purified it by their perfecutions; infidels have corroborated it by their oppofition; the arrows of its enemies have ferved for its protection; the refiftance which it has met with from the combined wit and genius, and malice of mankind, have brought forth thofe illuftrious and immortal defences which eftablifh its truth upon the basis of demonftration.

Eternal Jehovah! when we tranfgreffed against thy commandments, and loft our original innocence, thy mercy forfook us not; thou hadft compaffion upon the offspring of Adam; thine eye looked with pity; thou didst lay our help upon one who was mighty to fave; him, in the fulness of time, the ambaffador of peace, and reconciliation, and love, thou didft fend. Our ears have heard the joyful found, our eyes have feen the falvation of God. This is a day of the Son of Man! Glory be to God, that peace is proclaimed on earth, and good-will to the children of men!

God of the patriarchs who faw afar off this day: God of the prophets! who foretold its arrival: God of the righteous men who defired its approach: God of the evangelifts and apoftles! who first beheld the day of the Meffiak: God of the martyrs and confeffors! who honoured it with their blood: God of our fathers! who, within these walls, have kept it in rememberance: God of our children who will commemorate it when we fhall fleep in the duft: God of time! God of eternity! defcend now, make thyself known to us; and fill this houfe with thy glory. Amen.

Sermons, and Celebration of the Lord's Supper.

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