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matters of religion, to be the badge of Protestantism; and have deemed the exercife of charity towards thofe who differed from them to be the ornament and

glory of the Chriftian profeffion.

I have, fir, confined myself to deceafed writers, that I might avoid fwelling the work to a fize which ordinary readers would not have leifure to perufe, or ability to purchase. Otherwife I might have enriched it with many valuable teftimonies, in behalf of candour and unanimity, from living writers of the three principal claffes of profeffed Chriftians, into which the teftimonies are here diftributed. Thus it is manifeft, that the mild and conciliating fpirit of Chriftianity is so far from being extinct, that it ftill continues to produce the fame benevolent effects, for which, in former ages of the church, it has been juftly celebrated. Let not the infidel then imagine, that the benignant influence of the gofpel is circums scribed within any one period, or limited to any particular century. It is as immutable as the Deity who first gave it. It is as permanent as that eternity for which it

is eminently calculated to prepare us. All flesh is grafs, and all the glory of man like the flower of the field. The grajs withereth and the flower thereof falleth away; but the word of the Lord, with refpect both to its purity and its benevolence, endureth for ever.

A modern infidel, fir, of political notoriety is, however, fo profoundly ignorant of the nature and tendency of revealed religion, that, in a recent publication, he pronounces the fcriptures to be fources of delufion, and records of wick edness. He has, alfo indulged, himself in fcurrilous invectives against those who believe in their inspiration, and against those whofe province it is ftatedly to explain and enforce their contents. But we muft not be furprized-ignorance, calumny, and falfhood, are the means by which the empire of infidelity hath been raised and perpetuated. Chriftians of the plainest understandings know that their religion inculcates a rational piety, and prescribes the purest morality, which can be prefented to the children of men. If this piety be not interwoven in their characters, and this morality exemplified in their conduct-to the want


of religion, and not to religion itself, fhould thefe deficiences be imputed. Paul, the great apostle of the Gentiles, who understood more of the nature and experienced more of the influence of Christianity, than any individual now living, emphatically denominates it the doctrine according to godliness. There is, therefore, a degree of injustice and of cruelty, in charging it with the vices and the infirmities of its profeffors. permit me to ask the unbeliever who exults in these objections, do all the advocates of natural religion maintain a rational faith, and exhibit an unblemished reputation? In general, is it not notoriously otherwife? Does not their re jection of revelation excite a fufpicion, that they strive to evade the force of its precepts; and to refcue themselves from that wholefome reftraint, which the awfulness of its penalties impofes upon human conduct? With refpect to infirmity, the infidel and the Chriftian ftand on one common ground; nor can either of them pretend to finless perfection. But were we fairly to eftimate the practical influence of their refpective creeds, I

fhould feel no apprehenfion for the Chriftian, provided he cherished that temper, and adopted that train of conduct recommended by Jefus Chrift in the New Teftament. Were men to take the fame pains to believe, which they take to difbelieve THE GOSPEL, the triumphs of infidelity would ceafe-its attendant vices difappear, and Christianity, in its purest and most benignant form, would (agreeable to the intimations of ancient prophecy) reach to the uttermost parts of the earth. To afcribe uncharitableness and perfecution to the religion of Christ, is to afcribe darkness to the fun, or diforder to the established laws of the univerfe!

This little publication, fir, may also prove ferviceable to young men who are educating for the Chriftian ministry. It may bring them acquainted with theological writers of enlarged fentiments and genuine liberality, and thus prevent them from entertaining thofe contracted notions of the most amiable religion in the world, into which young minifters, from their want of better information, are

known to have been precipitated. Too frequently, alas! initiated into the dogmas of a party, and driven by a zeal not according to knowledge, they have impeded their own usefulness, and injured the interefts of the Chriftian church. Uncharitableness is the germ of perfecution. It is, therefore, of the highest importance, that thofe, who in the public fervices of the fanctuary, are destined to lead the devotion, and in a measure to form the religious temper of multitudes, fhould themselves drink deep into the liberal spirit of the New Teftament, and affiduoufly cherish that benign temper which advances and adorns the truth as it is in Jefus.

Nor can I, fir, conclude, without expreffing a hope that my own congregation, and, indeed, that all ferious and candid profeffors of Christianity, will derive fome benefit from the perufal of the following pages. In thefe times of inftability and of lukewarmnefs, this felection may ferve to confirm their faithto enliven their hopes-and to invigorate their religious affections. Here they will

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