3 Sa de ryah sa gets koh, 4 Ne shon gwen he ya seh, O nen sho don he tonh; 5 Ro ronh ya gen tah kon, Teyerihwahkwatha 21. S. M. ge nih a gwe ri, A Re eh en wat kah ten; Ne Ne sa nak ta do genh ti geh, 2 Ne I se ehts yen ah, Te gwa nonh we ra ton: 3 YE SUS o rih wi yoh, O wi ra do genh ti; 3 Extol his kingly power, Kiss the exalted Son, 4 5 6 Who died, and lives to die no more, Our advocate with GOD, He undertakes our cause, And spreads through all the earth abroad That bloody banner see, And in your Captain's sight, Fight the good fight of faith with me, My fellow-soldiers, fight: In mighty phalanx join'd, To battle all proceed; Arm'd with th'unconquerable mind Which was in CHRIST your Head. Hymn 21. S. M. And thank thee for the precious gift 3 And to the world thy goodness tell, JESUS, The Holy Child, 4 5 6 Yo to genh ji hon ne o nenh Shon gwa wi ken ten ron, Ne Ni yoh on gwe Ro ya ner, Ka yan ne ren sah he, Ne shon gwa no ronh kwa, Ron wa yen ne on gwe. 7 Ro ya nert se ra gon, 8 A os kon ji ro ni ten ron Ten je te ni on gweh, Ji ni ya go tye ren; O ni sea ni ten res kon hak, 9 O ne ta gwa ye nahs, 10 Ne se ni gonh ri yoh, 4 5 6 7 8 9 That God and man are reconciled, Salvation through his name And loud his infant cries proclaim A peace on earth he brings Which never more shall end: Declares himself our Friend; Assumes our flesh and blood, His kingdom from above And pure benevolence and love O'erflow the faithful heart: Changed in a moment, we The new-born Prince of Peace, And in his love increase! 10 Till he convey us home, Cry every soul aloud, E Ni ya te yon gyonk went ja geh, Teyerihwahkwatha 22. C. M. HI ha di nonh ne kats he nen, 2 Toh sa se wah te ronn n'i se, 3 Da wed I se sa na ta gon, 5 Wa gen ron ne Se raph nen genh, Ne wa tyoh swat he ne; Ka ronh ya geh ro non gon ton, 6 Ra on we senh tse ra Ni yoh, Onh went ja geh ka yen: Ka yan ne renh on gweh a go wenhk, Yo dah sa we on weh. |