Come, thou desire of nations, come, W Hymn 22. С. М. [night, HILE shepherds watch'd their flocks by 2 "Fear not," said he, (for mighty dread "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you, and all mankind. 3 "To you in David's town, this day, The SAVIOUR, who is CHRIST the LORD, 4 "The heavenly babe you there shall find 5 Thus spake the seraph, and fortwith 6 "All glory be to God on high, Teyerihwahkwatha 23. C. M. N TE Ro ya ner ken tho, Ne ne onh wen ja geh, Ka ronh ya geh Ni yoh na ah! Ne a goks ten ho gon. 2 Ne na ron wa ton renh, 3 Ne t'ya ga weh tah kon, N'onh wa geh ne on gweh: Gon wa thon dats ra o wea na, Ne a ga we rya neh 4 Ji ya wen he yonh ne, 5 Tes ho nonh ya ni eh, Ne seh shon gwen ten ron; Ra nih hah ro ronh ya gea on, K'ris tus ro ni ten ron. Hymn 23. P. M. THE LORD of earth and sky, The God of ages praise! Who reigns enthroned on high, Ancient of endless days! Who lengthens out our trials here, And spares us yet another year. 2 Barren and wither'd trees, We cumber'd long the ground! On our dead souls was found; 3 When Justice bared the sword Cried "Let it still alone!" The FATHER mild inclines his ear, And spares us yet another year. 4 JESUS! thy speaking blood From God obtain'd the grace; To thy great praise abound: Teyerihwahkwatha 24 S. M. O jis tohk ho gon gon di gen, Ka rah kwa onh went ja. 2 Te yoh swat he tah kon, Te yo ron ron ton yon, Ne ji ni yonk hi ga en yon, Ji te wa ya tah tonhs! 3 Ken se te yoh swat he, Weh ni se ra ten yon! 'The non te yoh swat he tah kon, Ni yoh ra o wea na. 4 She gon gon gwah ton nihs Tyo ga rahs ne tyon gweh, Ken se teh shon gwa ga ne re! Ne shon gwa ga en yon. 5 YE SUS ro nek hwa onh, Ne na aori wa; Ro tenh the on onh went ja geh, 6 Wa ho ni ren tenh re Teyerihwahkwatha 25. С. М. MA ya ner non wa or hon geh, Ta gi tenr sat hon dek, S Hymn 24. S. M. W O Day-star from on high, The sun itself is but thy shade, Yet cheers both earth and sky. 2 Let thy orient beams The night of sin disperse, 4 O may no gloomy crime 5 May we this life improve, 6 TO GOD the FATHER, SON, Hymn 25. С. М. LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high; |