A ge wea na eh wa gat tye, 2 A on tye sen 'on dah sye na, Ne ra o rea na do genh ti, 4 Wa gi tenh ge rih wa ne rax, A on sah ski ten re ni ih, 5 Wa ge wea na tha i se geh, Ji yo de rih wa gwa rih syonh, Teyerihwahkwatha 26. S. M. S E wat kah thoh non wa 2 Ska en yonh sa don hets, 3 Sea nonh ton yonh ka di, Eht she rih wa yen hahs; To thee I will direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where CHRIST is gone 3 Thou art a GOD before whose sight Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, feet 4 O may thy Spirit guide my 5 Now to thy house will I resort, S Hymn 26. S. M. EE how the morning sun And wide proclaims his MAKER's praise With every bright'ning ray. 2 Thus would my rising soul Its heavenly Parent sing; Ik kenh na tet ya ga ne re, 4 Te sah swat hek ka di, ya ner! 5 Ik kenh wa dok ta ne, Ji son he ne ken thoh, Teyerhwahkwatha 27. C. M. So ji wa ge ni gonh rax te, 2 Ni yoh ra ge nonh ne, 3 Ta ge rih wi yoh stenh Ni yoh, Ne en wa gya ta nonhs ta tye, Ji ni ya geh se re. 4 Ka rah kwa te yoh swat he tonh, Ne tenkh kah ne ra tye se ke I slept, and I awoke, and found Devote, O LORD, to thee; Hymn 27. C. M. NOW WOW from the altar of our hearts," Assist us, LORD, to offer up, Our evening sacrifice. 2 This day God was our sun and shield, Our keeper and our guide; His care was on our weakness shown, 3 Minutes and mercies multiplied, Have made up all this day; Minutes came quick, but mercies were 4 New time, new favours, and new joys, Do a new song require; Till we shall praise thee as we would Teyerihwahkwatha 28. L. M. Ne wa hon ni gonts ha nih se. Ka nos ha on ne wa het kenh. 3 O ya non wa non sa gye re, Ak kwa ta go a gwe rya neh; A ge no ronh kwe sa wea na, Teyerihwahkwatha 29. S. M. Sa wenh on weh ne neh en yon, 2 Ko rah ko wa na ah, Ak ta yes hen te ron: |