4 The FATHER hears him pray, The presence of his SON: His SPIRIT answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of GOD. 5 My GoD is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear: With confidence I now draw nigh, Hymn 40. 8's & 7's. H Hail, thou everlasting King! AIL! thou once despised JESUS! Thou did'st suffer to redeem us; O ni a gwa te henh se ra Ni yoh she tenh re n'on gwe Ra Yon gwen tenht 'gwa rih wa ne ren Teyerhwahkwatha 41. S. M. JEHT te se rih wah kwe, Mo ses ne o ni ne; On gwe rih on gwea nah son, 2 Te se ri wahk o ni, Ne teht se rih wah kwas, By a mighty Love annointed, Through the virtue of thy blood; Peace is made 'twixt man and GOD. 3 JESUS, hail! enthroned in glory, There for ever to abide! All the heavenly hosts adore thee, Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honour, power, and blessing Help, ye bright angelic spirits! Hymn 41. S. M. WAKE, and sing the song Wake every heart and every tongue, 2 Sing of his dying love, Sing of his rising pow'r ; Ra shats te teht se rih wah kwas, 3 Yon gwa rih wa ne ren, Ne te se rih wah kwas; Ka ronh ya geh non ka dih kon, 4 K'ris tus ko rah ko wah, 5 Nen we ah O nok na, En jon da di non ge: Eh yen yon we tyo neh ra gwaht, Teyerihwahkwatha 42. L. M. R Ji tho nak te yo neh ra gwaht; Jonh wen ja gwe gon yen s'wa we, Jen te rih ne ne Ro ya ner. 2 Ne na Ni yoh ra on ha ah, En hah sa nok en sha rih si ; O na wats ta ra on nya ton, Ne on gweh se wah ton se re. 3 On gyon ha na ra on gwe ta, Ra nonh na tyes' n'on gwa don hets: Ne ra shats tenh se ro wa nen, Rah sea na do genh ti ko wah. 3 4 Sing how he intercedes above, Soon will ye hear him say, Hymn 42. L. M. EFORE Jehovah's awful Throne; Bre nations bow with sacred joy Know that the Lord is God alone, 2 His Sov'reign power without our aid, 3 We are his people, we his care, H |