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Teyerihwahkwatha 49. C. M.
YOH na wa det o'ne gwenh sa,
Ro nek hwa on Ni yoh!


Ya go rih wa ne ren e tho,
Na gonh ji eh non weh.

2 Ne sa ne enh ska no ha re,
Ne ka rih wa ne ren;
Ye nenhs kwahs kwe 'ya i he ya,
Weh ni se ra deh hwe.

3 Ne ka no ron ne ro ryoh ton,
Ro nek hwa on ne the:
Ra o nonh sa do genh ti geh,
Ne Ni yoh eh non weh.

4 'Nen je sa rih wi yohs tah kon,
Ne nen ti seh tah kon,

Ne na nenht se no ronh kwa ge,
Eh yen sa don kok ton.

5 Ne teht se rih wah kwa se hek,
Tha o nea neh ja genh ;

Tse neh sea nah son enh sa te,
da wah se.


ye ya

Teyerihwahkwatha 50. L. M.
EN shak to genst' yo neh ra gwaht
Ne ra ya ta no ron go wak;


On we senh s❜ra wah ren he ye,

Wa gat kon yenh ston ne t'ka gont.

Hymn 49. C. M.
Praise for Redemption.

Drawn from Immanuel's veins;

And sinners plung's beneath that flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.

2 The dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day;
And there have I, tho' vile as he,
Wash'd all my sins away..

3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood,
Shall never lose its power;

7 8

Soon shall the blood-bought Church of God,
Be sav'd to sin no more.

4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream,
Thy flowing wounds supply;
Redeeming Love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.

5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing thy power to save;
When this poor lisping stam'ring tongue,
Lies silent in the grave.


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HEN I survey the wond'rous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.


2 Ro rih was ten ne Ro ya ner,
Ye na ye se ka ni gon ra;
Kris tus a ge Ni yoh sron he,
A gwe gon ok ho ri wa gon.
3 Ne ya te gya ti ji ni yoht,
En hi ya de wea no tah kwe;
Ra o non ji neh rah snon geh,
Rah si geh ji ni ya wea on.
4 Yo ni gonhrax hat ka no ron,
O hik ta ro nonh wa ro ron:
Ne na ron wa go na tah kon,
Tyo gwek ton ji ni ya wea on.

Teyerihwahkwatha 51. C. M. "O nen kanh ra wah ton ta ne, En yoh te ron ne na;


Ona wats ta ka nonh so te,

N'a gye ron ta genh ha

2 Yenh skad kah tho ne ne kshon neh, Enk ken ne ak shea na;

Shi gon he kah ya tonh ji hon,
A on gwa ton ra ton.

3 Ya we kon n'yon da di ten ren,
Ne ye rih wa ne rax,

Wa ge rih wa ne ren Ye sus:

Ne en sha ra ge we.

4 Te weh ya rak ro nek hwa on, Yonk hi rih wi yohs ten;

2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God;
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.

3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet!
Or thorns compose so rich a crown!
4 Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Hymn 51. C. M.

In Sickness.

HEN languor and disease invade

W This trembling house of clay,

'Tis sweet to look beyond our cage,
And long to fly away.

2 Sweet to look back and see my name
In life's fair book sat down;
Sweet to look forward, and behold
Eternal joys my own.

3 Sweet to reflect how grace divine.
My sins on Jesus laid:

Sweet to remember that his blood
My debt of suff'ring paid.

4 Sweet in his righteousness to stand,
A work forever done:

Ji yo

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En ji te wa ta ne.

5 Ya go dahs kats n'ya ge yah re,
Weh ni se ra ten yon,
Enh sha go ni gonh ra yehs ten,
Ne jon dat re wah tha.

Teyerihwahkwatha 52. L. M. GWE gon ye na ge ro nyon, Eh ta geh jika ronh ya de;


Then te ron shon gwa ya tis son,
Eh ji te wa ton rea ni hek.

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2 Ji ni yen hen we Ro ya ner,
Ro ni ten rehs kon ko wa nen;
To genh ske ka seh tah kon hak,
Ne ra olwea na ne je nah.}\,

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Teyerihwahkwatha 53. C. M.
A ronh ya gon yo don ha rahk,
A don wes henh tse ra :
On gwa honh ta yo na thon de,


Yo nah ron gen o nenh.

2 Wa hon ni a yon gwat te ronhk, Ne na ka ronh ya gon:

Ya ge wea na ni ha ra ne,

Ne onh wen ja gwe gon.

3 Ken tyoh kwa na non ka shats ten, Ka di te wah ronk hak,


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